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Posts posted by womble

  1. Yes but if you were Bangkok air owner wouldn't you like it that all these stupid customers pay so high rate for their flight... ?


    Several years ago as a way to hedge against the high prices of tickets I nearly invested in the Bangkok airways property fund. Just wondering if anyone here did.

    Also wondering what the returns so far have been like?

    Can anyone shed light.

    I imagine the returns should be pretty good considering it is the most profitable route. So profitable infact that they are one of the regions most profitable airlines. They buck the trend of most airlines these last few years in that they are consistantly making large profits.

    So much from the samui route infact that it is allowing them to undercut other airlines on routes with lots of competition such as bkk-phuket.

    I would hate to see a second airport on samui, but an airport in Donsak right next to ferry terminal with high speed ferry would ruin them.

    I am grateful for their insight and this obviously led to Samui's initial growth. The fact is though we cannot be held to ransom for ever, this is why the UK has the monopolies and mergers commission.

    The fact they can afford to have lost leader routes means we are being vastly overcharged.

    Like I said before I don't mind paying 3500 considering the fuel costs, 5000 baht is quite frankly taking the piss.

    They are not interested in the future of the Island or the damage they are doing.

    When a company take on a concession or holds a monopoly they are duty bound to the public both customers and the other business that rely on them to provide a service that balances profits/public good. Especially on an island as small as samui.

    Infact I would say that due to the fact they alone are mostly responsible for the rapid growth they have to take a good hard look at themselves.

    I'm totally serious when I say local business should get together and form a union of sorts that sits down and regulates a fair price.

    At preset we have fewer panes flying in as they can earn the same $ on fewer flights at a higher per person charge.

    For the island it would be much better for a lower rate and more daily flights.

    Basically with the aid of a few under the table payments they are holding the whole island to ransom when they could easily lower flight price, bring more people in an have the hotels and restaurants busier. Ultimatley creating more jobs and more tax income for the government.

    But why bother with this when you can do the same with high prices and less incoming passengers and flights.

    I guess those high up support it as it brings in those stayingin 5* acom, the famous high end tourist we hear so much about.

    I would hate to hear 747 landing over chaweng and bophut, but a short high speed ferry ride of 30 mins would make it easily viable and spread the wealth around.

    I hope some generals are listening as a new army runway at donsak would be great.

    Or we could totally flatten that island south of samui and reclaim the shallow waters bewteen the two islands. Joke!

    Anyway something must be done. Woudln't a picket line be great.......


    A well written petition would be a good start though.

    • Like 1
  2. I can't believe the original poster is recommending Nok Air to Samui. :annoyed::blink::unsure:

    Let see if I got this right.

    Don Meung to Nakon Sri Tammarat, then take a bus to the pier, then a boat to Samui? The 6am flight arrive to Samui Pier 5 hours later?

    I could see flying NOK to Chiang Mai or anywhere else. But to Samui it just seems crazy.

    From Bangkok (Don Mueang) To Koh Samui (Nar Ton Pier) (Flight + Hi-speed Catamaran)

    Origin Destination Dept. Arr. Transportation Mode

    DMK NST 06:00 07:10 Flight

    NST LAM 07:40 09:05 Air conditioned Coach

    LAM NTP 10:00 10:40 Hi-Speed Catamaran


    DMK = Bangkok (Don Mueang)

    NST =Nakhon Si Thammarat

    LAM = Surat Thani (Laem Thuat Pier)

    NTP = Koh Samui (Nar Ton Pier)

    "I can't believe the original poster is recommending Nok Air to Samui."

    He is recommending an alternative to the RIP OFF merchants called BKK air at Samui if you missed the point??

    You can continue to get ripped off if you so chose mate but others less affluent than yourself may choose this alternative.

    Oh and its spelt Nathon not Nar ton. Cheers .:D

    Point is..how is 400 Baht more, a rip-off when you save over 3 hours travelling by BA in comparison with Nok?

    Is this going to make any difference to anybodies affluence??

    Really, if you follow all the BA threads they are allegedly the big bad wolf for not giving away their commercial advantage of owning the airport to share with others at little/no cost. There is nothing to stop other operators from using the airport if they feel that the charges are commercially viable. Some do.

    (Seems to me that some posters consider it a right to row in on others commercial savvy).

    Anyway, I don't think that NOK is a serious contender to BA if the only thing that they can offer is 400 Baht saving and a dubious 3 and a half hours extra time. And only two flights a day with no changes allowed.

    Hardly competition to BA and not really worthwhile shooting oneself in the foot by considering a boycott.

    If you re-read my post you will see the saving was considerably more than 400 baht, I paid 1990 all inc.

    Perhaps fly down bkk air and up nok air? That way you don't have to get up early, and the saving on the second flight makes the return a more sensible price.

    Looking at prices on the website it seems I was lucky to get 1990baht, most tickets are around 2500 all inc.

    I agree bkk air is more convenient, I never said it wasn't, infact in general I praised most of there service. It's the price and the crappy atr's that I dislike most + the waiting in lounge and buses + long walk in swampy..............(sorry to sound repetitive, but some people just don't read the posts properly).

  3. Last week I flew up with Bangkok air, ticket price was nearly 5k. I just returned on nok air with the high speed cat for 1990 all inc! More than half price and flying into don meung is a breeze.

    When you take into consideration the time it takes to drive from swampy to Sukhumvit (thats where I stay anyway), and the fact you have to check in 1 1/2 hrs before your flight at swampy due to the huge walking distance. It really isn't that much longer to go with nok air.

    In fact i'd say from hotel door (lower sukhumvit) to Nathon pier with Nok air VS Hotel door, swampy to samui airport with bkk air, difference in time is around 2hrs max.

    The bkk air flights rarely leave on time, and I absolutley hate the way the herd you into the buses but even tho the first bus is full, no bus can leave till all the buses are full. They leave you in the bangkok airways lounge for ages, then tell you the flight is boarding only to leave you in the horrible departure lounge that is freezing cold with really uncomfortable seats, just before leaving you standing squashed for ages on the bus waiting for the last person on the last bus.

    My return was under 2k, compared to 5k flying up. I can certainly put up with a short high speed ferry and coach ride for a return price of under 5k!!

    Return for same price as 1 way.

    Bangkok air is seriously damaging business on this island.

    I have stood up for them for years. They do provide excellant service, and samui airport is great. What I dislike is the bangkok end. Firstly the journey to swampy from where I stay. Second the long walk in the airport. Third the price of food in swampy, and then what i already mentioned, all the wasted time in the lounges and standing in the bus. These are small complaints tho, on the whole bkk air is very good, the price is what pisses me off.

    On all other routes they are priced sensibly as they have competition, the samui price is now getting silly. At nearly 5k each way it is one of the most expensive flights for the distance in the world. Perhaps kuwait-Iraq is more?

    I think we should all boycott bkk air, sign a petition. They make out they have cheaper seats available but when you try to book on internet they are all booked. Then you get on the flight and it is half full!!!

    The other thing that really annoys me is when I book a ticket and the telephone operator tells me I am on a Jet, then it turns out they have put me on one of those crappy prop planes.

    Has anyone noticed that since the crash they lie and tell you props are jets. I now ask for the landing time, that way you can tell whether it is atr or jet. Quite often find myself catching them lying to me trying to get me on a prop. 5k for a one way flight on a prop plane.................

    Anyway Door to door the difference is less than 2hrs, and for half the price I think that is well worth it. Family of 4 now pays around 16-18k instead of 40k!!!!!!

    IF we boycott we will defo force them to offer a decent price for expats, if we can convince enough tourists perhaps we can hit them where it hurts. Remember they have a property fund that has to get decent returns. If we can make a significant dent in those returns changes will have to be made.

    Anyway after trying it out for the first time, I will no longer be using Bkk air unless they revert back to the old price of 2750 baht. But in light of the cost of fuel I would be prepared to pay 3500 all inc. No way will I pay nearly 5k for a 45 minute flight again!

    • Like 1
  4. Currently living in Koh Samui and the place just gets more and more expensive. With a young family there are limited options for schooling and only one over priced hospital of any satisfactory standard.

    My question is would a move to Somewhere up north such as Chiang Mai make $ go a lot futher? I have 50-60k a month to support myself, the mrs and a 1 year old. Costs will rise as the little one gets older and needs schooling.

    I'm used to living on a salary several times the figure mentioned, but I wish to save so I'm looking at options that would make it easier to save as much as possible.

    At present my rent alone is 30k, what sort of $ would a comfortable 2 bed in Chiang mai cost? Here the 30k gets you a nice 2 bed with small pool.

    Would I be looking at the same up there or would similar be cheaper.

    I have been in Thailand a while, but know nothing about the north. I know issan is cheap, but i'm not keen on a move there. I have friends in Chiang Mai + I like the idea of living somewhere that has all the department stores (for baby clothes etc), without the pollution of Bangkok or the sleeze of Pattaya.

    I also like the idea of being able to drive up into the hills for the cooler air during the hot spells. I'm basically just looking for somewhere that is a bit more family friendly, and a bit easier on the wallet.

    I need to put $ away for school fees, so if a move up there would make it easier then it's be something i'd seriously consider.

    I went to Chiang Mai 10 years ago and it was very obvious how much cheaper it was, perhaps this has all changed now and it's the same there as down here now.

    Can anyone shed some light?

    any answers much appreciated.

  5. Ok guys lake will be open to fish very soon.........

    There are also plans to enlarge the lake which will make it by far the largest fishing lake on Samui. There will also be electric provided to all swims, and some will have simple shelter from sun and rain.

    I will shortly be providing a list of species. The range will keep those of all styles very satisfied. PM me for the list so far or to suggest a species.

    A few swims on the lake will be suitable for flyfishing, and all the species that will take the lures will also take fly, these swims are perfect as these areas have no obstructions behind, so casting is easy. For those who wish to ledger in the style they do back home for carp, we will have swims for you and we are stocking various species of carp and cats. The section of lake where people will be allowed to target the larger species will be mostly snag free, although there will be a couple of snags just to make things more interesting. It will also be a great lake for match fishing so those who like to use a waggler or a pole can start burying your chicken carcasses cos i'm pretty sure the local shops don't stock coloured or scented maggots You'll also be happy to hear that after the lake is enlarged your fish will never make it to the opposite bank. One of the main reasons for enlargening the lake is to make sure those that wish to target the bigger species will be able to get a decent run out of them. When I hook a monster I want to be scared of being spooled, I hate it when you know the fish is only capable of stripping 50m of line due to the opposite bank.................... As I mentioned before the lake will be stocked sensibly, not overcrowded. You will not catch 20 monsters in a 3 hr session like some lakes dotted around this country. If you wanna catch the big fish you will need to put in the hrs. Just like you had to when you wanted a 40lb carp back home.

    I want to make it a members only lake, where you use your own gear and come and go as you please.

    Please PM Womble for further details & updates.

  6. Chalk it down to experiance.........You have no proof, and it really is a bad idea to go after government officials (particulary a whole office full).

    Why did you pay it? Could you not have laughed it off, made out you thought he was joking.

    You should have asked for reciept.

    Sorry but I think he tried his luck (probobally expecting you to refuse), and you didn't stand up to him.

    Many times i've had officials ask for a higher figure than what it should be, normally it's said in a jokey/half serious manner. Easy to refuse and make a joke back, but occasionally for the official it'll pay off as a few people may feel intimidated.

    If he was really heavy I would have simply taken my passport and come back the next day and asked another officer. (good excuse would be I don't have enough $ to pay 7k, only got 2k on me, oh and need my passport to get $ out of bank and then i'll be back).

  7. You can pay more, you can give extra bonuses, free bike, free room, holidays, really teach something (in my case italian food), consider like a family member, lend money, advance salary, etc etc

    but they always will go away, create gang with the other staff, steal your money (also in presence of CCTV !) so, in my case, I got use to the idea to change my staff in a lapse of time between few months until a couple of years.

    CCTV - you can have the latest zoom, infrared technolgy, but it's very easy to find blind spots or work around it, generally the places that treat staff best, give bonuses and advances get flecced the most.

    Giving extra $ in Thailand is seen in most cases as an act of stupiidity or weakness, not kindness that should be reqarded with hard work (except in rare occasions).

    Treat like kids, fine for lateness and have other financial penalties for sloppy work. I always used to think this was horrible practise, but it really is the only thing that works.

    Also notice you can put in all the checks and balances you want, computerised systems, CCTV, in the end they will still cheat, if you make it almost impossible to steal from you then they will just steal from customer by pouring drinks short then selling one without writing it down, or they will short change them.

    Please note this is only about bar a restaurant trade.

    May I also point out that I know people who treat staff like family and they are being robbed blind, I see it with my own eyes.

  8. Been looking for Cocktail staff that speak good english for years, can rarely find.

    Anyone know where to find good bar staff, best places to advertise?

    Also stealing is a huge problem here in samui.

    LEarnt from expericance never have people who know each other previously work together, and try to make a mixture of people from Issas, South, Bangkok. Never from same town, you will end up with a gang.

  9. Thanks for info. Are you near the scene, wombie?

    I was there 20 mins ago, loads of rescue waiting, I bumped into a friend he told me all he knew which wasn't much and often in these early stages not accurate, I can say he said 67 people on the two boats 7 bodies recovered and on their way back, now I must stress this could easily be 7 people recovered on their way back safely, like I said it's two early to tell and often info is very unreliable I've left the scene, just before I got home though I stopped at 7/11, three ambulances rushed past heading back towards hospitals, (maybe the first brough back to dry land), 5 mins later they were on their way back to the scene, passing me by my house, near the hospitals. With 30 odd ambulances, going back they will be end of the Q, so they must be expecting extra work.

    Ambulances and police arriving from all directions, it looks like every ambulance on the island is there plus many rescue.

    Vis is poor, it is very rough, and being full moon the tide will be very strong between the two shallow islands.

    This could be real bad.........

  10. There are more than 30 ambulances and rescue vehicles at Petcherat, also many police.

    I hear two boats were speeding along in the storm and hit each other due to reduced visibility from the rain.

    Maybe as many as 50-70 on the two boats.

    The water is very rough I hope they have jackets on, I can't see how a wooden boat moving at speed, hitting another at equal speed could be anything other than obliterated.

    I know a few going tonight, hope they are ok......

  11. Sorry guys, will reply to pms's shortly, firstly wanna get some more info and decide a few things so I can answer all the questions you have put to me. I must say there has been a great response, so it's looking like it shouldn't be too much of a problem getting this up and running.

    I've been planing to go again, but the weather has been crap, I wanted to make another trip so I could PM you all with a catch report.


    Weather permitting I will try to go in the morning or evening (or both) lol......

    After I have done one more reccy, I will invite one of you to join me.

    Must have your own frogs/spoons/lures - and reels should be spooled with 30lb braid min, pref 40lb!!!

    So hold tight for the next report which I will post here...........

  12. Never understood the whole biker thing.........

    To me these easy riders sound horrible, just hurts your ears, why? Isn't there a way of making them quieter? Some of them do look cool, perhaps if I tried riding one I would get it, for the money of those harleys though you can get a decent car.

    On the other hand......

    Sports bikes, Ducati, fireblades etc, love them and they really do sound nice, on Thai roads though total suicide.

    Those gold wings are funny, I saw some dude on one with a helmet on with the speakers on the outside of the helmet.........What is that about?

    Most of the gold wing riders seemed to be on the wrong side of forty..... Not that there's anything wrong with that, but they do seem like the perfect midlife crises accessary.

  13. For 10 years I have seen a lake in Samui that has been unfishable due to the face every inch of it was convered in weed, lillys, trees, you name it.

    I have also made sure that as it was unfishable this was where my mrs, her friends and anyone else I could convince should release their fish (for good luck).

    We have released many fish over 2kg. Normally Blah Chon. I also released some small Shado from time to time over the years. The lake is totally alive with fish. The only fish I know that are in there are Blah Shado, Blah Chon and Blah Nin, because they are the fish I have seen with my own eyes. The owner has no idea what fish are in there.

    The owner has never allowed anyfishing as they do not want people to eat the fish. That is why he purposely let the lake get overgrown. He didn't want locals fishing it, and certainly not netting it like most other lakes on Samui.

    I have done a deal with the owner and accompanied by me he has said that a limited amount of people are allowed to fish the lake, he said farang only as his fellow countrymen he says cannot be trusted and will take the fish (I do know a few thai who practise catch and release, but they are few and far between)

    Anyway the lake has recently been partially cleared and is as close to perfect as you can get for lure or fly fishing. So you could use mini poppers, imitation frogs, fly fishing gear, any medium to small size lure really.

    I want it to be a lure fishing lake.

    It is a really nice lake, a decent size and has lots of variety. Deep areas where you could use rapalas, trees coming out of the water liek at the reservoirs. Lots of shallows and weed areas perfect for blah chon.

    Fish are constantly topping.

    I fished this morning for 2 hrs from sun up and landed 6 fish, all blah chon up to 3kg, and all released. I had many more takes and follows, it really was amazing, also I lost a really big fish, it bit me off and I was using braid. I can only think it was a decent sized Shado as the rod bent right over and then the line went slack, the frog was fairly big so to swallow the whole frog and bite through the 20lb braid it would more than likely be a Shado, although a really big greedy chon could do it, or perhaps there are other species lurking with teeth. In future I will be using 30 or 40lb braid as it is snaggy.

    Anyway acording to the owner I am the first person to fish this lake at least ten years, and before that it was never seriously fished, just a few locals fishing with bamboo poles and some dough.

    I have struck a deal with the owner and I will be incharge of running a syndicate for expats, you pay a monthly or annual fee and can fish unlimited, (we will use the subscription fees to stock the lake with some really cool species and build a few huts to shelter from sun/ rain. Each time you fish there will be another very small charge, (this is to help with the upkeep of the lake).

    People who do not live on samui will be able to fish day ticket with a guide.

    We will be stricly limiting the number of members. And the amount of pressure put on the water. I want the lake to remain as natural as possible, it will not be over stocked with 1000's of blah buk etc, I am more interested in fish that take lures and flies. I may expand on this later as there are infact several lakes, but for the first lake it will be artificial baits only. (unless you are one of the lucky few fishing with us when we fish heavy tackle on the bottom to see if there are any carp or cats in there. I think there could well be some of the large predatory catfish, who knows.

    This is not a money making scheme, it is going to be a lake run by fanatical anglers for fanatical anglers............

    I plan all members to have a say in the running of the lake, we will have meetings and discuss issues such as which fish to stock and how funds from our memberships should be used.

    So if anyone is interested in fishing a virgin lake and perhaps being involved in turning it into something really special.......

    Send me a PM

  14. For 10 years I have seen a lake in Samui that has been unfishable due to the face every inch of it was convered in weed, lillys, trees, you name it.

    I have also made sure that as it was unfishable this was where my mrs, her friends and anyone else I could convince should release their fish (for good luck).

    We have released many fish over 2kg. Normally Blah Chon. I also released some small Shado from time to time over the years. The lake is totally alive with fish. The only fish I know that are in there are Blah Shado, Blah Chon and Blah Nin, because they are the fish I have seen with my own eyes. The owner has no idea what fish are in there.

    The owner has never allowed anyfishing as they do not want people to eat the fish. That is why he purposely let the lake get overgrown. He didn't want locals fishing it, and certainly not netting it like most other lakes on Samui.

    I have done a deal with the owner and accompanied by me he has said that a limited amount of people are allowed to fish the lake, he said farang only as his fellow countrymen he says cannot be trusted and will take the fish (I do know a few thai who practise catch and release, but they are few and far between)

    Anyway the lake has recently been partially cleared and is as close to perfect as you can get for lure or fly fishing. So you could use mini poppers, imitation frogs, fly fishing gear, any medium to small size lure really.

    I want it to be a lure fishing lake.

    It is a really nice lake, a decent size and has lots of variety. Deep areas where you could use rapalas, trees coming out of the water liek at the reservoirs. Lots of shallows and weed areas perfect for blah chon.

    Fish are constantly topping.

    I fished this morning for 2 hrs from sun up and landed 6 fish, all blah chon up to 3kg, and all released. I had many more takes and follows, it really was amazing, also I lost a really big fish, it bit me off and I was using braid. I can only think it was a decent sized Shado as the rod bent right over and then the line went slack, the frog was fairly big so to swallow the whole frog and bite through the 20lb braid it would more than likely be a Shado, although a really big greedy chon could do it, or perhaps there are other species lurking with teeth. In future I will be using 30 or 40lb braid as it is snaggy.

    Anyway acording to the owner I am the first person to fish this lake at least ten years, and before that it was never seriously fished, just a few locals fishing with bamboo poles and some dough.

    I have struck a deal with the owner and I will be incharge of running a syndicate for expats, you pay a monthly or annual fee and can fish unlimited, (we will use the subscription fees to stock the lake with some really cool species and build a few huts to shelter from sun/ rain. Each time you fish there will be another very small charge, (this is to help with the upkeep of the lake).

    People who do not live on samui will be able to fish day ticket with a guide.

    We will be stricly limiting the number of members. And the amount of pressure put on the water. I want the lake to remain as natural as possible, it will not be over stocked with 1000's of blah buk etc, I am more interested in fish that take lures and flies. I may expand on this later as there are infact several lakes, but for the first lake it will be artificial baits only. (unless you are one of the lucky few fishing with us when we fish heavy tackle on the bottom to see if there are any carp or cats in there. I think there could well be some of the large predatory catfish, who knows.

    This is not a money making scheme, it is going to be a lake run by fanatical anglers for fanatical anglers............

    I plan all members to have a say in the running of the lake, we will have meetings and discuss issues such as which fish to stock and how funds from our memberships should be used.

    So if anyone is interested in fishing a virgin lake and perhaps being involved in turning it into something really special.......

    Send me a PM

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