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Everything posted by Merlindxb

  1. completely out of the left field. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32677469/ Previous studies have shown that a multifunctional TRIM family protein, MG53 (mitsugumin 53; also called TRIM72), not only plays an essential role in IPC-mediated cardioprotection, these have been identified, separated, available. but NOT for the faint of heart. So now the key to longevity has been found, it will need developing. A whole family of products, a small resort, short de-Tox treatments, internet, locally and international approver products. Rgs///Peter
  2. its in the interest of ALL of us, Jacko45 made the point, at Mouth, is too late, the virus has already lodged in your nose, But! that can be taken care of with a Nose, Mouth & hand spray which you can make at home, there is a website that is a live report on treatment of hospitalizations world wide, that also lists the real recovery rates, currently a candidate is achieving 82% WORLDWIDE, a lot of them you have or can get, we are talking of natural things like Cumin combined with a Thai product. I hear the horror and springing to the sharpeners, but consider this IF Cumin sprayed up your nose did stop it developing into a full scale attack then it would build your immunity, or at least made it go away without a week in Hospital. all for a yellow nose? ????
  3. 29 + car's must be over 50Mil alone + properties encl Condo's & millionaire life style, around 20 years of amassing a fortune, some of that I got from the the wife as its on Thai net and that is the point "it is on the Thai net" freely available, so HE has to pay as well and we will soon know to who when the music stops. Everybody "KNEW" he was on the take ? so, why has his boss dobbed him in,
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