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Posts posted by rct99q

  1. Well now that i am back in the land of the free...$100-150/day depending on mood of wife. that is taking into consideration i am making 30x more money. Must say living on $12/dayin Thailand makes me shudder. Also surprisingly costs are about even with the one big exception being a place to live.

    To the OP i see people scrapping by just like you only the weather is better in Thailand. So if you have no goals, ambition, or a desire for a better lifestyle, hang out in Thailand. Life here for the less motivated can be terrible.

  2. Just curious now. If say a Thai passport holder had the same freedom of movement as say a UK, US, AUS or Cad does how many Thai spouses would stay in Thailand. My wife and children have moved back to the West and she loves it. No turning back for her I think. Great for the kids, he loves how "modern" things are, but the only slight drawback is the extended family. I have a wonderful set of in laws who believe it or not I miss seeing, but my wife still prefers it here.

    Although getting a visa was not all that difficult for us i know some expats who have either tried and unsuccesful or have not bothered to try.

    My son who carries an irish passport has said he would prefer to not return to Thailand as well. He loves school, the girls love his asian/farang mixed look, and he even prefers western food over Thai food.

    Maybe we are not the norm but i suspect that given the chance of freedom of movement more mixed families would move back to the west.

  3. had a friend who did this

    the school just kept making excuses and delayed things for close to a year

    when the person left the school refused to pay monies owing

    teacher couldnt really complain as was technically working illegally

    sounds like a con to me

    If your friend did not violate any conditions of his or her contract they have the option of filing a grievance with the local labor board over unpaid wages (if said friend has got a copy or not). Local labor boards do not care if working without permit but generally are there to protect the workers rights.

    As well a probation period works for both parties as the employee can leave without notice as well if they do not like the work and receive their full pay for the hours put in. That being said it is still against the law to work without the correct visa and wp.

  4. In response to the OP, yes. But depends on where you are. In the far North East (nong khai, tha bo, sri Chiang mai, Chiang khan, loei) you can still find work as a teacher with no qualifications. Most will be able to offer a visa and work permit. Companies like SINE that are expanding their business into this region have a difficult time in recruiting anybody. Pay will be less as they know the game and will screw you any chance they can. However it is possible to earn less than 25,000 baht and still have fun. Even if you have never been upcountry before the Thai teachers are very helpful (in most cases I have found) in assisting in finding accommodations, transportation etc.

    Good luck if you decide to try it. Worst case you commit to a year, you will have some fun, meet some interesting people, and laugh about the experience with other seasoned professionals after you are done!

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  5. Almost believed this was going to apply to Western Teachers thought to myself, great! Finally. Remember doing a training class in Bangkok with SINE. next to me was a guy from Phuket or Pattaya seemed okay. Had some different views of Thailand but hey. Gets posted just outside of Udon Thani. Next thing I know see his mug shot n Thaivisa as the main suspect in the killing of his girlfriend. The one in the upstairs apartment who was going to a party without him. Thought to myself good vetting of a prospective teacher with this group. But guess they were so desperate for teachers they took this guy and others under qualified.

    But alas does not appear to apply for every teacher coming into contact with Thai children.

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  6. What surprised me most is after having two wonderful children with an amazing Thai partner and living with all in both Thailand, Ireland, Canada, and the US, I still feel the best place to raise them is Thailand. Currently residing in the US sitting here with a cup of coffee while the wife and little one are soundly sleeping awaiting the work day to begin and thinking what the future would hold if we were to live in this spot for the rest of our lives. Not. As "multi" cultural as they want to believe they are it takes only a few moments to realize that you are the elephant in the room when they see a me (white) and my wife (Thai) with the fake smile and the usual greeting of "does she speak English"!

    Thailand has its issues for sure but for me and my family it is the better option. My wife prefers Ireland but i am sure my wishes will prevail.....Galway is in Thailand, right?

  7. I would recommend extension based on being married to a Thai subject to the person on who you are going to be married to. In many cases I am going to assume this extension option works just fine. My wife many years ago took a trip to the local immigration office found out all the requirements, filled in the forms, got photos set up, and had me sign here, there and there. Then told to show up at immigration.

    On a side note, sometimes, having a partner in this country who has a solid understanding of a second or third language can be a bit hazardous! Not that I have anything to hide.

  8. I sit here in my rocking chair reading another rehashed topic with posters getting into another pissing match about who is wrong or right while the OP answers back about not getting factual answers regarding a topic that is nearly impossible for anyone one of us to reply on correctly.

    To the young man you have inquired about who had the questions...look at NancyL post and most people would agree.

    In my opinion it has a lot to do about the person/people volunteering and less to do about the organization. A very well respected charitable organization run by a westerner here in the NE (all legal with the paper work) ran for years with no problems as the volunteers all behaved in a respectful manner until a year or so ago for whatever strange karma a small group emerged that treated their time at the organization differently till one night after a night of binge drinking, flashing of both male and female body parts and some destruction of local property the said charitable organization was visited by police, immigration and the local mayor. The organization has since closed up. Not clear for what specific reason but after running for nearly 10 years without incident it only took 3 months and a few selfish volunteers to possibly ruin what was once a well respected charitable organization.

    It is only one incident out of thousands of people doing good deeds in this country but for me it shows that the locals have really no issue with volunteering or volunteers helping (especially if it involves things like feeding children elderly or animals in need) until the people involved show up the locals, treat them with disdain or in some other manner bring unwanted attention to them.

  9. lard nah (as we say in the far north east) similar Laos dish. The only thing I find that is much different is the gravy and almost always served with broccoli. As well my wife makes a wicked version of what she calls Yam Moo (but again it is a hybrid of thai/laos cooking), spicy glass noodles with veggies (we will add shrimp or thinly sliced pigs ear) but is also superb without meat. Sweet and spicy...

  10. also to be considered is where he/she wants to teach. Up here in the North East of Thailand (far north) along the Mekong in the little villages you can find work without any education or TEFL program. Loei, Chiang Khan,Tha Bo, Sri Chiang Mai, Nong Khai, udon Thani, Buen Khan all have "English" Teachers working with either no formal education (ie, no high school diploma, or perhaps 1 year of uni/coll).

  11. Not bad young man 38 replies plus mine...had you brought up the idea of a dual pricing menu for the restaurant with Thai prices on one side and farang prices (doubled) on the other you may have roped in another 30 or more posters! Well done though.

  12. Nope, but visit often as per other poster the above GH is nice. Also a newish pizza joint and GH with nine rooms i think. Near the river just past the gh mentioned above. Great food. An Italian guy and his family. Very nice people. If you pop in ask them about the locals. Wife is from the area and speaks fantastic English. Place is called Mr. House Resort.

  13. Best advice was your own. Do a recon check out the guy. My step sons bio father left the family around the one year mark. Son met him one time around age five and has never wanted anything else to do with him. The guy is okay, good job, new family, same old story. But I would still be very careful. The Thai grapevine goes long and deep. I would suspect the bio father knows what's going on through family of family.

    Good luck.

  14. I am sure all the do gooders will jump down my reply or it may even get deleted but here goes with my 2 cents worth on the work permit issue. It is possible to get using Management as a skill. have done it with guest house. However by the letter of the law you are allowed to direct people not actually do the physical part of the job. As an example I had kitchen people and maintenance workers. It was okay for me to indicate how I wanted the trees in the garden to be trimmed the height, watering etc.or set up the menu in the kitchen and helped train the chefs on the western food items ..however I was not entitled to rake the leaves, trim the trees, water the bushes, take out meals to guests, do the shopping etc...in emergencies I was allowed to do some physical work in showing how things were done.

    I also worked the first three years without a work permit (with local immigration knowing fully I was doing this work) and never had a problem. Kept my nose clean, always kept the employees happy (helped that most were family or relations), provided the locals with some free food and the occasional free room.

    So I would take the time upon arrival to determine what it is you want to do, make sure the surrounding employees are comfortable that they will not be out of a job with you working, limit just how involved you will be in some of the hands on tasks and not make waves. It may be the family business but you will be watched very carefully if you are at all visible to the public (even the family employees will be on edge and hate to say this can not be 100% trusted they wont turn on you). My immediate family are fantastic and protect me from outsiders but a few family members get jealous and can, if allowed, to create some hassles.

    Good luck, and enjoy

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  15. built this 5 year ago near sakon, live here with my wife and our daughter, cost me about 1.6 million at the time. the inlaws and family live in their home, i didnt get ripped of and no freeloaders come in my home, so u can do it if u pick the right person and u are lucky.

    Beautiful looking home however just showed the wife and she wants! In the process of completing ours and like how you built the front of yours. Love all the glass door and windows.
  16. And people are saying we did not need a coup..... Seems the military is the only one who can keep the police in check.

    But executing wrong and stupid laws instead of making a framework of laws that make sense isn't the big step ahead.

    Gambling will always exist so make laws for legal gambling. I fail to see the big leap forward if some corrupt Thais that own casinos at the border to Cambodia (Police and Military people) make the profit with gambling and not paying any tax instead of some corrupt Thais in Bangkok. No change beside bigger CO2 footprint.

    Legalize casinos and than public tell that after a grace period of 3 month there will be a crack down on the illegal casinos with real punishment (not inactive post) would be the right thing to do.

    If they really do elections 2016 than we can tell 2019 that the coup was complete pointless because nothing really changed (non of the changes are visible anymore).

    It was a bit tongue in cheeck.. i mean it just shows how corrupt it is and how the police is not to be trusted.

    I have nothing against legalized gambling, we got that in the Netherlands. I myself don't gable but I don't see much of a problem. I am not a moralist that tells others what to do. Gambling.. drug use.. I don't care as long as people don't bother / harm others

    If you think it does not harm you or others look again. Gambling affects everyone through higher taxes, periphal crime, and more. In Canada it is also legal but comes with problems. I do not have any answers but there are issues in this country, Thailand, that will never be resolved. However with education, slow exposure to other outside influences, and chipping away at the entrenched rot in this country my grandchildren may see some real change. I will be dead but all I can do is hope the future is brighter!

  17. I want to teach, not be a clown...

    then you have come to the wrong country. Taught for 5 years here and the best part of the job was being a clown, or a pilot, or a singer, dancer, fireman, bumblebee etc...kids of all ages here love being entertained while learning. I do not have any stats to back me up but believe they retain what they have been taught better as well.

    Think of 150 native English speaking children of various ages and abilities trying to learn French from a Native French speaker going on and on about grammar and proper speech patterns blah, blah, blah....teach them dance, or being a bit of "clown" goes a long way.....in my humble opinion anyways.

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  18. Please keep in mind there are many variables in Cad immigration issuing visas. The key is to prove that the person travelling will return to their originating country. Having just gone through the process we received a multiple entry visa valid for three months. I know of one person whose Vietnamese wife received a visa for the life of her passport but with all of my research believe this to be a rare instance. However once I Canada the ability to make extensions to her trv is relatively easy. As for applying for her PR it is essential for you to research the process for inland and outland procedures as both have pros and coins. In some provinces you can apply for and receive provincial healthcare, open bank account but not engage in employment unless you apply for a work permit (is, spousal open work permit). If your spouse has applied for and received a previous visa for Canada and not violated the conditions of her original stay it should help in getting the next one. However all her previous information will be on file and immigration will look closely at all the information.Good luck


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  19. Travel frequently with my 2 year old with triple citizenship and never had a problem at any Thai airport. In fact they have always been extremely helpful. I almost always book online and use the Thai passport to complete booking. The usual disclaimer appears stating you must posses the correct visa for the country you are travelling to etc. When asked at check in I show the correct passport to the agent to prove they do not require a vis (have Canadian and Irish). Then use the Thai passport when leaving, no issue. Just remember to complete the arrival/departure card for Thailand. With all due respect for these matters I would never seek the advice of Thai immigration officials. In some cases with some Thai people they do not like to see Thai children leaving Thailand.

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  20. How the world changes. With the recent incidents in France, Canada, and the US the words "free speech" have been bantered around news agencies everywhere. Debates are raging what constitutes freedom of speech. As for Thailand I suspect it has a long way to go before allowing this. As I am sure most posters have seen in the past few days and weeks how powerful the simple act of drawing a cartoon or writing a news article can be. Many people have the ability to draw or write about their own opinions, very few have the ability to get their opinions viewed or read by the general public. The few that do it seems are being bullied (or in drastic cases, killed) for being able to get their opinions viewed by the masses. I have never read one of his articles but to believe that what he has done has never affected peoples lives.....would be misguided. The world needs these people, for good or not, as they create balance, stimulate conversations, and prove that freedom of speech is a necessity.

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  21. Just to add to the above....the cheapest way is the bus from the main bus station there are however a few drivers who will take you from the airport all the way thru to Vientiane. They are not cheap though. Contact Mr. Chetha via mut mee guesthouse (they can pass on his phone number). Very reliable, safe driver but i do not know his current rate.

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  22. I know of Vincent having spoken with on a few occasions. Seems nice enough most of the time. Have seen him running down Meechai in the early morning hours screaming his head off and waving his arms in the air. Can say for the most part he is harmless though. My concern is when he is buying and selling within my neighborhood. I do not do drugs but have no issue with people who do. But I do not wish them brought into my community.

    Do wish him well and a speedy release in hopes he learns a lesson from this and sticks to just using not selling.

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  23. What worries me is that all these schools don't even take the time to check on these applicants. When are they going to learn that? If the appropriate authorities had gone into this a little bit deeper they might've prevented all unnecessary suffering as mentioned in this article. As far as I'm concerned scumbag like him should never be allowed to return and rot in the Bangkok Hilton!

    All what schools? I can tell you that any school that pays enough for a farang to live on will be checking references. The rules have become very stringent over the years.

    Maybe it depends on what area of the country you are in and who you work for! I have taught in the upper NE for many years and have never heard of a private or government school doing a background check. I recently become employed by a large and well known language school company that provides programs to government schools (it offers a program via power point presentations with a repeat, repeat, repeat motto) that hires without needing a police clearance letter. In fact on several occasions I offered to provide one and they said it was not a problem. This past summer one of their recruits was arrested in Udon Thani for allegedly killing his girl friend in (pattaya or pucket, can not remember but made headline news here on TV), as well they constantly send out e-mails regarding inappropriate touching of students is to be avoided! They also hire teachers without degrees and a few without even a high school diploma.

    This company offers 33,000 baht/month plus a year end bonus at the end, operate in what I believe are nearly 70 government schools in Thailand, So if a large, well known language school operating under "Western Management" in government schools across Thailand does not bother with screening its employees, can you tell me what are the chances of government (or not) school outside of Bangkok doing so?

    edit - 33,000baht/month

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