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Everything posted by club

  1. Wrong, My American Insurance company Blue Cross blue shield didn't need pre approval to cover me.
  2. That's what happens when you test positive at the test and go. You go straight to a hospital. Symptoms or no symptoms. You sound like I had a choice .
  3. I got Covid 3 weeks after second Moderna shot. Sister in law got it 1 month after Pfizer booster. The bad new is Omicron goes right around ALL vaccines. The good news is I still ended up in a Bangkok Hospital with very light symptoms and keeping anti body level up will keep most people alive.
  4. Never would have moved here knowing the wide spread corruption throughout this government. I also am not here for the rest of my life.
  5. Thailand used to be, not anymore thanks to this panthodic government
  6. The hospital I am in did a second PCR TEST 4days after I got here. They said it was being sent to another lab to find out what variant it was. I asked how long will it take for results. they said 1 to 2 weeks. Then I get a call from the nurse and she says the sample they took did not detect the virus, but since I tested positive at the test and go hotel I have to complete 10 days of quarantine.
  7. When doctor did another PCR test he said results of wont come back until 7 to 14 days. Sound like their is only a couple of labs around Bangkok that know how to do it
  8. No, but all symptoms I had were Omicron. Plus pretty sure I caught in the USA. 95% cases there is Omicron
  9. i am sitting in a hospital right now with lite symptoms and fully vaccinated with Moderna and was told yesterday from doctor that one of my lungs is infected with Cytokine storm syndrome. Google it, its not good
  10. This thing is headed to 50 k a day. with low death rate. In hospital now after both shots of moderna. stay safe
  11. But their is no problem with 12 Thais gathered around a small table drinking whisky from the same shot glass or 20 Thais gathered around a small Cock fight arena . Then going home to their family and sharing the Covid with them. Now that's dirty
  12. Got Covid Omicron 30 days after getting 2nd jab of Moderna. My brother and his wife got It and they have had the Booster. This country is looking at 50,000 a day very soon. Omicron goes right around all vaccines. We are all just lucky the symptoms are light and very few people will die from it. They have me in a hospital right now sucking money out of my insurance company for the next 7 days, been here 3 days already. Feels like a bad cold . Can you imagine this country trying to hospitalize 50k a day. This by far is the most contagious Covid we have seen
  13. Is this to fight Covid? They refuse to spend the money on quality Vaccines and boosters . Who are they fighting that they need fighter jets?
  14. My brother and sister contracted Covid Omicron after boosters. If you knew how to read I never said Vaccines were ineffective. Vaccines safe life's. You are the foolish one if you really think being Vaccinated will stop you from getting the Omicron strain. Tell that to the millions of vaccinated people around the world. Actually dont tell anyone anything until you have someone read a post for you and explain what it means
  15. My Symptoms were a scratchy throat. Doctor says i am here for 10 days. The whole idea is to suck money out of my insurance company. Fully Vaccinated with Moderna as of Dec 13
  16. Another Thai Government official that is predicting the future 9 years from now.
  17. So every time you cough, sneeze or feel under the weather I am sure you will rush to the nearest hospital and get tested. Every other day
  18. Was in USA to visit family. The wife and I received our first jab of Moderna Nov 1, second jab Nov 29.We were both fully vaccinated with one of the strongest Vaccines we know of. We both wore our mask constantly except for when eating. Went out to eat Monday night . This is where we think we both were exposed to Covid. Wife Symptoms started Wednesday. no symptoms for me then. We did our pre flight PCR test Friday. We were both negative. I thought my wife had caught something was because we were in the mountains in minus 7c during a snow storm.. Couple of hours before we landed in Bangkok my throat felt scratchy. But that was it. Tested positive the next day. Sitting in a Hospital spending the first of 10 days. My advice to anyone is dont take your mask off when people are there with you sitting very close to you. Eat alone , order out but dont fall for this BS that its ok to take your mask off when you eat especially indoors. Also Boosters WILL NOT SPOP omicron. We were at the highest level of antibodies and still got Covid. Still get the booster to keep your level up so it can fight this infection. My scratchy throat lasted 2 days but I think if We were not vaccinated , it would be a different story. I am 64 and doing fine. My wife is much better and 40. Be safe out there. Thailand would be smart to wait before opening and any Government official that says they have Omicron under control is a liar. This strain evades all vaccines
  19. Thinking the same thing. I read where Thai officials say foreigners are coming into Thailand on test and go and bringing Covid with them. Only problem with that is many of these people are testing negative before they get on plane, then negative once they get to Test and go hotel, then cut loose to travel anywhere in Thailand for 7 days. Then test positive. Good chance they are getting infected here in Thailand
  20. Wont know until I go on App . Hotel sent me a list of 300 government hospitals and one of them is the same one I went to before i left for America, even if I have to pay i really dont care
  21. Lets just make it 5 AZ jabs with 3 boosters of Moderna. By the way are their any countries out their that can donate AZ or Moderna to poor Thailand?
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