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Posts posted by ChiangMai2012

  1. I'll give homikithen a look, but the ~100k comment definitely has me skeptical.

    Anyone have any experience with IKEAs kitchen products?

    Mascarabertha - do you still have the contact info for the guy who did your concrete/masonry work?

  2. When buying or moving into a new house here, often the kitchens aren't built out. Look for advice for anyone who has gone through that process.

    Suggestions for where to buy materials. Design insights based on how things are done here. Anything helpful for someone doing it for the first time here would be appreciated.

  3. Looking to rent a few unusual photo friendly critters for a small birthday party in a couple weeks.
    Anyone have a pet they want to show off and make a few extra dollars or know of any local pet stores or connections?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Booking a trip to the US. Wondering if any members have used local tour companies or travel agents to find better rates than internet flight search engines. If so, I'd appreciate the recommendation.


  5. Renting a pick-up truck one-way looks like it would be over 5,000 plus gas and taxi for pick-up and drop-off - getting close to 10,000 baht.

    Anyone have experience posting stuff on the train? Already have airfare, so wouldn't want to actually ride the train.

  6. I know IKEA ships nationwide, but its 10,000 baht from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, which would be about as much as the things I'm trying to have shipped.

    Does anyone have experience using Thailand Post? The box would be about 70kgs. The EMS rate calculator on their website doesn't seem to go that high, but is very reasonable on smaller items. In Bangkok now, but flying back to Chiang Mai on the 8th so need to get it sorted rather quickly (taking it on the airline isn't an option, even more expensive).


  7. I have a guest in town that got a taste of Beer Lao Dark and now the local Thai beers just wont do. Anyone know where it can be purchased? Found the non-dark version at Rimping, but still unable to local the dark. Thanks in advance.

  8. There is a shop near my place that takes custom orders. I know they've made bunk beds in the past. I think it is a training center or something, but the stuff I've seen come out has been quality. Private message me if you are interested in getting their contact info.

    Also, there is a farang guy that heads it up, so communication isn't an issue and things are done to a western standard.

  9. Went to The River Market tonight for the 500 (450 w/reservations) buffet and wine tasting.
    Got there at 7 when it started. Sat for a minute with friends to enjoy one of 4 wines we were supposed to be tasting (they ran out of the 4th). Then went and waited in the buffet line. Plates were empty by the time we got to the front. Was told they were making more food, so we sat back down and repeated the above. Same outcome. Third time I managed to grab 2 chicken wings before they ran out.

    Eventually had to order off the menu, because the 3 small glasses of wine and the 2 chicken wings I paid 450 baht for didn't quite fill me up. Then was informed we couldn't order sushi because they were out of rice. Finally settled on a salad. It was average at best.

    No attempt was made to offer any compensation even after speaking to a few different workers.

  10. Appreciate the votes of confidence, but acquiring the small/basic tools necessary seems more work than its worth and honestly I'm not the most "handy" of men, so I fear I'll screw it up and cause even more work.
    Thanks for the 'professionals' recommendation, I'll definitely be using it in the future, but didn't find anything within it to help with this specific project.

    Which leads me back to the original question - does anyone know where I could go to find someone who can install a house water filtration system?

  11. Constantly topping up. Wondering if getting a monthly plan might actually be cheaper. First question I guess would be do monthly talk/SMS plans exist here.

    I have a smartphone, but could take or leave data. Assuming there are monthly options, what are they, which one's the best?


  12. Bought two VIP bus tickets to Udon Thani for tonight, but couldn't make the trip. Went to see if I could get my money back (or some of it), but all the lady said she could do was give me a voucher for the same trip sometime within the next 30 days. Anyone know a place where I could sell them? Or, better yet, has anyone else had success getting a refund?


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