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Posts posted by n00b

  1. My girlfriend is having some problems understanding my explanation on how to use her Hotmail account. She had some idea that she had to pay someone just to make it for her at the internet. So instead I registered a new Hotmail account for her and sent her the details but she does not understand my instructions.

    Go to an internet cafe. Open MSN Messenger. If you don't know how, ask someone working there to help you open it. Once you have opened it type in _______ as username and _________ as password.

    She could not understand the instruction in English, my simple verbal Thai or Google's translation. Anyone?

  2. Thanks for the info on the ovens. Will have a look at it next time I'm in Thailand, going back in September. Will rent for three months in one place then. Right now I am already settled in an apartment in View Talay 2A. It's okay. I can manage without good pizza until I get home.

  3. Every kebab I have had in Thailand has been a disappointment until I made one myself. The sauce is bad. Tastes more like yoghurt or tzatziki than kebab dressing and they use way too little of it. Besides that they are small and barely contain anything at all. Only options are lettuce, tomato and onion.

    Where is the corn, jalapeños, cucumber and paprika?

  4. I have been looking at apartments all day. Never mind the oven. I gave up, it seems they are non existent in Thailand.

    I settled on a 600/night+ electricity (50-150?) studio apartment with a kitchen, lcd tv and a decent microwave. But I have no ambition of making any decent food in that microwave. They are useless for making good food. My girl can cook Thai food but I need good western food, especially pizza. I am so tired of soups and anything that involves rice.

    Next quest. Where can I order a good base pizza? I just want to order the best cheese pizza with nothing else on as I will put the toppings on myself. I am craving pizza with beef slices, black olives and jalapeños. Not the super thin Italian style where the slices can't be held and everything falls off when you try.

    I found two of the three ingredients in NY Pizza House but they lacked beef and did not know what garlic sauce was (they came with some blank sauce). Also their pizza was sweaty and soft under and when I asked for the extra cheese to be put on top of the toppings they just filled the top with parmesan(!). Apart from that they have the best pizza I have eaten so far in Asia.

  5. I would like to rent an apartment for a week or two for any time in the period between now and the 21st of May in Central/South Pattaya or Jomtien Beach area. This is mainly because I have been in Thailand for six weeks now and I am tired of leaving the room every time we go eat and the complete lack of good pizzas in Thailand. I am craving a good pizza like nothing else right now so I need a place with an oven, not just a microwave which seems to be the standard everywhere I look online. Budget is up to 7000 a week.

  6. I received an SMS that I can't get onto my computer. I tried to send it to "my site" on the phone service provider but it translated into ?????????????????????????????. So, I went through the trouble of writing it down, take a snapshot of it and try to seek help online. Does anyone have a clue what this message says? Would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


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