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  1. After children die, this conspiracy theory spreading nutjob says the opposite! Yet another Trump-appointed moron!
  2. LOL, another episode of "China Fakes Everything"! 😄
  3. CCP-backed Hun Sen is clearly behind his assassination. Cambodia is a dictatorship, plain & simple.
  4. What's new in this? This lying snake-oil salesman has been sourcing his MAGA merchandise from China for years! Trump is a hypocrite who wants bigger profit margins (like 99% of American firms) but the biggest fools are his own supporters. Read: https://www.ft.com/content/9eb753d8-098a-4c05-af95-0e11fb1607df
  5. Another reason I won't park my car near an EV... that too in a covered parking space.
  6. She complains about escalating property prices in Oz but doesn't realize it's foreign migrants like her who are pushing up real estate prices in Thailand? Wait till her husband gets distracted by all the 'pristine beauty' Phuket has to offer -- and no, I don't mean the beaches.
  7. Aaaaand this is why cash handouts are a bad idea. South Korea trialled handouts before but they were smarter. The gave people pre-loaded cash cards and it came with restrictions. People could only use those cards at select stores within their communities.
  8. 300,000+ Russian men under 40 dead (so far) in an already ageing society. Remember, Putin started this war and now has further exacerbated Russia's declining population. Well done dictator!
  9. LOL, a Putin mouthpiece media outlet calling itself a "journalistic entity" 😄 Calls itself Russia Today and yet, 90% of the news is about USA and the EU.
  10. And foreigners doing sh*t like this when high is what opponents will use to ban cannabis again.
  11. Come... ON! They're still pushing this narrative? 😄
  12. That's what I was wondering as well. I thought foreigners aren't allowed to take up certain professions in Thailand, such businesses being one of them.
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