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About actonion

  • Birthday December 25

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    somewhere street

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    far away

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  1. Buy one Beer for the price of Two, and get the Second one Free !!!
  2. It's been happening in Bang Saen for more then 20 Years long before the Chinese and Indians came, but yes they're just as bad
  3. Would a Boy in Brown recognise reckless driving,? being Thai themselves they drive as stupid as the next one
  4. Him with the Beret,..... He thinks he's John Wayne ready for a shoot out
  5. Get out more, take yourself to Bang Saen Chonburi province on a Sunday late afternoon & see the Mountain of plastic left by Bangkok weekenders or get new glasses
  6. Yes its understandable that they will charge a perecentage on Credit cards while they wait for their payment, but Debit cards = instant cash into their account, which is why i question it...
  7. No body has to look down on Thai's , but leaving garbage is certainly their trademark..."I love Thailand" they say, so why destroy every space with garbage
  8. Plenty of 2 week Millionaires about
  9. I have a Siam Commercial Bank account with a Debit card..Does anyone know why i can use this card in several shops in Pattaya to pay my shopping bills BUT places like Travel agents, Car dealerships, some, but not all Restaurants charge 2 or 3% for using this card, when i ask why they charge a percentage they tell me its because the Banks charge them, I question the Bank the lady shrugs her shoulders...
  10. Embarrassed i think, with his Red blushing face
  11. My ex Thai Girlfriend was an English Teacher in a Government School, she invited me to sit in & listen to her Teach English.. 1; Her English is not good enough to be teaching it 2; Most of the kids aged 9 to 12 Years old spent the whole lesson playing with their Telephones,... Telephones at 9 years of age !! I was told by another Teacher, they cannot see themselves every leaving Thailand so why should they learn English
  12. I had problem with a Thai neighbour, he called the police to try settle the matter, my Thai wife asked for a Translator to translate what the Police were talking about, he said he was a Lawyer, & that i should forget about going to Court over this matter because being a Farang you will never win...I replied how does it feel to be a Lawyer in such a Corrupt country.....No answer was his reply

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