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Posts posted by shocky2004

  1. If they would of have died like a week ago, It would of been very easy for the police to just close the case pretending that the 2 suspects already confessed and it would probably just be suicide then case closed.

    But now that both of them have retracted their confessions, it's getting pretty interesting. Cause if something do happens to them, you better believe their laywers gonna speak out since they spoke with them on severals occassions and saw bruises on their body...

    People are starting to speak out, i think police won't be able to cover this one up. I might be wrong though but the last 2-3 days have been very interesting.

  2. So many mixed messages coming through, in the Nation today it said over stayers have until the 29th (see link - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Heavy-new-penalties-await-visa-overstays-30239870.html)

    Other people are saying it's the 12th August.

    However, Thai Visa.com is saying that the 29th date is to do with the 30 day extension (instead of 7 days), plus the 30 days for walk in tourists.

    I'm currently on 1.5 years overstay, had a full passport and was a little late sending it off to renew it (but still enough time), would have got back just in time if the Thai post office didn't lose it in CM. 4 weeks later it turns up, then i lose my student visa which cost me 25k, so i just thought it was easier not to go and clear the 4 weeks (15k baht), and just wait until i leave.

    I have a friend that has just done a border run, and said there are police and army checks the whole way, so is it worth the risk, what happens if you get caught on your way to the border.

    It just seem's that no1 actually has a clue whats happening, not even the Thai immigration. Is it worth staying here and just getting the ban when i leave or taking the risk and going now to clear it, get a 90 day visa (or 30 day walk in visa with 30 day extension).

    Or take the risk go now, pay the 20k, possibly get stopped on the way and arrested, and even if i get there, i might get banned anyway and thrown into Cambodia leaving my wife behind.

    I wish we could just have some clear news!!

    I'm sitting here everyday waiting for updates, if something conclusive doesn't come through by the 8th i think it's probably better to leave it.

    Any thoughts


    A friend of mine was in a similar situation as you and cleared his 1year overstay by doing this:

    1. Get plane ticket to PP

    2. Clear your overstay at Airport (you won't get blacklisted if you go NOW.)

    3. Once in PP, go apply for a tourist visa (if you want to avoid all the waiting and confusion, just go at some hotel that offer visa service (11 Happy Backpacker in our case been great and effective.)

    4. Fly back to BKK airport.

    5. Welcome back to Thailand

    My friend is now back in Tak and didn't have any problems coming back in. But expect officer to ask you some question once you're back which is normal.

    Goodluck and clear it ASAP, it's by far the best option

    P.S: That was last week which is the reason why i'm sure you won't have problems coming back since not much has changed in a week

  3. So many mixed messages coming through, in the Nation today it said over stayers have until the 29th (see link - http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Heavy-new-penalties-await-visa-overstays-30239870.html)

    Other people are saying it's the 12th August.

    However, Thai Visa.com is saying that the 29th date is to do with the 30 day extension (instead of 7 days), plus the 30 days for walk in tourists.

    I'm currently on 1.5 years overstay, had a full passport and was a little late sending it off to renew it (but still enough time), would have got back just in time if the Thai post office didn't lose it in CM. 4 weeks later it turns up, then i lose my student visa which cost me 25k, so i just thought it was easier not to go and clear the 4 weeks (15k baht), and just wait until i leave.

    I have a friend that has just done a border run, and said there are police and army checks the whole way, so is it worth the risk, what happens if you get caught on your way to the border.

    It just seem's that no1 actually has a clue whats happening, not even the Thai immigration. Is it worth staying here and just getting the ban when i leave or taking the risk and going now to clear it, get a 90 day visa (or 30 day walk in visa with 30 day extension).

    Or take the risk go now, pay the 20k, possibly get stopped on the way and arrested, and even if i get there, i might get banned anyway and thrown into Cambodia leaving my wife behind.

    I wish we could just have some clear news!!

    I'm sitting here everyday waiting for updates, if something conclusive doesn't come through by the 8th i think it's probably better to leave it.

    Any thoughts


    A friend of mine was in a similar situation as you and cleared his 1year overstay by doing this:

    1. Get plane ticket to PP

    2. Clear your overstay at Airport (you won't get blacklisted if you go NOW.)

    3. Once in PP, go apply for a tourist visa (if you want to avoid all the waiting and confusion, just go at some hotel that offer visa service (11 Happy Backpacker in our case been great and effective.)

    4. Fly back to BKK airport.

    5. Welcome back to Thailand

    My friend is now back in Tak and didn't have any problems coming back in. But expect officer to ask you some question once you're back which is normal.

    Goodluck and clear it ASAP, it's by far the best option



    Friend of mine had an overstay of 1 year.

    Went out from CNX to BKK to PP. He got a tourist visa in PP then flew back to Thailand at BKK Airport (the overstay stamp was in his passeport and the officer saw it) they only asked him what he's planning to do this time around and he told them he want to get an ED visa. They let him in with smile, no problems.

    You will be fine. If i had a suggestion i would say, go to PP and go to any hotel (11 Happy backpacker my preference) and ask them for the visa service (45$ USD and you have to wait 4 days, 55$ for 3 days) then they give you back your passeport with a new tourist visa. After that, just fly to BKK airport.


    How long ago was this Shocky ?  Do you know if I flew out/in at Suwarnabhumi or Don Muang ?
    "SICK...."  Did you get an overstay stamo in your passport ?

    Yes just the one listing duration of stay with exit stamp not a black or red stamp. If I try to return with a tourist visa and they deny me entry am I forced to fly to home country or can I get a ticket to Myanmar or cambodia? Thanks!



    The chance of getting refused are very low at the moment. Just get ready in case they ask you question, be polite and relax.

    If you're unlucky and they refuse you, i'm pretty sure you can go back to a country near and from there try to go by Udon.

    But i'm pretty sure they will let you in



    Friend of mine had an overstay of 1 year.

    Went out from CNX to BKK to PP. He got a tourist visa in PP then flew back to Thailand at BKK Airport (the overstay stamp was in his passeport and the officer saw it) they only asked him what he's planning to do this time around and he told them he want to get an ED visa. They let him in with smile, no problems.

    You will be fine. If i had a suggestion i would say, go to PP and go to any hotel (11 Happy backpacker my preference) and ask them for the visa service (45$ USD and you have to wait 4 days, 55$ for 3 days) then they give you back your passeport with a new tourist visa. After that, just fly to BKK airport.




    How long ago was this Shocky ?  Do you know if I flew out/in at Suwarnabhumi or Don Muang ?


    "SICK...."  Did you get an overstay stamo in your passport ?




    Cleared the overstay on July 18th. Flew back to Thailand on 27th.

    You go out at Suvarnahbumi International Airport to PP. Don Muang is only for domestic flights inside Thailand

    • Like 1
  6. Friend of mine had an overstay of 1 year.

    Went out from CNX to BKK to PP. He got a tourist visa in PP then flew back to Thailand at BKK Airport (the overstay stamp was in his passeport and the officer saw it) they only asked him what he's planning to do this time around and he told them he want to get an ED visa. They let him in with smile, no problems.

    You will be fine. If i had a suggestion i would say, go to PP and go to any hotel (11 Happy backpacker my preference) and ask them for the visa service (45$ USD and you have to wait 4 days, 55$ for 3 days) then they give you back your passeport with a new tourist visa. After that, just fly to BKK airport.


    • Like 1
  7. Suvarnabhumi has already decided to enforce its own rules. Two clients refused entry at SVB this week. Reason for refusal of entry = previous overstay one month. It is still up to the discretion of the officer at the gate just like USA.

    I'm just giving this a bump here, because it's important. Myself, I had a 2 month overstay several years ago, which no one cared about at the time - they were laughing in fact, and saying I was always welcome. 3 months ago, I caught a huge amount of hostility from an officer about that old overstay, entering Sawanabhumi.

    If you have past overstays in your passport, I would personally advise you to be aware - it can be a problem.

    It can indeed be a problem.

    But i had a positive experience 3 days ago when a relative of mine came back from PP with a new tourist visa in his passeport along with a 310 days overstay in his passeport. He got back without too much trouble, they basically just asked what was his plan and let him go.

    Having an officer in a good mood can help too

    • Like 1
  8. Hey guys

    Just came back from BKK Airport with someone who had an 11 months overstay (he actually cleared it a week ago, we went to cambodia and he then receive a tourist visa)

    We just came by bkk airport, absolutely no problems to enter. They asked him some questions but nothing excessive.

    Stop worrying for nothing guys, and clear your overstay now.

    • Like 1
  9. nobody seems to have pointed out that while you can clear your overstay, there is no guarantee you will be allowed to return by the immigration officer at you point of re-entry, resulting in a de facto ban for many overstayers despite claims of leniency.

    I guess we shall see.

    I'll be flying to Thailand tommorow (or saturday) with someone that has cleared an overstay a week and a half ago. He now has his tourist visa and we will go to BKK Airport.

    But from what we got told by 3 different immigrations, he shouldn't have a problem.

    I'll post my report asap.

    Thats funny because you started a thread advising everyone with an overstay to fly via Chiang Mai, because as far as you know "noone has ever been refused entry there"

    "TRUST ME" you said, fly via Chiang Mai...

    Yes, its so funny!

    What point are you trying to make old man? We have to go through Bangkok immigration before we go in CM cause here in Cambodia theres no direct flight (at least, from what i know) to CNX.

    And i still recommend people the CNX Airport.

    Stop trying to start debate for no reason, slow down papi, go hit the shower a little bit.

  10. nobody seems to have pointed out that while you can clear your overstay, there is no guarantee you will be allowed to return by the immigration officer at you point of re-entry, resulting in a de facto ban for many overstayers despite claims of leniency.

    I guess we shall see.

    I'll be flying to Thailand tommorow (or saturday) with someone that has cleared an overstay a week and a half ago. He now has his tourist visa and we will go to BKK Airport.

    But from what we got told by 3 different immigrations, he shouldn't have a problem.

    I'll post my report asap.

  11. Is there anyone/or anyone knows someone got a tourist visa in Phnom Penh after long overstay?

    My friend.

    What i can suggest you is once you're in Phnom Penh, go at the Guesthouse called '11 Happy Backpackers'. They make visa service (it was something like 45$ for a 4 days waiting) and they do everything for you. I guess it's the easiest way since you won't have to go to immigration and all.

    Plus it's a really cool place. 7$ per night, great ambiance, amazing food and good rooftop.

    goodluck to you

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