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About actonion

  • Birthday December 25

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    somewhere street

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  1. Yes they do. I had an Annual appointment with a Doctor, my Thai Wife asked me if she could see the Doctor too, when we came to the Cashier the prices were different, mine of course was higher than my Wife's, when i asked why, they told me its Hospital Policy to charge foreigners more.. ..Two months ago i wrote to this particular (International) Hospital asking if this "Hospital policy" was correct, I also wrote to all International Hospitals in Pattaya asking the same question, and if so , Why......My question to all Hospitals remain unanswered
  2. No they should not,.......... I refuse many times, but I am charged for the service ( I did'nt receive), .. when I get to the cashier I point out to the cashier that I did not receive the Blood Pressure etc. readings, she then deletes that cost...
  3. Use "Brasso" available in most Supermarkets, its a Metal Polish and slightly abrasive, but can remove light Scratches /Tar etc.. from a Cars paint work
  4. Any Massage should be given by a fully medicaly l trained physiotherapist, the others do more damage
  5. Make it Suicide, it will save on the paper work
  6. 1965, British Amy, in Aden (Yemen), posted in a Sangar, 3 Mortar Bombs dropped on us, 2 collegues died, i escaped with lifetime Deafness / VIsion problems, that's as near death as you wanna be
  7. Yes Cherry taxi pattaya always reliable
  8. I'm an early bird when shopping, I bought 2 of those cooked Chickens in Big C extra and was on the Toilet for a couple of days, I'm sure they put yesterdays stuff out, and re heat it for who knows how many days, bringing it closer to the Nose, ye, it had a bad smell, other cooked meats in that store is past its sell by dates too
  9. For a 100baht I'll put my GPMG in the boot
  10. They bottle it, loss of face an all that, then explode later
  11. I was involved with a 17 year old on his Honda Wave this week.. The 17 year old had No Driving Licence, No Por A Bor Government Insurance, No Road Tax, and admitted to doing 85kph in a 50 kph area. The kids was sent to Hospital and no charges bought by the Police
  12. Respectful "Paying" guests at that
  13. And no Hospitals for the many Mentally disturbed people
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