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  1. Be fair, with the amount of Thais borrowing money they never pay back , they partially are
  2. One things for shore he did not go swimming
  3. How many stories this week about errant monks ? One a day at least now. Full of drunks, perverts, thieves, gamblers, assaults. Maybe they should have a new automatic 20 years sentence for breaking the a 'Monks terms of service' declaration when signing on !
  4. Chances are there will be 2 billion more people on the planet by then, maybe climate change should be connected to population control and the banning of people having more than 2 children in a family. That would help far more
  5. We all know the plan, fill the states with potential blue voters. Cynical and evil. Hopefully Trump will over turn anything the democrats do in their dying days
  6. I would have to seriously doubt that anyone comes to Thailand for just the food ! Is it an experience, sure, but a drive for a holiday, not a chance
  7. Guessing that she would be not be in it as she would be so far behind 'real' people in religious books who lived hundreds of years as to make her quite irrelevant
  8. Sorry but these stories articles really annoy me - written by people not thinking it through So normal range then So normal range then So normal range then So normal range then So normal range then So normal range then etc etc etc
  9. I'd go further than that - pay it in vouchers for certain shops - not cash
  10. Would say round-a-bouts would help this country , but i get the feeling they would just drive straight over them
  11. I'd like to think that Trump can start an investigation into her aunts insider shares trading, but likely they are all at it
  12. It's my understand that Darth Rubin was a conservative at first but turned to the dark side after Jedi master Trump came to the fore to fight the Imperialist democrats regime
  13. Can but hope that Trump changes the law to in person on the day voting with ID

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