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Everything posted by findlay13

  1. I like George Carlin's description of Limbaugh
  2. I am enjoying the show as Trump and Musk come out with more and more ludicrous statements daily then backflip on them
  3. Owned by Musk. There, fixed it for you. A Canadian citizen invited to sit in on cabinet meeting? Running Dodgy how can that be legal. Still ,it doesn't worry criminal Trump.
  4. More from Trump sycophants he's been bankrupt SIX times .He's a convicted criminal You be the judge As he said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and none of his sycophants would care.
  5. Trump will be expunged and Andrew will wriggle out of it unfortunately. I have no faith. As Dylan sang " Don't it make you feel ashamed ,to live in a land, Where justice is a game?"
  6. Or maybe they haven't taken the MAGA dumbing down pills?
  7. But a poll taken of the poll stating 90% of the polls last October were wrong, said 99% of that poll was wrong
  8. Why do people call him the "former" PM 🤣
  9. You mean develop a WORSE gambling problem. I watched a 60 minutes show years ago and the reporter was walking down the strip in Los Vegas with a casino operator who said " See all this? This wasn't built by people gambling and winning?
  10. They'll probably wish they'd been caught in Switzerland after a good taste of Thai gaol before being deported
  11. It's great to see all the posters who know everything about Zionism, Israel, Jews, Ant-i semitism, etc. but then Asean Now posters know just about everything there is to know about everything anyway.If I want to understand a problem I just turn to Asean Now for the answer.😏
  12. Unfortunately too many end up in the LOS.
  13. “golden year of friendship.” Rotflol golden year of sycophantry
  14. "In an official statement, the department asserted that all prisons in Thailand, including Bangkok Remand Prison, operate in compliance with departmental rules and policies." Nothing to see here !
  15. "The first team that was sent out were very proficient, but they ended up following around the wrong lady." Couldn't have been that proficient then ?
  16. And your sycophantic attitude to Trump wouldn't allow you to leave it either.LOL
  17. "stealing his gold necklace, worth about 132,000 baht, " Misprint, I think it would probably be 13.2 baht
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