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Everything posted by mudpuppy

  1. When it comes to "sin-sot" (dowry) for Thai ladies... They get NONE if: 1. married before 2. have child/children 3. worked bar
  2. Check the stats for Brazil. Then check the stats for gun deaths per 100k residents/per country and you'll see the USA isn't even in the top 10.
  3. There are more than just "3" countries... and I wouldn't be using "businessinsider" for correct information. There are actually 8: Czech Republic Guatemala Mexico Switzerland The Philippines Ukraine United States Yemen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_keep_and_bear_arms Additionally, the following countries permit some different levels of gun ownership (even here in Oz): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_of_gun_laws_by_nation It's tragic to hear of others killing one another - via guns or other weapons. Responsible gun owners aren't the problem - it's the law breaking criminals (including Hunter Biden) who obtain gun's illegally and use them without regard for others lives. I do not believe in punishing law abiding gun owners - just as I don't believe in punishing all drivers just because some of them drive drunk and cause mayhem and death - the worst of which in the USA was in May 1988 in Carrollton, Kentucky when a drunk driver hit a bus head-on and killed 27.
  4. It doesn't matter who gets elected... Only a repeal of the 2nd Amendment will make any desired impact, but the chances of that happening are non-existent.
  5. Merit goes out the window while being replaced with... "Gimme Gimme Gimme because I have tits!" The best person for a job (- regardless of sex/race/etc... -) should be hired for a job... Otherwise they are just a liability to the other workers - and in the long term the company.
  6. Not through any official channels that I can find... You can follow up with the Thailand FDA (not CDC) https://www.fda.moph.go.th/sites/fda_en/Pages/Main.aspx Here's a great webpage showing what's approved and under trial in Thailand: https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/country/thailand/ And from the same website about Novavax... Approved in 36 countries (Thailand will catch up some day...). https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/vaccines/25/
  7. WHO approved already... https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/who-has-approved-the-novavax-covid-19-vaccine-for-emergency-use/aqzq77fjm https://www.who.int/news/item/17-12-2021-who-lists-9th-covid-19-vaccine-for-emergency-use-with-aim-to-increase-access-to-vaccination-in-lower-income-countries 50 million doses of Novavax ("Nuvaxovid" shot name in Oz) ordered by Oz. 150 million doses ordered by Japan. Approved for use in Indonesia, India, South Korea, Philippines, UK, New Zealand, and Oz. https://fortune.com/2022/02/04/novavax-vaccine-us-approval-uk-new-zealand-mrna-protein-alternative/ Currently under testing/approval process in the USA. Cheers...
  8. Agree! - But.. sadly there are many on this forum who think such horrible things about people (who are not actually sick) about taking a medication. A certain abhorrent political faction of the 1930's would be proud of the disdain being shown to "unclean" people. Some of those same people might be shocked to know that without a booster (or two - depending on where they are from/going) from their first two shots, that they are no longer considered as "vaccinated".
  9. Rewards are paid around the world for information leading the to the arrest/conviction of criminals. Does your city/state/country not pay rewards? Check out the USA FBI website for the list of rewards (some total over $10 million USD). - (edit) Seems like your home country (I'm guessing UK - "Liverpool") is part of the "wild west" as they have a reward program through their "crimestoppers" website. Seems like something you should have known...hmmmmm... me smells a troll. "Abduct him, illegally?"... Yes! Do you honestly think the Thai prosecutors will care how he ends up back in Thailand? - as long as he's there.
  10. Is there currently a reward outstanding on this guy? If so - why aren't there some motivated Europeans (reported sightings) who can put their hands on this guy and ship his sorry <deleted> back to Thailand in a small box?
  11. Here in NSW we'll have some restrictions lifted for vaccinated people starting on Monday, 11 October. The NSW government is expecting to lift most restrictions (even for unvaxxed) on 1 December. You can read it on the government website: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/easing-covid-19-restrictions?utm_campaign=2021-10-03_sfmc_349_con_covid_newsletter&utm_content=roadmap&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ServiceNSW_Consumer&utm_term=roadmap_hero_banner As for the "demo" / protests - they're ongoing down in Melbourne (Victoria).
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