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Posts posted by Cambodger

  1. 39 minutes ago, Eleftheros said:

    Equally pertinent is that governments round the world seem to have no interest in investigating these matters. It seems that they either don't care, or are scared of what they might find.


    In the UK (with a similar population to Thailand) over 30,000 extra citizens have simply dropped dead since April this year - that is, the excess deaths are mainly occurring outside hospital (rather than sick people gradually passing away in hospital). Only a small proportion of these are Covid deaths.


    In the Canadian province of Alberta in 2021, the leading cause of death was "ill-defined and unknown causes", not great diagnostics for a developed nation's healthcare system.


    This may be happening in Thailand, too, but I shouldn't think they even have the figures to hand, let alone any reason why it's happening.

    Yes the dying at home is a big issue with these more recent deaths compared to the early pandemic deaths which were mostly in hospitals and care homes.

    Also when you know how atomised and living alone the populations are in modern societies. There could be many thousands more just dead in their homes.

    It can take months even years for these bodies to be found.

    Even if they don't turn into work and don't answer their phones the company will just think they have quit and are ghosting the calls and advertise a vacancy for their job.

    The government is definitely trying to sweep this under the rug and act as if they beat it and everything is going back to normal. Though i wouldn't expect anything less from them tbh, like you say it's in their interest not to uncover the cause of this.

    Also most of the public don't want to discus it either or look at the receipts. You just get stonewalled or they lash out with insults of "conspiracy theory, tinfoil hat, stop being negative, move on"

    It's extremely childish as the numbers are horrific. In the UK it's on a par with a mid sized aeroplane crashing everyday.

    I've had 2 old school friends die in the last month (mid 40's), which i heard about on Facebook but no one talks about cause of death. I've not asked as i know there would be a backlash "Show some respect!"

    Very different from a year ago.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, thailandbeachisland said:

    Exactly ! same here ! but I am surprised that we are even allowed to say it here ! so many internet csumbag do not allow people to tell the truth !


    I've spoken my mind about it from the start, most of my comments have been removed...

    Though it seems the can of worms has been opened now, at least in the west and the censorship is getting futile. 

    Interestingly there was a vague story the other day that 777 people had been arrested in Thailand for disinformation.

    This seems to coincide with lots of shocking Toc Tok videos from inside LOS I've seen appearing on Telegram.

    The truth will come to light from the insurance companies when all is said and done, they won't carry the can financially either way.

    As they say "No Refunds"  "It was your choice, no one forced you to take it"

  3. 2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Vaccines work. The problem created by the WHO was they promoted COVID vaccines as full prevention, when they should have claimed they prevent serious illness. All the data of ICU's and deaths supports the second view, unvaccinated people are statistically far more likely to occupy an ICU, or die.


    No one questions the effectiveness of polio and tetanus vaccines, which have been around for decades. That's because AFAIK polio and tetanus do not mutate, COVID does. Just like influenza, where scientists produce a new vaccine variant to deal with flu virus mutations almost every year. That is happening with COVID vaccines too.


    Vaccines work. I am living proof, in the most vulnerable age cohort. Got COVID after double vaccination, sore throat and runny nose for three days. My Thai GF, 23 years younger than me, unvaccinated, was much more sick for ten days. Fever and headache I did not have.


    When I see posts from people comparing apples and marbles in their quest to discredit COVID vaccines, or outright opposed to vaccination on the basis of beliefs they have garnered on social media to support their confirmation bias, I do wish there was a vaccine against stupidity. Too late for most.



    Yeah but every Thai bird I've known claims they have flu if they get their hair wet in the rain...

    • Haha 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, gearbox said:

    The covid vaccines are not real vaccines, they should be called "symptom relieving drugs".


    The real vaccines prevent transmission effectively. Both me and my gf went through covid with very mild symptoms 3 weeks ago, I have 3 shots, she has 4. All the people around who got covid so far had 3 shots too.


    Soon the people would start thinking that the real vaccines like hep B behave the same way.

    I know this is anecdotal evidence but everyone in my family and a lot of my friends caught covid within 3 weeks after the booster shot. 

    I never isolated from them or wore a mask around them and never caught it

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  5. 1 minute ago, jacko45k said:

    So many people on the other side of the world are ignorant of what is happening here. The daily Covid deaths are still rising, the infection numbers are at the highest ever.... (hopefully peaked, but Songkran likely will produce more) and we see masks being worn quite frequently and religiously. There is still a fear of Covid in the air. 

    When I see the Pattaya tourists strutting about maskless (and often shirtless), I can see why many Thais would not want them here. 

    Yes they seem to spike high in the UK too just after they roll out a new booster then it starts to drop off again shortly after, which is quite strange.

    I think the the data is also in now that mask are pretty useless.

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    The Russians have met some heavy resistance but they are winning and will be victorious.

    Lots gore porn and humiliation videos being released by the Ukrainians of dead or captured Russian soldiers which is illegal under the Geneva convention code. It paints a false narrative of what is really happening on the ground.

    The Russians have been very disciplined and are now supplying captured towns with food and supplies which the Ukrainian are excepting.

    Also foreign mercenaries will not be treated as POW's but as criminal terrorists by the Russians.

    Don't think many Thais would last long in the harsh cold damp terrain of the Ukraine.

  7. I wrote about this over a year ago.

    The last time I was down on khaosan road in a bar with the terrible music blasting out i realised the bottle of Tiger i was drinking cost more than the pint of Guinness i had in London Heathrow airport.

    And to all the "in the supermarket and 7/11 it's only 40bht" I can big bottles of decent quality Greene King IPA for £1 (42.9 bht) in my local UK supermarket.

    And don't get me started on the wine situation...

    I think Thailand as a cheap holiday destination for average westerner like me is long gone, I imagine after the crisis the flights will be very expensive too.

    I've come to the realisation that i will probably never return again.



    • Haha 1
  8. 20 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    Never liked their snobby hostesses. They have always treated my wife and Thai friends badly due to the hierarchal social system here. I loved winding them up by shouting "nong" at them and speaking Thai to them.  

    I've always found Thai Airways hostesses, check in girls etc to be some of the most friendly and accommodating staff I have encountered.

    Maybe it's just because I'm good looking though, I don't know.

    • Haha 1
  9. There  was a very nice new high speed catamaran running before. I know because i did the journey about 6 years ago HH to Pattaya.

    I don't think it was high season and the boat was only about 20% full.

    My experience was that it took longer than you would think, even on a fast boat like that, It was at least 3 hours if i remember correctly. Not to mention the waiting around for a few hours for it to try and fill up more before leaving.

    Also even though the sea wasn't that rough you felt every bang from every wave it went over as the boat crashed down hard every 15 seconds.

    Half the people on board, including my girlfriend were green from sea sickness by the time we arrived.

    Afterwards we both agreed that next time we would take a taxi or the bus.

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