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Posts posted by Wallalai

  1. but just out of curiosity, why would anyone get into Suse, Debian, Mandrake if knoppix and ubuntu, kubuntu can do the job easily? are they supposed to be more powerful?

    I have tested nearly all main GNU/Linux distribs (precompiled pkg & source one) as I have always some free space on my disks reserved to testing. Apart the fact that all of them use a Linux kernel, they are not all similar. Some have graphical package manager, they don't use all the same package extension, they don't offer all the same package by default at install, some are i386 optimized and other i686, and so on, so no one is the same. Have a look at http://distrowatch.com/ .

    Finally I stayed with Archlinux as it's the one I prefer. I install only the base system in ftp mode (just enough to boot the system) and then I install only what I need and like. If I don't use KDE for example I don't want to have it installed on my hard disk.

    I'm sure not the only one who has tried many different distribs before to find the one who suited the best to him. :o

  2. 1) I did check Wallalai's link --- but I don't write, read or speak French (and have no intention to learn it).

    Do you really think that you need to learn french to contact these people ? I'm 100% sure that they can speak english too. I cannot imagine a linux user without some basic english skills as most of the websites , docs and HOWTO's are in english.

  3. His home had recently been placed on the market after he split from his Thai girlfriend Siriporn Supatra, who has spoken to police.
    She told reporters in Thailand: "I do not know who would want to kill Steve. He had no enemies. I had left him a few days previously because we had a row. We were planning to get back together."

    So, a few days after having a row with her former girlfriend the house is for sale ? Knowing that they planned to get back together, that seems strange. :o

  4. If you are looking for help about any Linux distro, don't forget The IRC channels on the freenode server.


    You only need an IRC client: Xchat, konversation (graphicals one included in Gnome and KDE) or irssi, weechat (console), there are more...



    You will find many people on specific distrib oriented channels who will be able to help you in Live. Very useful. :o

  5. Look here: http://www.yingyongmotorcycle.com/index1.htm# the specs of the different motorbikes. You can see that there are 7 different models of Honda Waves and only one for Dream.

    The Waves are not all cheaper than Dreams, I've bought the 125i (fuel injection) and paid 47K with insurance and plate. But I'm satisfied, good bike, good brakes, low fuel consumption and quick enough for Thailand, considering the roads and the "strange" thai driving style.

    I had big bikes (VFR750,CBR900,ZZR1100) and I don't feel less secure on my Wave. It's mostly how you drive that will bring the danger.

  6. So, my intention is not to mislead anyone. It's just to point that Windows is a crap, who have a large number of users because a PC is provided with Windows by default.

    I run Archlinux just now:

    [alain@moobaan ~]$ uname -a

    Linux moobaan 2.6.16-ck #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 27 14:53:05 IST 2006 i686 AMD Sempron Processor 3000+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

    on a very common processor.

    I have many apps launched: Firefox, Azureus, mrxvt (tabbed console), Gftp (ftp client), read a music CD with Kscd, burn a CD with k3b, have a file browser open: konqueror, a graphical system monitor, Weechat (IRC chat client), and wonder what ?

    [alain@moobaan ~]$ free -m

    total used free shared buffers cached

    Mem: 1011 995 15 0 0 657

    -/+ buffers/cache: 336 674

    Swap: 972 0 972

    My memory usage: 336MB/1011MB, swap untouched. Why isn't it possible with the most used OS in the world ? Just because M$ are liars and incompetents. Or just because they don't want to provide a good OS, just make money.

  7. That's the problem with Ubuntu: no developpement tools included by default. And yes Ubuntu is targeted to to general users and attracting a lot of Linux beginners (Easy to install).

    I had fun to try it, but will never change my Archlinux for Ubuntu. It's far more easy to build my own packages and kernels with Arch.

  8. Maybe using a decent mail client would be a good idea ? If you can access hotmail through a web browser your mail client should be able to retrieve the mails.

    Outlook Express is a piece of $hit software as well as Internet Explorer and Windows. You can use Firefox or Opera for web browsing and Thunderbird for mail.

  9. Although your CPU may be fast, it's a single CPU, and therefore not that great for doing two things simultaneously. Maybe a dual-core CPU might help? I'm only guessing, right now.

    Multitasking has nothing to do with the CPU, it's the OS who is in charge of this, a dual-core CPU won't help.

    Microsoft, and Apple would have you believe that their operating systems multitask (run more than one program at once). Using the term loosely, they do. Using the term strictly, they task switch only. Although more than one program maybe opened, you may notice that sometimes the system stops responding. Perhaps while mounting (detecting) a CD, or scanning a floppy drive. That's because of cooperative multitasking, as opposed to Linux's preemptive multitasking. A cooperative multitasker (such as Mac System or Windows) will give a program control of the system until the program chooses to give it back. Therefor, when a program is taking a while on a specific procedure, it can hang up the system, and deny other programs operating time. In a preemptive multitasker, a program is given a set number of clock cycles, then it is preemptived, and another program has the system for a set number of clock cycles. Linux is preemptive through and through. Mac System has absolutely nothing preemptive about it (although Apple claims the new OS will be partially preemptive). Windows 3.1 has a preemptive mouse only. Windows 95 is partially preemptive. Between Apple, and Microsoft, their only fully preemptive multitasker is Windows NT.

    Bad OS -> change OS. :o:D

  10. rishi has asked for a similar tool :

    On Windows I used DriveImage to restore an image, created on one PC, onto the other computers. All I had to do to make all PC's work perfectly on the network was to change computer name, so that each one was unique.

    Is a similiar thing possible under SUSE 9.3? If that's the case - how to do?

    So I pointed him to a similar tool. :o

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