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Posts posted by billyboy

  1. Thankyou gburns ,i didnt think of filling out the form myself,i think i can actually download it from the internet,print it ,and then send it on to him?

    Should i send payslips,stattury drclaration too?

    I dont think i need to provide a bank account balance do I?

    payslips from me and a letter of guarantor should be enough?

    thanks to everyone,im sorry for being arrogant.

  2. generally speaking ... folks don't have a huge issue with gays around here.

    The problem with your post is that

    1) it can be done cheaper


    2)not with you out of the country

    <the chip on the shoulder doesn't help ..... and the last line of your 1st post doesn't match your second ....>

    I cant understand your post,can i get it done cheaper,im not sure what you mean if im out of the country,because i want my friend to apply for a visitor visa,why do you think i should be there in Thailand?

    I dont know,its a heartache,maybe i should just wait till next year when i go back or call this <<link removed>>place or i really dont know who can assist?

  3. I want to take a guy who I have known for 2 years, back here to Australia.I want to apply for a visitor visa (at least 3 weeks)and have studied this website and know what we have to do.Trouble is his english is not that good along with his intelligence.He works as a security guard and doesnt have much time to go to Bangkok from Pattaya.I have a very secure job here in Australia so I know I can submit my payslips,a stat dec stating i can be his guarantor,my apartment address where he will be living and he can supply a letter from his employer and his return ticket.

    Now he already has his passport,my trouble is this,I am currently in Australia and he is excited about coming here,thing is he cannot read write english and is not brainy enough to fill out forms.

    So i rang a travel agent in Pattaya and asked them to help me supply my friend with a aussie visitor visa,qoute is 27 000 baht?????????????/

    ok this includes filling out forms,taking my friend to embassy and submitting them,but 27 000?

    Can this be done cheaper? Does anyone know or can supply me with a contact number who can help for cheaper price?

    He needs you to pratically handfeed him.He needs you to fill out the forms,submit it etc.Yes I will send my payslips,statorty declaration,passport details,guarantor letter,home location details.

    Would he get this? he is 24yo? Does he have a chance? It will cost me a lot of money,and im wondering if i can afford it,whether it will be worth it? 27 000 b for visa help,cost of visa about 2500b plus airfare return about 20 000 b.He has his passport,now getting to the next stage is going to be a head ache ,he cant do it himself,can anybody help with a name or should stick to the current agent? I feel like a sucker paying 27 000 baht but then again the agent said they will personally take him to Bangkok to assist in the visa office.Is it worth paying this?

    I dont want to lose my money.I think he has a good chance of being successful but the cost is too much.? I might add that he could only get a week off work and originally i was only going to get the agent to apply for around a 9 days holiday on visitor visa but i think paying the 27k plus the 20k for airfare is not worth it ,so will stick to 21 day,the thing is does he have a better chance the lower the visting days,say he only comes for 10 days? But my main promblem is the cost of the 27 000 b to the travel agent? plus then the 20 000 for airfare.I suppose being gay,a lot of you might not want to help me ,and i respect your decision.

    Its obvious nobody wants to help,you selfish discrimanating people! I have found a place called <<link removed>> so i might give them a call.Seems you only want to help men with girls?

  4. I want to take a guy who I have known for 2 years, back here to Australia.I want to apply for a visitor visa (at least 3 weeks)and have studied this website and know what we have to do.Trouble is his english is not that good along with his intelligence.He works as a security guard and doesnt have much time to go to Bangkok from Pattaya.I have a very secure job here in Australia so I know I can submit my payslips,a stat dec stating i can be his guarantor,my apartment address where he will be living and he can supply a letter from his employer and his return ticket.

    Now he already has his passport,my trouble is this,I am currently in Australia and he is excited about coming here,thing is he cannot read write english and is not brainy enough to fill out forms.

    So i rang a travel agent in Pattaya and asked them to help me supply my friend with a aussie visitor visa,qoute is 27 000 baht?????????????/

    ok this includes filling out forms,taking my friend to embassy and submitting them,but 27 000?

    Can this be done cheaper? Does anyone know or can supply me with a contact number who can help for cheaper price?

    He needs you to pratically handfeed him.He needs you to fill out the forms,submit it etc.Yes I will send my payslips,statorty declaration,passport details,guarantor letter,home location details.

    Would he get this? he is 24yo? Does he have a chance? It will cost me a lot of money,and im wondering if i can afford it,whether it will be worth it? 27 000 b for visa help,cost of visa about 2500b plus airfare return about 20 000 b.He has his passport,now getting to the next stage is going to be a head ache ,he cant do it himself,can anybody help with a name or should stick to the current agent? I feel like a sucker paying 27 000 baht but then again the agent said they will personally take him to Bangkok to assist in the visa office.Is it worth paying this?

    I dont want to lose my money.I think he has a good chance of being successful but the cost is too much.? I might add that he could only get a week off work and originally i was only going to get the agent to apply for around a 9 days holiday on visitor visa but i think paying the 27k plus the 20k for airfare is not worth it ,so will stick to 21 day,the thing is does he have a better chance the lower the visting days,say he only comes for 10 days? But my main promblem is the cost of the 27 000 b to the travel agent? plus then the 20 000 for airfare.I suppose being gay,a lot of you might not want to help me ,and i respect your decision.

  5. I dont stay in Bangkok much,usually I just get off my flight and jump into a cab and head to Pattaya,but im starting to get bored with that and thinking of Bangkok visit this time.

    Im gonna hire a day time gay tour guide for 1500 b a day 9am to 6pm on www.thaiboy.net .

    Im just looking at some advice,I want to try to fit everything into one day,and i would like to visit rougher/slum type of areas and wealthier suburbs in Bangkok.

    I heard this area called KLONG TOEY is a rough slum area ?

    Can I walk around there during the day with no problems?

    I remember taking a guy once to Bangkok where i wanted to look at the Bang Kwang prison and he kept trying to tell me something in English which he couldnt remember how to say then he finally said nervously when we were outside the prison, "We not stay,I think we get wobbed",I couldnt stop laughing,the area seemed to be ok to me,is that area considered bad,the area outside Bang Kwang I mean.What about KLONG TOEY?

    I want to go to residential wealthier areas too.Do they live differently ?

    I will have a tour guide with me ,but im hoping i can still walk around during the day in the lower class areas.If anyone thinks thats strange,I would say to you being a Aussie and a Sydney resident that I wouldnt walk around the Sydney suburb of Redfern opposite the railway station even during the day,so please dont think its a strange question.

    Also just one other quick question,I want to go to the markets where they sell handbags etc ,are they open on weekdays or is it best on a saturday/sunday and where is that market where there are snakes etc?

  6. Well I went to a small travel agency to book my flight to Thailand,I have just realised I gave them the wrong dates.They gave me a E Ticket.I cannot see them till Tuesday due to a public holiday here in Sydney.The thing is,am I able to change the dates of my departure and arrival?

    Someone at work told me with discount fares you cant change them?Another one said I could probaly with a fee,So I dunno.Anyone here a travel agent?


    Not sure if that means anything? All i want to do is change the dates? Will that be a big problem?I dont know whether to contact the travel agent or go to British Airways office?

    I dont know if they will? SoME of you hate me and wont tell me the answer I know this but I need to know!!!!


  7. Well I went to a small travel agency to book my flight to Thailand,I have just realised I gave them the wrong dates.They gave me a E Ticket.I cannot see them till Tuesday due to a public holiday here in Sydney.The thing is,am I able to change the dates of my departure and arrival?

    Someone at work told me with discount fares you cant change them?Another one said I could probaly with a fee,So I dunno.Anyone here a travel agent?


    Not sure if that means anything? All i want to do is change the dates? Will that be a big problem?I dont know whether to contact the travel agent or go to British Airways office?


  8. On my last visit to Pattaya ,i bought my Mum,and the family those dressing gowns,short sleeves,you know the coloured dressing robes,night robes or whatever you call them,you know the ones im talking about dont youse? The ones advertised outside all the tailors ,there different colors,there a night robe,or dressing gown or whatever you want to call them.Anyway i done a bit of haggling and ended paying 700 b each for 5 of them from a indian tailor in walking st.gOTdifferent colors.

    I checked the other tailors all wanted around the same price.I think there made of silk or something.

    Anyway i brought there back here and told my stupid brother that i paid about 700 b which is about $22 australian each."My god "he says surprised,he says he saw them at the sydney markets for $5 each about 150 b????????////

    The point is did i get ripped off? Theres no way i reckon there the same dressing gown for 150b?

    700b is around the right price isnt it? Would it have been cheaper in Bangkok?

  9. Anyone spent time in a jail in Thailand?

    I think worser (sorry if spelling is no good as its friday night and im drunk)worser would be jail in cambodia.

    but getting bacjk to thailand,they say the water and food is no good,ho w come the prison guards dont look sick?

    Is Bang Kwang the worse jail because im might go visit someone there.

    I would like to work as a prison guard there.

    How many of you have been in http://steveatbangkwang.bravehost.com/free.html

    I found this link. ok is anyone who reads this forum in jail

  10. I have a tooth missing at the front,it went bad and the dentist pulled it out.

    When i was in Thailand i got a one tooth denture thing to go in my mouth ,i think they call it a denture plate,cheap at 700 baht,but i dont like wearing it.I want a tooth put in there permanently,is there such a thing in dentistry,and what do i ask for? I thought they call it a crown but then someone told me a crown goes over a tooth,what about dentl implant? I asked the dentist in thailand and he tells me there is no such thing and made my dental one tooth plate but im sure there is such a procedure of having a tooth in there all the time.

    All i want is a tooth to go in the gum and stay there.I probaly will have to go to a dental hospital such as bumrungrad but i need to know what they call this operation.I want the tooth to stay in there permanently andnot take it out.Anyone know the answer?

  11. DRUNKEN FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS BEAT MAN UP AND CARI was just reading Pattaya mail to read about this english boy attacking this 65yo man,his friends then went to the police station to visit him,and decided to take their anger out on a parked car outside the police station.Turned out to be the Police Colonels private car that he uses o get to work.

    There is a great pic with the Colonel standing over two big blokes who look a bit scared,can anyone post i t on here.My questions are,would these guys get a beating? Why do they look scared and not in handcuffs because if they were in the UK or Australia they wouldnt be scared of the law at all.

    Why is there 2 motorbike taxidrivers there? What would happen to them,do u think the Police bash will give them a bashing? How cowardly for a 18yo to bash a 65yo man.

    Do u think the 2 in the pic plus the 18yo will go to jail?

  12. Well i should of known you people were homophobic.I will just have to stick to the Thailand gay forum at www.sawatdee-gay-thailand.com ,at least there are a lot of guys coming over from america for the gay mardi gras.I only ask you guys because i like ladyboys,the guys on the sawatdee forum dont like me because they like boys in sunee plaza but i like trannies and katoeys.thats why i ask you because katoey lovers are not gay like those people on the other forum.Im not the same as them.

  13. I want to bring my BF to Australia and I look at the DEPT OF IMMIGRATION website here in Australia and it has a lot of different visas,it looks very difficult.

    My question is to all Aussies,is how do the brothel owners here in Sydney or anywhere else in Aussie land have Thai ladies worjking in them? Do they really go thru all this bullshit of obtaining student visas paying colleges etc?

    How can it be so easy for brothels in SYdney such as THAI CITY ESCORTS in Surry Hills to have Thai girls working? All i want to do is bring my Ladyboy here.Can anyone give me a few hints to make it a bit easier.

  14. Thanks I might try this about 2 weeks before i go on my Thailand holidays.

    Every time i come back from Thailand and i dunno if everyone else gets the same,but when i come back after my usual 2 week holiday,i am sick with flu and rundown,after being in the heat plus air conditioning,plus booze,take away food,sex,and the pollution,plus the air cond on the plane.

    So next time i want to be prepared.Maybe its too dangerous to take 30mg?

    Finding who injects it? maybe i should ask my local DR?,But then again i think stick to your idea of the tabs.I will let everyone know if it works,it should increase my immune system enough to cope with TH

  15. I was listening to the radio the other day and i heard a DR from another country talk about how good Vitamin C is in treating illnesses and preventing Flu etc. However he says people canot get enough in tablet form and need it in injection form.Has anyone heard of this? Im thinking people who have low immune systems,or get colds and flu easily such as me ,or who have AIDS or Cancer or whatever should get Vitamin C injections. Im wondering if anyone knows where to get these in Thailand and if its possible,as im not sure if this DR was from India. Im not sure of what high doses would do in the long term?

    Can this vitamin c in this injection form build up your resistance to diseases and make you live longer?

    The problem is finding someone who can inject the vitamin c?

  16. Anyone aged 35 so desperately planning their retirement in LOS for twenty years hence in such attempted detail must be one pitiable, sorry individual suffering a miserable existence

    Your right I do lead a miserable life,I work so i can go to Thailand,i work so i can eventually retire there.I dont waste my money on drinking piss here in Aussie land ,i try to save so i can go to Thailand at least 3 times a year whilst saving money for retirement.

    Yes i am planning now,what should i do,plan when im 50 yo?

    I want to be able to know i am able to pay a house or unit off ready to sell for my retirement in 20 years,yes im planing now.If i waited until i was 45 and went to borrow money to buy investment units it would be too late.

    I want to retire as soon as possible at least 55yo.I have 20 years.Who knows in 20 years there maybe no old age pension.

    Yes im putting more money now into my superanuation fund.

    Secondly who says you cant get units for under 100k.

    Go to www.realestate.com.au

    I bought them in 2002 anyway. Try the major towns in the Riverina area.

    You can buy 2 bedroom units in Sydneys Bankstown,cabbramatta etc still for $150000.Will your tenants pay the rent there is a gamble. You can buy 2 bedroom units in Bathurst,Orange,Wagga still for under 100k.You can buy a 2 bedroom unit in Sydneys Campelltown for 130 000.

    I can buy 2 bedroom units in Tweed Heads for as low as 155k.

    Yes im planning now,I need to know exactly how much i would need to achieve the goal,and buying a condo in Pattaya plus a small business ,selling my investment units , and drawing a monthly income from my future superanuation are all in my plans,i dont want to end up like some of you BUMS living off the old age pension and probaly renting out your Govt owned house.

  17. I didnt know where to stick this topic,so i put it here where most of you are normal average blokes instead of the business section or the gay section.

    Anyway im planing my retirement,im 35yo earn about $60000 to $80000 per year depending on overtime and own 2 units valued at $100 000 each and have a mortgage on a house.Im thinking of retiring at 55yo.

    I worked out this goal,once i achieved this i should be able to retire.

    Own my own condo in Pattaya Benefits are no rent to pay.

    Money for car-

    cash lump sum for emergencies- $200 000

    retirement monthly income from australia -about 50 000 b per month,having 300 000 dollars cash investment,drawing out 50 000 b per month should last me 20 years.

    Buy a small business for additional small income

    keep a house in Australia for emergencies

    buy 2 small condos for additional income in Thailand

    But now im thinking of changing my goals and borrowing from the bank to buy a commercial shophouse with 6 rooms on top in Pattaya for 5 million baht which returns 50000 b per month in rent.

    I could pay it off over 10 years. I have to start planing now.

  18. When i tell people i travel a lot to Thailand,some mention Thailands jails and about the famous aussies that use to be there.I dont recall the 3 guys who were there in the late 70 s as i was only a kid but one was apparently a famous sydney footballer. Anyway my point is i have been to see the infamous Bangkok hilton aka Bang Kwang from the outside and it doesnt seem to be bad looking.I noticed the sky TV aerial ,air conditioning units from the roofs etc.The prison officers all seem to have nice cars and are well dressed in their uniforms.

    I dont think its as bad as the media make out.I think the jails in Indonesia would be a lot worser. I think this myth gives Thailand a bad name along with movies made such as "The Bangkok Hilton" and a few others.

    Anyone seen that aussie movie "the bangkok Hilton"?

  19. For Gods Sake,WAKE UP TO YOURSELF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You still want to live that fun life,going out like a 18yo,mate you got responsibilities get used to it and go out to work like everyone else and stop being a bludger.Another 5 years working wont kill you.If you can save at least 2 million baht for the 5 years work,you have it.Work to buy a house in thailand,then a business,once you got that your bloody well right.Dont be so inpatient,i thought lopburis comments were ok,you didnt because you only want to hear what you want to hear.Mate your a dreamer.Wake up to yourself and go out and get a flamin job and save the money like all the rest of us are doing or you will find yourself with thee arse out of your trousers if you move over so quick again.

    But anyway its up to you,you asked for advice you got it.

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