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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. South American carrying drugs ? That's extremely unusual !
  2. What a bunch of numpties . Can anyone please explain how at least 3 of the list below can be adequately done NOW - or even in the next few years or so - to help the people suffering NOW out? Transform Thailand’s energy consumption structure by promoting the use of electric cars with more charging stations and promoting the production of electrical cars and their components such as battery and microchip Transform Thailand’s electricity production and consumption structures by promoting the use of renewable energy, especially solar and wind energy, by developing an energy storage system Accelerate negotiation on disputed land between Thailand and Cambodia to enable gas exploration in the area
  3. Give it a year - covid permitting - and it will be full of back packing hippy weed smoker tourists anyway, whether they want the name Ganja street or not, they'll get it
  4. You would think that taking care of a Tha wife, a thai child and bringing millions into the thailand economy in said 10 year without fail would make you a 'high potential' person. But no you're just an unwanted mug to the thai long term visa people. Shameful
  5. And still the useless and pathetic organisation known as the W.H.O. refuse to hold anyone accountable or hold nations responsible for lack of cooperation !
  6. Good job they are in a military dictatorship democracy as they'd not get a job elsewhere
  7. Flight issues delaying Thailand’s international tourism rebound Translation : The result of continuous Thai yo-yo-ing but hey lets blame the foreign airlines
  8. I presume this clown Anutin will recommend masks and decontamination if hugging foreigners !
  9. More destroyed children's lives by tin pot juntas
  10. Swinging mood of a person doing too much weed ? Say it aint so.
  11. Seems Julie has run off Gordon leaving poor John on his own
  12. What a complete and utter jumped fool. Anyone seeing their friends say from the UK flying off to Thailand would see it as a premium holiday. Also a family of say just 4 would spend more money in actually getting to the 'premium' country than a potential Thai earn in EIGHT MONTHS !! We pay premium to get here you silly man - its not the same as a cheap trip for people in the uk to benidorm Beside , places like Pattaya with apocalypse roads and paths hardly class as 'premium' destination Maybe this clown could introduce a new scheme where premium people can claim all their money - or a part of it back - if the country does not live up to premium expectations
  13. I'm not so sure about this prediction It works out as 4.25 million in the first 9 months of this year and them 'BOOM' 4.5 million in the last 3 months.
  14. I'd chuck all those in the picture in prison and let civilians just get on with life
  15. It's just a warning not to investigate someone being asleep at the wheel.
  16. The parents, who agreed that their child should be sent for treatment, said that they were “supportive” of the use of cannabis, as they both sell it. Apple not falling far from the tree and all that
  17. After finishing a trail on Koh Larn, his company boarded a ferry back to Pattaya without a thorough check and only realized about his disappearance when they arrived at Pattaya. Any news on the sacking of the tour operator staff for gross negligence ?
  18. Oh well, the organisers will now lose more money in lawsuits than the charity will ever get
  19. Yes, but he has just left his entire family open to death unless they too go into hiding
  20. OK, let's see you agree to pay say 10,000 baht to say a local orphanage for every conviction in the next 5 years for weed road deaths. Kids there will be eating KFC and pizza every day and they'll be able to build new wings on the building. It's coming, just wait.
  21. Sickening praise for a country still with islamic terrorism and daily shootings and bombs down south
  22. Laughable, on bail for £7,000 for attempted murder. I wonder how many would put up bail if the bail HAD to be used in any compensation to the victim in any future lawsuit and was held for 6 months after conviction for said victim - or family - to launch claim
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