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Posts posted by NomadJoe

  1. I realize details can come from various sources but this story has had more twists than a Thai soap opera....

    "a white Toyota Vios"

    "a gray Toyota Vios".

    "three Canadians"

    "three men and two women of Spanish, Malaysian, Turkish, Russian and Thai nationalities"

    "one Russian man, two Malaysian women and one Thai man"

    "one Mexican"

    " a Toyota Fortuner"

    "a rented pickup truck,

    "a rented van"

  2. However, police have also reported that one of the Malaysian women escaped custody.

    "While the police officers were questioning the suspects, one of the Malaysian woman, the large one, asked to use the bathroom at the police station.

    "But she ended up running away from the station. We are now searching for her," Col Jakkrapan said.

    You have got to be kidding me. They left her unattended in an area where she could flee? After all that otherwise good police work, no less!

    Why is this headline not "Malaysian 30m baht gold thief escapes from police custody," that is the bigger story here. Not surprised though. Security of arrestees has always been an afterthought in the LOS. I can't recall the number of times I have heard of an arrestee fleeing the cops AFTER he has been detained. I am waiting for the day when during one of the famous Thai photo ops the arrestee, who is handcuffed in front (something a modern police force would NEVER do but seems standard procedure here) grabs his gun and ammo which the cops have laid out on the table in front of him and starts blowing away all those in the room with him, and/or himself. I am sure it has happened and sure it will again.

  3. <snip> Nice things like pretending to pick up a stone, or vinegar I just don't trust as a long term strategy. Since

    coming to Phuket I've given up running because of dogs, so I think a powerful spray will send a quick message

    home. I also think that if more people did this, then maybe the dogs would have more of a fear of humans. <snip>

    The perceived aggressive behaviour of the soi dogs is out of fear for humans. Your pepper spray, or other people's sticks, only make it worse.

    But at least pepper spray will stop a dog in it's tracks during an individual attack. It did the times I have used it or seen it used on dogs. That is why USPS workers carry it.

    Sorry I'm not much help with your question OP. Seems I have contributed to the thread going off topic yet again. (I recall the thread you are talking about) I do remember seeing new pepper spray sold in Thailand but I can't remember where. I would say try the vendors on beach road in Patong,but your comment about not wanting it to be out-of-date indicates to me you are already aware of them. The patong street vendors seem to be selling army surplus and much of the potency of OC is gone after 2 years. I would try any of the big open air markets that are regularly held around the island. The one on Thanon Kwang Rd which runs between the Chaoh Fa's north of Wat Chalong is a good one.

  4. blank.gif

    Canadians arrested over B30m heist

    UPDATE: Police have arrested three Canadian men suspected of stealing B30 million worth of jewellery this morning.

    Another news source is reporting the Canadians are a Russian, a Turk, a Spaniard a Malaysian and a woman of unknown nationality. They reportedly ran a police check point in Trang and were chased by the Highway Police. If they only knew the police were looking for Canucks they probably could have just driven through.

  5. 10 meters is about 12 steps. Nevermind the alarm. The sound of a window exploding from impact is quite loud and if they were in a noodle shop, aren't noodle shops outdoors? How could they not hear the window explode from impact?

    Very unlikely it was broken with an umbrella. If they are burglars with any experience whatsoever they will know they can use a tiny piece of porcelain such as that found in spark plugs. It's a very common burglary tool. Very easy to shatter a cars window and it's not that loud.

    Why did the tourist police show up with the regular police?

    Did you miss the bit about the suspects were reported to be foreigners? Why wouldn't they show up? That is exactly their mandate.

    So, how did the OP know the window was broken with an umbrella?

    The "OP" are reporters from the Phuket Gazette and only know what they are told. They were told there was CCTV cameras and witnesses.

  6. I cant imagine trying to use CS gas on dogs....my experiences with CS gas has been very hit and miss quite often resulting in me being momentarily blinded. I can imagine this would give the dogs a good chance to maul me whilst I ran around flailing my arms.

    Your comment is a little confused.

    Firstly, CS and CN does not work on dogs due to under-developed tear-ducts and protection by fur. Pepper spray (OC) is an irritant and an inflammatory so does work on animals as well as on people high on PCP. Bear spray is OC but with a higher CNC levels within the OC than that which is designed to be used on humans.

    Second, pepper spay is usually sold with liquid propellent, not a vapor. Very little chance of self-contamination unless you spray directly into the wind or use it indoors.

    Instead of trying to pepper spray the dogs, which hurts enough on human eyes, why don't you call the soi dog foundation? perhaps they could come and remove the dogs?

    I am not real concerned about causing temporary pain in the eyes of a dog that is trying to attack me, and I am an animal lover.

    I asked the SDF about this once and they explained to me that neither they nor PAWS are allowed to permanently remove dogs, even aggressive ones. I also had a discussion with my landlord about this who is a vet with the Phuket Livestock Department. Only government entities such as your local OrBorTor, PPOA, or the Public Health and Environment Department etc. can remove overly aggressive dogs. If they bite someone they will euthanize them, but the general practice of euthanization of unwanted strays was stopped several years ago after people complained as it goes against Buddhist beliefs.



    http://www.phuketgaz...Search=soi dogs


  7. who in their right mind would leave that kind of money in a car overnight? I also wonder how they knew it was in there.

    this reeks of a scam, I don't believe it was random.

    Where did you read it was left in the car overnight?

    Steve I think you just made a break in the case. Like in cop shows when the suspect says, "I didn't shoot him!" then the detective says, "I never said he was shot, just that he was killed." lol

    It's the same sort of thing as the farang walking on Beach Rd in Pattaya at 03:00 in the morning who claim their bag was stolen and it contained 7 mobile phones, B80,000 in gold, $100,000 in foreign currency and their room key to a Baht 300 a nite hotel.

    Right, and after the CCTV cameras which the farangs didn't notice cannot confirm their story, the said items are then found in their hotel room safe.

  8. Thanks guys for the info.

    Anyone try Rawai cable or KPP's internet? Any info on current install, monthly, speeds and reliability is appreciated. Not many recent entries at Woody's speed reporting site. What's there doesn't look good.

  9. Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time


    It's part of their culture

    Nah..just a Buddhist symbol....whistling.gif

    The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

    I really hate...wait..that's perhaps the wrong word to use here...I dislike hang'em high crowds but my inclination on this one is to let him. Problem sorted.

  10. I have a different theory. After the bamboo and nurses disappeared from Phi Phi, I surmised that an enterprising Thai divemaster, once learning the regular spots which the sharks could be found, sometimes 2 or 3 to a hole, decided to cash in. They are so docile you could literally swim up to them and grab them.

    I am convinced the same thing is happening on occasion to e.g. seahorses, except that they go to aquariums.

    Yes I have thought the same, but instead of aquariums, sold on the black market. (perhaps that is what you meant) There has been more than one incident of this kind of smuggling of tropical reef fish which originated from the waters around Phuket. Remember last year the poacher that crashed into and killed a motorcyclist? He had 30 seahorses! No way to collect that many without inside help. (Story at PW, couldn't find it at PG)

    2010: http://www.phuketgaz...=fish smuggling

    2009: http://www.phuketgaz...marine species.

    1999:http://www.phuketgaz...marine species.

    "Mr Paitoon (of PMBC) said there are still 28 fishing boats operating illegally in the waters off Phuket collecting aquarium fish and transporting them to Bangkok, where there is still high demand for them by aquarium supply stores."

    I sent out a few emails but have nothing back yet. Will probably try to make some calls. I would like to know what the official position is on these hammerheads. Just because they are seen at markets all around Thailand doesn't make it right or mean it's legal.

  11. Can you explain why this would have to be in the Phuket forum, these practices and caught sharks can be found all over Thai markets that are located near oceans and I contributed pictures from Koh Samui and can produce a few more if needed.

    If it would be moved at all, I would suggest the general forum rather than a specific 'location' forum.

    General is fine too. My point really was that it didn't really deserve to be in teh diving section which gets very few visitors. If the goal is to get people involved locally that live in proximity to where this very recent picture was taken then the local forum is more likely to do that IMHO. I rarely visit the general forum. You could always start another thread in the Samui forum.

  12. I wasn't aware I had any warnings. I don't recall receiving any. Aren't you supposed to be notified when that happens? When I click on "more details" to the warning, nothing happens. And now thaivisa seems to not be displaying properly either. Both my profile and the list of forums looks like a term paper outline.


  13. So how are they getting these babies that are usually under rocks and who the fck eats baby sharks? I grant full permission to use my photos!

    As for the hammerheads they are likely killed though the practice of drag netting, a practice that is extremely destructive to our oceans. (We often see these nets entangling our favorite local dive sites.) Some sharks, like hammerheads, are obligate ram breathers i.e. they must remain swimming or they will "drown". Pups are born live 12-40 to a litter and huddle together after birth for some time. This means that if you see one or two pups for sale at market, their siblings likely met the same demise.

    Other sharks, like the bamboo and nurse along with most others, can breath via baccal pumping, i.e. they have the ability to force water through their gills without swimming. Thus during the day we see these sharks resting under rocks and outcroppings as they are nocturnal hunters. When they come out to hunt at night it can make them susceptible to fishing activities. I have a different theory. After the bamboo and nurses disappeared from Phi Phi, I surmised that an enterprising Thai divemaster, once learning the regular spots which the sharks could be found, sometimes 2 or 3 to a hole, decided to cash in. They are so docile you could literally swim up to them and grab them.

    This thread, IMO, belongs in the Phuket forum. It is not related to diving other than divers probably having a greater interest than most.

  14. I can't say I am surprised at all by this study. It's exactly what I have always assumed. This is similar to another study which showed that the the more intelligent the person, the less likely they are to believe in God. --> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/2111174/Intelligent-people-less-likely-to-believe-in-God.html

    Here an interesting Wiki entry discusses the many studies showing the level of a persons intelligence is indirectly proportionate to their self described level of religiosity.



    I once tried reading Richard Dawkins The God Delusion, but found that his arguments were so simplistic and obvious to me that I couldn't continue. His points were clear to me as an 10 year old child. I remember the first time I realized that grown adults believed in God. I still remember the sinking feeling I had. As a child I considered God no more real than the Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, and Santa Clause. I realized then that my previously perceived perfect universe was in trouble. Up to that point religion/church was to me simply a place where troubled kids went on Sundays for bible study or the place my family went on the occasional Chistmas midnight mass where a guy tried to cheer people up and explain life. It made me very uncomfortable. Like the feeling you get from a used car salesman. Every debate I have ever had with a non-athiest uses circular logic, or no logic, always comes back to faith, and ultimately falls flat on it's face every time.

    So anyway, Dawkins would ask how can all religions be right, he would point out the fact that people that were raised in a religious family of a certain denomination would believe the same as the family, just as I was raised in a non-practicing catholic essentially atheistic family thus I am not religious. Dawkins would say the concept of God started as a way to explain the apparently unexplainable, give purpose to our lives, and comfort us when loved ones died, and ultimately religion could be used to control the masses. Not really debatable, all of it.

    God or Gods in any incarnation that is imagined by man is just that, imagination. If He exists, his existence, which I doubt, He is far beyond our miniscule ability to comprehend. I don't want to sound like I'm bagging on religion. It does a lot of good for a lot of people. I think people should be free to imagine whatever they want. They can believe in the flying speghetti monster for all I care. It's just when silly notions of what is and should be start making their way into policy that things get scary. I'll leave that for another discussion.

    Ricky Gervais describes things well: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ricky+gervais+religion+bible+comedy+part+1&oq=ricky+gervais+religion&aq=3&aqi=g7g-m1&aql=&gs_l=youtube-psuggest.1.3.0l7j0i5.87676.96846.0.100147.


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