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Everything posted by stoutfella

  1. I'm not sure I'd trust an airline with that name, you don't know what they might be "flying" on.
  2. Ah, so he's on the appeasement bandwagon too.
  3. Is that a serious question? I thought it was a foregone conclusion.
  4. But isn't wearing crash helmets when riding a motorcycle also good for people's safety, but how many Thais have yet realised that?
  5. And by 2035 the whole world will be coming to Thailand every year.
  6. With all the different categories of tourist Thailand is expecting to receive in the next 12 months I get the feeling that the whole world will soon be visiting Thailand annually.
  7. A third rate hike, that's a bit downmarket. Why couldn't it have been a first rate hike?
  8. There's world-wide mass confusion over "earned" and "was paid".
  9. I think this section: "Assuming you are the next of kin/legal guardian. Hospital issues Death Certificate. (Body taken to the morgue.) Death Certificate has to be take to City Hall (to be authenticated or something). Death Certificate and passport of the deceased taken to national Embassy. (Passport is cancelled. Get Death Certificate translated and notarized copies made.) Embassy issues Letter authorizing disposal of the body. With copies of the Death Certificate and Letter from the Embassy, make an appointment at whichever temple you like for a cremation ceremony. Make arrangements to move the body from the morgue to the temple on the appropriate day. " might depend on which country you are a citizen of as this certainly wasn't the case when a friend of mine died a few years ago and his Thai wife asked me to contact our embassy to find out what she had to do and whether they were even interested. The answer was that unless the body was to be re-patriated to our country they, the embassy, were not at all interested.
  10. I still remember the halcyon days of 90 day visa on arrival.
  11. I thought it was nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
  12. Being able to monitor more crime doesn't necessarily mean you are going to reduce it.
  13. Ah, living the dream, the people who concocted the survey that is.
  14. Are you going to tell the people sitting in those seats that, or shall I?
  15. I would have thought for as long as he keeps the military, who put him there, sweet.
  16. Anything the Daily Star prints is questionable.
  17. For a number of years after buying my 3.0 litre Hilux Vigo I kept a check on fuel consumption and it averaged out over a five or so year period of 34.97 mpg and these were real 4.54 litre gallons not the budget US variety.
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