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Posts posted by Merlindxb

  1. completely out of the left field.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32677469/

    Previous studies have shown that a multifunctional TRIM family protein, MG53 (mitsugumin 53; also called TRIM72), not only plays an essential role in IPC-mediated cardioprotection, these have been identified, separated, available. but NOT for the faint of heart.

    So now the key to longevity has been found, it will need developing. A whole family of products, a small resort, short de-Tox treatments, internet, locally and international approver products.


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    • Haha 1
  2. its in the interest of ALL of us, Jacko45 made the point, at Mouth, is too late,  the virus has already lodged in your nose, But! that can be taken care of with a Nose, Mouth & hand spray which you can make at home, there is a website that is a live report on treatment of hospitalizations world wide, that also lists the real recovery rates, currently a candidate is achieving 82% WORLDWIDE, a lot of them you have or can get, we are talking of natural things like Cumin combined with a Thai product. I hear the horror and springing to the sharpeners, but consider this IF Cumin sprayed up your nose did stop it developing into a full scale attack then it would build your immunity, or at least made it go away without a week in Hospital. all for a yellow nose? ???? 

  3. 29 + car's must be over 50Mil alone + properties encl Condo's & millionaire life style,  around 20 years of amassing a fortune, some of that I got from the the wife as its on Thai net and that is the point "it is on the Thai net" freely available, so HE has to pay as well and we will soon know to who when the music stops.  Everybody "KNEW" he was on the take ? so, why has his boss dobbed him in,

  4. Could it be that, once a statement has been made there can not be any going back! (loss of Face). 

    The Ambassador to Thailand, is paid by the British Government! proof is his annual P60.. This is an accountable document, it has his address and his National Insurance number on it and is Proof Positive of how much he was paid. it doesn't need validating, by virtue that it is accepted by all forms of the UK Tax regime, so anyone sending their P60’s to the British Embassy are providing proof positive and swearing an affidavit of their income. 

  5. Siomon

    sous vide slow cook / boil in bag / freeze / micro wave serve....

    Cook; check your chip fryer see if it will go down to 50c.

    1 in 20 Guest is that crazey woman who will cook 2 gallons of Chicken Noddles and share her recipes.

    bag them / frezze them / sell them.

    Macro is now selling Chinese food, frozen /boil in bag / dehydrated...

    Get a grip of this income stream / service...get on it..

    PS..Thai staff Will break your microwave/ cooker /frezzer, in the first 3 months...

  6. Rupert!!!!

    Know the problem well! Sorry don’t have answer. BUT. Years ago when visiting Thailand on holiday We purchased a carved teak wood bar on the road between Pattaya - BKK it was delivered to our house in UK 6 weeks later.

    So my tip for what its worth: is find out who moved the bar.

  7. I recommend the gem trade with nearby country that is known for its gem stones, have a friend send you an email offering to buy all you can get him. Get her involved, she will love it, but the gem trader will insist the money bank Tx and must come from outside, no solly not take Thai… mai Dai.

    All monies back into your ex pat bank account…all done !

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  8. "Just an FYI... This really helped me out because I'm out of visa pages on my passport and needed more time before I would have to convert my visa to a 1 year. You can actually go to Penang and pay a little extra for a 1 year non-immigrant O marriage visa right off the bat, with no need to convert it inside Thailand. I do have to leave the country and come back for a stamp every 90 days.The fee was 550 ringet, or 5500 baht. I just brought all the necessary documents that are listed above and proof that I make over 40,000 baht per month. The process was really painless."

    I have done it this way for a few years now.

    Please can someone explain for me "I do have to leave the country and come back for a stamp every 90 days." which I have to do as well!


  9. I had a T100, for over 18mts, the older model with Android OS. the on / off switch stopped working 10mts into warranty, the Phuket Asus main dealer who had done a minor repair under warranty before, he wanted the original invoice from Power buy at central, which was missing when I got the box back when it had been repaired, PowerBuy wouldn't give me a copy, when, I went back and shewed my credit card receipt with the date on it he said nothing, I reminded him that they had repaired it before, he Ausu agent didn't do anything. with no phone call for 6 weeks I went down again and they said it would cost Tb 12,000 to repair.

    I checked on the internet and found that this is a common fault with Transformers, and can be fixed by a "Software" up date. which is an upgrade of the OS, not something I feel comfortable with. I tried ASUS in BKK they said they couldn't help when my Thai wife jumped in to explain what happened in Phuket.

    I am going back home soon and will try to get it repaired there.

    Currently I switch it on and off by closing the lid or running the power down.

    I can only add that I am very disappointed with ASUS agents, I have also tried to get help from their customer services, all I ever got form being a VIP member was an auto answer.

    Like you I feel the concept is great!, I use it mostly as a tablet, cos the keyboard not working very well and mouse isn't at all

    I too wanted a Windows OS but they were not out in Thailand.

    Sorry for the long post.

    Good LUCK, you WILL need it in the LOS. if anything go's wrong...I will never buy a AUSU product again..

  10. I really do feel for you. I am totally confused by all the jargon, involved in freight.

    I moved a 12 meter boat from UK to Singapore. Got quote’s from everyone I could.

    There was the Road move to UK port, embarking dock cost, sea freight, off loading, Dis embarking port cost, local customs, local freight handling company to do paperwork.

    The up front quote doubled, in actual payments. Every agent. along the way denounced the other. It was a nightmare.

    Yes! I know it was my fault. Rich shit bringing a boat to Asia.

    Then, I needed to bring 3 box’s out from UK to Thailand. They sent a normal UK courier to pick up box’s, delivered straight to airline, airline flew to Thailand, (2 days) informed me, that they were ready to pick up. Went to airport freight airline terminal, paid 7% of declared worth, custom’s raked thru boxes, looked up in their book and charged me 15% on 4 items. Exit with packages 2hr later.

    I am now going to do it again. 1. Get quote direct from airline (PS that is NOT a easy do) deliver to Airline freight terminal. All Packages to have FULL packing list. Customs declaration. Get cost of UK airport to home. Advise UK courier of ALL details. They will pick up, (As you are going into UK then personal effects 2nd hand books ? x 50p) no vat, 15% import IF , you get a customs on a bad day.

    I hope this helps.

  11. My Thai Wife tells me, “They don’t care” when they are roaring thru a built area, or even passeing near a street market or abandoning (Parking) their cars outside the 7/11. Like most of us I try to drive defendable, but they still “Pop Out”.

    As for Thailand being number 3 in the world on road deaths…Not true! Our Thai friends are way way number ONE, you see they do not count as road deaths if they die in ambulance or hospital.

  12. Well done! Head of Phuket Customs Chief Nanthita Sririkub, you are to be praised, Bangkok is over reacting.

    We are not saying there may be Non-Thai registered vessels plying their business.

    However, Compare the loss of Customs Duty!

    Please do NOT do what was done to Thailand’s boat building industry; Phuket could have built a viable export business. That has been crippled by a poorly thought out Customs duties.

    Visit any of Phuket Marina’s, where the owners have invested millions in building infrastructure.

    Go to the slipways of Phuket fish Port. Where skilled Boatwright’s ply their trade. As an example: there is a 30-year-old wood sailboat here from Singapore; it has been totally re-planked from the rib’s up. The owner has spent Millions of Singapore dollars in Phuket, over the last year and it is still not finished, this example is repeated in every marina, in Phuket.

    Boats with: termite’s infestation, wood damp rot, fibreglass osmosis, collision damage, electrical, Engine, prop shaft, sails.

    Phuket is Port of choice by visitors who come to Phuket to have their boats hauled out, painted, repaired, and re-fitted.

    Tasks like this are 100’s of man hours, material and replacement spares.

    Phuket marine industries directly employ thousands of Thai workers. Take into account dependant industry. Phuket has Chandlers, engineers, welders, skilled boat Painters, woodwork’s, Stainless steel, etc., it adds up to a rich source of income for Phuket and Thailand.

    It is keeping skills alive, supplying skilled tradesmen to the local boat building industry. Worldwide Government’s are investing in Marine industry collages.

    Thailand, you have a fully functioning, self financed, Industry, which you will put into recession.

    Currently Phuket is the only Port in the region where, you can get anything fixed.

    However, it will take time.

    It is worth repeating. This regulation will lead to the: The net loss of Customs Duty!

  13. Hi I had a break-in last year, they broke open a bedroom window, then jemmied open the steel frame, then they bent it inwards giving enough room to get in, then opened the back door. how do I know, you ask because I had it all covered on CCTV! called the police, they called the crime scene officer, he took away containers that had been touched. then nothing! My neighbour is a warrant officer in the local Police, when I asked him he just shrugged, and made a negative noise…

    Although you asked Not for 'hearsay" but, my break-in came up in conversation, 3 people had similar experiences.


  14. I thought I was the only one having this problem with HSBC: ie I type in the amount and in the "Drop down" box, select GBP Sterling. then. HSBC came back with an exchange rate, that is 3-7% below current exchange rate...I but I wanted to send GBP Sterling from my account to my Thai account, so, I back paged and did it again! and so did HSBC. this all started 3 months ago!

    With a charge of £17 and 4 working days to clear and now the currency exchange rate rip off....they have lost this customer....


  15. Former soldier Stu Kyffin had a very serious accident 10 days ago in Koh Samui and he has been left in a coma, but after they turned the machines of he stayed breathing, etc unplugged... (tough guy, he spent over a decade in the SAS). He now works for Pilgrim but was on leave at the time at his house in Koh Samui and like most supermen didnt have insurance. The SAS, Royal Anglian Regiment, and others have raised £35,000. Could you lend a jet, or one could be paid for at "mates rates", we could possibly get Marshalls to give it a free service once it gets back?

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