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Posts posted by StGeorge

  1. On 7/12/2019 at 1:40 AM, Mark mark said:

    Though well, it was a Black Car wasn't it ! ... and people KNOW that Black cars are hard to see at night, ... and so a lot more dangerous then ! ... BUT they still keep on insisting on Buying them !!! ...


    So maybe tell her he probably would not have hit it, ... if it was silver Grey like most sensible cars. 

    Maybe he wouldnt of hit it if it was covered in a bright yellow cover and parked under bright lights.

    Oh!, hang on a minute....


    Maybe best to engage brain before writing.


    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Hooliganzone said:

    Get your facts right! Chokchai 4 village doesn't have security and the entrance road is poorly lit (I am not siding with the bloke with the bike) it had them for about the first few years after it was built, but as the norm here many Thais didn't pay the maintenance fees so the pool and bar was sold off and no more security guards, plus there are no lines anywhere in the village. 

    Close, but no cigar.


    The pool area is still owned by the original landlord of the village and is leased as a franchise to help finance the village requirements.

    The current franchisee, WAS the maintenance collector, but when she took over the pool, no one took up the task of collecting money and the security lapsed.

    The accident is a long way from the entrance and was well lit as my previous photo shows. The entrance is NOT poorly lit at all.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, maddox41 said:

    Thais are a funny bunch the go on and in about respect and been polite but when push comes to shove they throw you out like dirty dish water. 

    Its Thailand...  Park your car or bike anywhere at  your own risk maybe he was so blind he would of crashed through her garage and scratched her car??? If it wasn't on the street. 

    Farangs are a funny bunch. Go around thinking they know best, then make totally dumb comments on incidents they werent present at, believing the dumb@$$ reporters hook line and sinker.


    Character generalisation and assumption is the mother of all f♡ck♡ps.

    • Like 2
  4. 5 hours ago, Kerryd said:

    If you actually knew where this place was, you'd know that almost everyone parks in the lane. Chokchai 4 is kind of segregated from the area around it and there is one way in/out of the village (https://www.google.co.th/maps/@12.9301691,100.9146122,3a,27.4y,195.56h,88.7t/data=!3m5!1e1!3m3!1soN7Ukw3BEfUUf68QsaV6uw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DoN7Ukw3BEfUUf68QsaV6uw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D21.63312%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100?hl=en).

    Even the Googlecar didn't go into there ! All of the lanes are very narrow, just like they are in many similar "villages". However, one can normally zip around easily on a scooter without problem. 

    Assuming one is not "blind drunk" of course.

    Looking at the photos, the woman's car is parked tight against the wall on one side of the lane. In most cases you would probably be able to get by that vehicle even with another car/small truck. The photo showing the ambulance in the lane shows you could go around either side it it (the ambulance) on a scooter with ease). 

    Also, many of those villages are responsible for their own street lighting and it's up to the pooyai baan to replace the lights (and pay the electricity bill). Possibly there are some lights there that need replacing. Even still, it should not have been that hard to see the car and avoid it (assuming you can see and your lights were on and you were in control of your faculties).

    Kind of wonder if they did a blood test at the hospital.

    Pretty much accurate in all you say.

    The main in/out road in fact is two lanes with a tree lined central reservation. The biker was in the IN lane. Large Lorries and dustcarts get around easily. The village is classed as private, but some strange quirk has the local council looking after lighting, trees and road surface(relaid a few years back). Something to do with originally being proposed as a thru road to Khao Noi which didnt materialise.

    Thankfully that didnt happen, as the traffic volume would of been horrendous.

  5. 5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The guy should not have been riding a motorcycle, its fortunate he didn't hurt anyone else... I hope he's ok. 


    The woman who cared more for her car than for an injured person is a despicable character. Unfortunately there are a few around, these 'aunties' are generally push and have a sense of entitlement beyond social norms, even the Thai's comment negatively on such self centered me, me me behavior... Fortunately the majority of the population in Thailand is not like this and this lady is not an example of Thai people, she is just an example of a self-centered cow. 





    This lady is a perfect example of decent Thai people, and with her husband, and my wife, probably saved the guys life. Dont believe all the shit fake news stories.

    • Like 2
  6. 31 minutes ago, Benmart said:

    Your comments are silly and barely understandable.  Your juvenile ranting is judgemental and sounds like you were there, although I suspect it is based on a mere news article, most likely written by someone that got the information second hand. 

    Well i was there, and i guarantee he is correct in what he suggests.

    Being drunk, no helmet, speeding. 

    Only a <deleted> would defend that.

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks for the replies, and it seems my understanding of the situation was correct.

    The problems encountered with a marriage visa are more to do with marital issues more than visa issues, as already pointed out.

    My wife went to the immigration at Pattaya/Jomtien today, and they confirmed that the monthly income does not need to be placed in a Thai account, and that they want a letter from the Embassy verifying the income etc.

    She then popped into the British Consulate next door, and they verified all they need:

    Photo copy of Passport.

    Original evidence of current pension/income.

    Local address typed on letter.

    They charge 2250bt for this service.

    Information can be sought at the British Embassy via Notarial Services

    Tel: 023058333.


    Email: [email protected]

    I'm going to contact them to see what "Original" evidence they require, as i do not receive paper copies anymore and only view my account via internet.

    I'll post anymore findings


  8. Hi Folks,

    First off, i'm sorry if this has been done a death on here, but there are some clarifications from the info i (think i) know which hopefully BMs can help me with.

    This has been raised due to a conversation with expat friends who all seem to have differing views on the requirements necessary for the above visa extentions.

    I entered Thailand on a Non-Imm-O 12mth visa and extended it out to its full 15mths with a 90day stamp just before it was due to expire. I took this route due to financial reasons, even though i have a Thai wife. My situation changed whereby i was able to comply with the visa extension of 12mths due to being married, and i successfully applied for this in February 2012. I had 400k baht depositted in my Thai account in December 2011 thus meeting the requirement of 2mths prior to application.

    For the extension due in February 2013, i am looking to use the monthly income criteria of 40kbt per month instead of the lump sum of 400kbt. And it's here that the discussion with friends raised questions.

    When complying with the 400kbt rule, it has to be deposited into a Thai bank account. But with the 40kbt monthly income, i was of the belief that it can be into your account back in your home country.

    Two of my friends have the retirement visa and said that their money is clearly declared as being in their home countries for their applications each year, but another friend still said that he believed it needed to be into a Thai account. My wife insists that she clarified with immigration on my last 90-day visit that what i was planning to do was ok. But as i had no other "married" chap to cross reference, i am now in a quandary as to what is actually required. I do not want to get to February and find i have missed the boat due to a technicality.

    My income comes from two property investments paid monthly into my UK account. I then plan to transfer funds as and when needed. Can BMs confirm either way the exact requirement as per the current rules for these two visas.

    with thanks


  9. I had a similar event where my sis-in-law and my next door neighbour gave me wrong advice regarding my waterpump. It would of cost bt5k to replace it. But after a search on here through some old posts, a chap went over how to check the pump and calibrate it via a guage. Job done again, and my sis-in-law apologised for duff info.

    I now question any advice my wife gets (or gives), and ask whether it is genuine info gained from experience or just plain guesswork to try to sound more knowledgeable.

    The latter seems to be the norm here.

  10. Ok, got the licences yesterday. No probs.

    I had to go upstairs, and the girl on the 1st desk read the police report and said all was ok. I needed to produce 2 copies of the report, Passport info, and my uptodate visa page. After a quick trip to the copy-shop, i was directed to a uniformed lady who checked all the docs and sent me in to have my pic taken again. I had to pay for the licences the same as when i got the originals, but i expected that. A short wait later and i was called to the photo lady and she handed me my new licences. Job done.

    My wife is now going to question the two seperate sources who insisted i would need to go through all the original stuff again....bullsh1t.

    Got a good deal on a wallet today from a friend, and it is better than my original. Bonus.

    Happy Days. clap2.gif

  11. Cheers Kwasaki,

    I agree that whilst showing the report is a stop-gap, it will not help to get my 5yrs in Feb. I get pulled quite regular, so being uptodate is essential anyway.

    Yes i will be going to my DLT in midweek, and i'll just go with an openmind and see what transpires. I'll post the result.

  12. I have recently had my wallet stolen, which had both my motorbike and car licences in it. They were both 1yr licences, and were valid until Feb 2013.

    I have a police document stating the loss as a matter of record, but I have been told that when i go to the Transport Dept to get copies, that i will need to take a medical certificate and undergo the usual tests associated with applying for a licence etc. This sounds absurd to me, as surely my licences are still valid for the duration i qualified and payed for? All i am asking for is replicas of my already attained licences and to pay the associated costs for admin etc.

    Does anyone know if the info i have been given is correct?


  13. In the Honda CRF 250 L sales brochure there's a few pages of accessories available. I ordered the rear carrier from Honda, 1100 baht I believe. The Honda aluminum sump guard is the same a the plastic one. Too small, IMHO. A fellow in CM makes a proper aluminum guard and a stainless rear rack. I'll post a link later. Next time I head up there I'll purchase the guard that he fabricates.

    Honda in Sriracha doing the rack for 800bt.

    Anyone have any ideas about a possible bigger heat shield for the right hand side? Due to wearing shorts, i'm feeling the heat from the exhaust near my calf.

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