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About actonion

  • Birthday December 25

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    somewhere street

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  1. My Mrs went for an Annual smear test with the Gynie doctor while i was having the prostate procedure, they found stage 2 cancer which is why they said she needed a full hysterectomy, she is now on hormone replacement, they have now suggested she has a follow up Scan, these annual checks apparently go on for 5 years following her operation..she is gaining weight very fast,despite her dieting
  2. I had a Prostate ( Rezum) procedure done in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital 2 year ago at a cost of 200,000 Baht...It was the advertised price so presumably the same cost for Thai's and Farangs. the procedure took 20 minutes followed by 4 or 5 Hours in the recovery room after which i was allowed Home , Two months later my Thai Wife had a Histerectomy operation in the same hospital, the operation was 4 to 5 hours long, & then a 4 days stay in the Hospital, total cost 300,000 B, it seems to me my Wife had a better deal, cost wise
  3. Not enough Water in Summer, not enough Gas in Winter, not enough Drainage when it Rains...
  4. As I said on another post about "Stabbing over a fried Egg" ,.. and the same applies to this post = Thailand needs more Hospitals the Mentally disturbed people there, of which there are a growing number
  5. Fried Eggs = Stabbing = More Hospital's needed for the Mentally disturbed Thai's
  6. Bum Gun great for putting your Piles back in order
  7. The local Pattaya Government's answer to the dust problem last year was to hose a few South Pattaya Streets with a water Truck !!!
  8. The Gastro Doctor at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital quoted me 18,000b for the Colonoscopy in 2024 which was a lot cheaper than the Sriracha hospitals at that time, being put to sleep for the procedure too
  9. Bum Gun stops you biting your Nails
  10. I dont believe there are bad Dogs, just bad owners
  11. Sounds like you're complaining
  12. Shoot the owner for mistreating the Dog, along with so many other owners who mistreat their dog's, by throwing them into the local Temple Car park or abandoning them on Motorway's +++
  13. Probably round them up as they used to do in Pattaya, and take them to the Crocodile farm as live food ...
  14. yes.so much for bloved pet and bhudda teachings

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