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  1. Training ? Thai Police? Oxymorons
  2. A committee ? I could tell you in a New York minute but we know what the answer will be already.
  3. But he's not involved with politics anymore.He said so.
  4. Yeah that's what they all say. "Yes I smoked weed but didn't inhale"🤣 Just kidding .
  5. Proven innocent a Thai court of law 😉🤣 $$$$$$$$
  6. Trump supports Trump
  7. This must be fake news. He said he wouldn't stick his nose into politics anymore.🤣
  8. "This tourism tax is forecast to provide significant revenue while offering tourists a safety net during their stay in Thailand." What a load of ++++ .Another rip off into some pockets
  9. Sounds like more money will be changing hands
  10. Yep it's been going on for 25 years that I know of. Chancers open a bar lose a lot then try and offload it to the next chancer that thinks they can "make it big" or have "a great retirement" or such
  11. Don't rush they haven't finished making it up yet.😁

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