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Posts posted by Wallalai

  1. You have to download the other FC5 CD's. But it's not a good idea, because the softwares contained in the CD will soon or are already outdated.

    There are newer versions of softwares (updates) everyday in GNU/Linux distribs.

    For example if you use KDE now, I think you have the 3.5.1 version, and the 3.5.2 will come soon with some bugs corrections and/or added features. I just compiled kdelibs & kdebase (3.5.2) tonight on my Sourcemage GNU/Linux (testing branch). And it's the same with all softwares installed in your PC, even with the kernel.

    Normally with a Linux distro you shouldn't need to reinstall all the stuff at every version's change; by updating day by day you will always have the most recent distrib. The package manager will retrieve the new versions of the softwares and replace the ancient one.

    I hope you understand something, I don't know if I write in a understandable manner. :D

    Feel free to ask mor if needed. :o

  2. Hi,

    You have to install a Display manager (kdm for KDE/gdm for Gnome), you must also to choose the init runlevel 5 and not 3 who is the text one.

    If you are stuck in text mode now, you have to type your username and your password and then "startx" to start the graphical environnement.

    Give more details when asking for help please. :o

  3. Just light rain and strong wind here in San pa Tong, not enough to escape "lot tonmai" tomorrow I think.

    But now I now that my UPS works well. :D I was just about downloading the KDE-3.5.2 source archive and lost all. :o I should maybe choose a sunny day to "sorcery upgrade". :D

  4. Oups, I forgot to give the link to Dapper drake (Ubuntu testing), here is it:

    http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-5/ available as direst download or by torrent client.

    Ubuntu comes with Gnome desktop environment and kubuntu with KDE.

    Supported architectures: i386 (common PC) PPC (Mac) and 64 bits.

    I assume that is a test release and not a final (stable) release. They indicate June 06 as the official release to get the GUI (Desktop) finalized. Seems the desktop is their main focus at the moment to complete it.

    You're right, as I mentioned, it's the testing version. :o

  5. Ouch, bad surprise. But I'm sure francois, our "Suse expert" will pay attention to your post.

    If not already resolved. Do you try to update Yast, or logout-login, reboot ? As I don't know this utility, it's just an idea. :o I hope you can resolve this problem anyway. :D

  6. Hi,

    I just installed the last kubuntu dapper drake i386 this morning :o I'm in the apt-get upgrade process just now. Nice distro, very good hardware detection, and a very easy to use K desktop environnement (KDE), beginners should like.

    I had only one problem, X freezed 2 time when using the nv driver. As soon as I installed the proprietary driver (in console mode) the problem was resolved.

    I'll install a customized kernel and some missing libraries (win32 codecs), some apps, and it should be ok. I had a good surprise discovering konversation, a very good IRC client (I usually use Weechat), and konqueror is a nice multi-purpose app. Kscd remains the winner in CD reading. Among the new apps is Katapult, an apps launcher that pop-up with the Alt-Space shortcut, then you only need to type the app name and it try to complete it and give you some automatic choices.

    So now with three GNU/Linux distros installed on my HDD's (Archlinux, Sourcemage and Kubuntu) I should have enough to do, test, during the rainy days.

  7. A friend has written a WIKI on the archlinuxfr website inspired by this page: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HARDWARE_Nvidia_Dri...Band_Addressing

    Can be interesting to get more out of your NVIDIA AGP card. :o Of course you have to adapt it for your favourite distrib.

    Not written in the thread but you can add some more options to your xorg.conf "Device" section:

    Section "Device"
    Identifier  "GeforceBiduleUltrFastDeLaMortQuiArracheXP"
    Driver	  "nvidia"
    BusID	   "PCI:01:00:0"				#lspci pour savoir
    VideoRam	262144					   #taille de la ram
    Option	  "RenderAccel" "true"		 #pour l'extention composite
    Option	  "NoLogo"	  "1"			#"0" pas de logo au lancement de X
    Option	  "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True" #permet d'avoir l'extention composite + GLX
    Option	  "backingstore" "true"
    Option	  "DPMS"					   #gestion d'énergie
    Option	  "NvAGP" "3"


    Another thing not only reserved to NVIDIA . Many apps have what we call a fake transparency (the effect just reproduce the wallpaper under your app). If you would like to have the true transparency it's not so difficult.

    1. Install "xcompmgr" and "transset"

    2. Modify your /etc/X11/xorg.conf by adding these few lines:

    Section "Extensions"
      Option "Composite" "Enable"
      Option "RENDER" "Enable"

    Now you can lauch xcompmgr without shadows:

     xcompmgr -fF &

    or with shadows

     xcompmgr -c &

    If you want it enabled when you launch X, just add it to your .xinitrc.

    Now to bring transparency to an app, type

    transset .x

    where x can be a value between 1 and 9 (a low value = higher transparency). Your cursor will become a cross then click on the app.

    Example in image: gkrellshoot033ew.th.jpg

  8. As Francois said it seems you don't have the thai language support installed.

    By GDM I meant the login screen (where you enter your usename and password). If it's the default Gnome one you have options to choose which DE or window manager to launch (in the case you have more than only Gnome installed) and another option to choose the language for the session. You can also choose to use this specific language only for this session or set it by default.

    When you have thai support you can unstall a small utility (if not already installed) who is located in the applications bar and let you switch between thai and english keyboard.

    Have a nice time :o

  9. Which desktop environement do you use, KDE or Gnome ?

    Anyway you can chose the desktop language in the configuration utilities for both of them.

    You can do it in kcontrol for KDE, and in GDM (Gnome display manager) for Gnome.

  10. I tried it without putting side cover back on - wouldn't fire up?

    Initially thought I'd screwed up!

    Anyway with side panel in place - all ok, must be some sort of "microswitch" to shut puter down if you try working on it live! Which surprised me.


    That's due to a "chassis intrusion connector" enabled on your box. It can be a switch like here: http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/syst...meb.htm#1057076 or more commonly a 4-1 pin on the motherboard. It's normally disabled by default. and you should find some infos about it in your motherboeard User guide.

  11. Yes LIN-ux, like Linus.

    But the pronounciation is different in French with a fench "u". Same as in "deja-vu".

    In thai I suppose it's like in this screenshot (upper right):


  12. I'm so tired of the OMG... Global Warming Nonsense. I wish they would just publish all of the statistics that everyone has gathered and not just the one's that champion their own cause. Has anyone ever bothered to actually check their stats or look at some of the lesser known studies? Less than 4% of our Glaciers are melting world wide, most are actually growing. The water level world wide hasn't increased by more than 1/4" on a worldwide average in 100 years. Global temperature rise, some places are warming and some are cooling and not by strictly north and south regions. Most of this is cyclical for our world.

    Has anyone noticed that this Global Warming Terror only started after the fall of the Berlin Wall? The world has to have a world threat to keep the masses in check... they have to divert our attention away from what the world governors are doing and focus it on a world threat. Well the cold war is past... Now we have to worry about either drowning, freezing to death or winding up on a planet that is total sahara. The Global Warming Guru's can't even agree on what will happen. Except that we'll all die and we'd better be very afraid. I'm afraid of them...

    Just crap. Can you develop and give some proofs, links or some evidence Mr.professor. The world is in danger, believe it or not. My homecountry is Switzerland and I live right in the middle of the mountains, I can tell you that the glaciers are not growing, but melting. And I can bring proofs in photographies.

  13. Hi Mumbo Jumbo,

    much more Mac-like and Linux-like

    so why not simply buy a Mac or use a GNU/Linux distribution ? M$ always promise a lot but finally the user will always be a free beta tester. I am also a beta tester on Linux because I use a current version and it's in a perpetual evolution, but I accept it. And when problems occurs I can file a bug report and it's corrected very quickly.

    Microsof Windows (all versions) are just crap IMHO. Too much problems, bugs, too much restrictions due to stupid licenses, no software included apart the usual ones (IE :D , OE :D, MediaPlayer :D, the Paint thing :o , and so on).

    I use a 2 GNU/Linux distributions, Archlinux my prefered one, and Slackware on another harddisk. I've found a lot of free softwares that can do everything that proprietary softwares can do. I don't need antivirus or spyware utility, my disks are never fragmented, and I don't need to re-install my OS every 4-6 month as windows users usually do. That's the comfort and liberty I need.

    I think also that many articles are influenced by M$ (because websites or newspapers get money from them to write positive comments).

  14. Thais and farangs are all in the same boat when it comes to 'curing' pollution. :D

    Thais and farangs should be in the same boat when it comes to 'curing' pollution. :D

    And apparently it's not the case as the biggest polluter is reluctant to do any effort in this way. That's the point. :o

    The fires here are contributing in a ridiculous amount of the world pollution, while some others are deliberately threatening our life. :D Like extinguish a fire in the garden when the house is in fire. :D

    Of course, it can be annoying for the expat's comfort. :D

  15. I hope that you are not one of those people who suggest that if we we were born in America (or any country outside of Thailand?), then we have less of a voice concerrning pollution here.

    That would be trolling :o

    It's not my intention, just to point that many expats here are familiar with:

    Do what I say, but not what I make
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