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Posts posted by FarangTalk

  1. Will they also increase their knowledge of their own city roads\sois? And the ability to speak English - regardless the pink sticker "Come on farang - Yes we can speak English!"?

    That is the sticker, next to the GPS sticker, right?


    The accompanying material to that DTAC campaign had (possibly offensive) caricatures of foreigners that looked like space aliens.

  2. Are they still peddling the myth that Thais themselves don't eat dog meat and it's all for a neighbouring country?

    As much as I share your view I also think this is a little naïve. 90% of the Thai Buddhist I know only use Buddhism to ask for good luck and forgiveness of well calculated wrongdoings (not to use the word sins) as lying, stealing and cheating at a temple, while the philosophy says:

    "If you're a Buddhist, you don't ask for anything from a god. You just practise dharma, to be more like the Buddha. Buddha teaches us to let go of greed.”

    When you talk to them about it, the answer is always the same: You are farrang you don’t understand!

    Thais believe in a mixture of Buddhism, Animism, Brahmanism, Hinduism and a mix of various other minor and superstitious beliefs.

    Thais themselves are not usually educated enough to understand what they practice is not actually Buddhism.

  3. I was looking through the Thailand Customs and Excise import duty website the other day. If anyone is interested, you can import a tank, ambulance or fire engine at 0% import duty. A helicopter rushes you 5% import duty. Not that many of us will be importing these types of vehicles,

    It is not legal to privately own a helicopter or plane in Thailand.

  4. Why don;t you use the proper name of Burma or are you recognising the junta given name of that country.

    Possibly do to the fact that the United Nations recognizes the country as Myanmar?

    Thailand and the US recognised the rightful government of Cambodia as the Khmer Rouge in the UN.

    Thankfully the forums that provide a service to that country are far more honest and open.

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  5. You claim the trial was tainted because the political rulers were biased against the defendant and then suggest a re-trial wouldn't be when the political rulers are on the payroll of the defendant!

    It's all part of the Fruit of the Poisoned Tree argument. Which conveniently ignores when the Poisoned Tree branched out, at the point Thaksin was absolved on the assets concealment case on the basis that, yes he is guilty, but applying the law would rise a stink.

    That's when all this clusterf*** began, on being elected Thaksin got the veredict of "You are too popular to abide by the law". It's been downhill since then.

    Somehow I doubt Thaksin and his supporters would be in favour of having a second go at that trial.

    The tree has been yielding poisoned fruit long before Thaksin's asset concealment case.

  6. Do not overlook the provocateurs, they are the people who actually wanted the blood and they eventually got it. No prizes for guessing whose interests they represent.

    Don't worry, the military and the yellow shirts have not been forgotten.

  7. "Sadly, in the last 12 months, there were 314 reported deaths and 204 cases of Britons in hospital which were notified to us in Thailand. As a proportion of the total numbers of citizens in the country, these are amongst the highest in the world." -- Asif Ahmad, HM Ambassador, UK

    ... well ... the Ambassador makes clear one point ... Thailand is not the safe place the TAT portrays it in their glowing advertising campaigns ... thank you Mr. Ambassador for being forthright on what Thailand is and is not as a tourist destination.

    ... Thailand has a place for tourism ... similar to 3rd world travel ... more for adventure tourists, than for families.

    And the UK embassy should make it clear to Uk nationals. Thailand is dangerous

    The truth at last.

    It is just as dangerous for Aussies and Swedes as admitted by their respective Ambassadors/Consular Officers.

  8. Maybe my view is totally unjustified and actually whenever authority is questioned it should result in quick, violent aggression, possibly lethal, to those involved. Perhaps BTS guards should be armed, trained and empowered with lethal force. With this in mind perhaps some posters would be better suited to say, life in North Korea rather than Thailand...

    And no doubt if they lived there, they would make excuses for the place, telling us to leave if we don't like it.

    Does NK have an expat forum?

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