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  1. Perhaps you are completely ignorant or the western countries teeming with 'blended families' and divorcees remarrying (twice, thrice etc.) or perhaps you have a superiority delusion that you are 'better' than 'them'. In any case good luck following the Thai males you want to replicate.
  2. Not very fair as Thailand welcomes with open arms all the Korean whore-mongering, whiskey swilling, cigarette smoking old men coming to 'holiday' in Thailand.
  3. His eyes are probably blazing crimson under those stealth glasses. Probably just wants to get rid of competition then take over.. ????
  4. Edibles = no smell whatsoever. Alcohol equivalent? There is none.
  5. For some reason cannabis consumption has been stuck in the primitive dark ages for...ages. When they extract essential oils from a flower do they light the whole flower on fire? No, they heat it gently. What's left over in the bowl or from the joint when you combust (smoke) weed? The answer is white colored, wispy ash. That's because the black <deleted> went inside YOU. What's left when you use a dry herb/flower vaporizer is black colored, dense material. This is the healthy-er option. That doesn't mean it's healthy. You are still sucking in hot, oily vapor. But it's way better than setting it on fire and sucking it in which is just plain stupid.
  6. And quite obvious the drinkers are of lower iq than the cannabis consumers.
  7. Does anyone know the current rules for exactly how long one must keep the 800k in the bank after you renew your annual visa?
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