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Posts posted by BuddhistVirus

  1. Vincent, sorry for all the misunderstanding...I really didn't mean to do that.

    A deluded being that I am, I sure am caught up in dualistic and half baked concepts. sad.png

    Like I said, why not give it a try and see how it goes? You will surprise yourself. After a while, you may not care what you eat or why monks take the trouble of shaving their heads...

    Best wishes...

    You're right. I think I should give it a try. It's an experiences that I've always felt I should have, for better or for worse. Now that I'm fairly old, but still healthy as a result of a good diet, sexual desires should no longer be a hindrance. I might give my fellow monks a hard time, though, with my constant questioning. biggrin.png

    Questions are good as long as they lead you to answers.

  2. Vincent, sorry for all the misunderstanding...I really didn't mean to do that.

    A deluded being that I am, I sure am caught up in dualistic and half baked concepts. :(

    Like I said, why not give it a try and see how it goes? You will surprise yourself. After a while, you may not care what you eat or why monks take the trouble of shaving their heads...

    Best wishes...

  3. Knee down while 'riding'


    Welcome to the riding forum. Your first post I believe? Hope to read more of your posts here.

    Thank you, Gweiloman... :)

    I am a regular reader here.

    Cheers and ride safe... :) and sorry for my dry joke.

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  4. Exactly what relevance does you eating White Rice have to do with anything?

    Or anything in your post that you mentioned?.

    I thought I'd explained the relevance; but apparently not well enough. Monkeys will happily eat white rice because they do not have the awareness that white rice is processed and deficient in nutrients. Humans on the other hand, are able to have a greater degree of awareness, especially Buddhist humans who specialise in awareness.

    One significant Buddhist principle is the recognition of cause and effect, or in other words, one reaps what one sows.

    A large part of our trillion dollar medical industry is devoted to fixing the problems of an inadequate diet which includes white rice amongst many other types of junk food.

    A life-long consumption of white rice can actually contribute towards suffering. Didn't you know that?

    Buddhism is about solving the problem of suffering. You know that, I'm sure. wink.png

    So, your main reason to be ordained monk is to eat healthy?

    If you are so concerned about nutrition and physical appearance, monk hood is not for you. Buddhism is all about training the mind. As the good poster above pointed out, all those 'rituals' as you call it are to aid you to train/discipline the mind that is as stubborn as a piece of rock but as directionless as the wind (and of course, as wild as a monkey).

    If you still feel food at Buddhist retreat centers are unhealthy, or that shaving your hair is nuisance, maybe you should try gym or enroll yourself at some touchy-feely stress-eliminating feel-good yoga classes. I think you can eat anytime of the day there and in your desired quantity and also you can style your hair anyway you like.

    When Buddha talked of suffering, he meant all emotions cause pain/suffering. Of course, healthy body is important, but more important is a healthy, realized, awakened mind. The fact that you are already caught up in food related dilemma is suffering...that must be overcome!

    But that said, why don't you try the monastic life for a few days or even for a week? You already know your shortcomings, I think you can be a very good practitioner...

    Best wishes.

  5. Hello all... I'm helping out the guy who is running the petition (http://goo.gl/FD66Th) to get the UK gov to independently investigate David and Hannah's murders and I need a favour from you wonderful people... The numbers of signees are slowing down somewhat, but we need to keep going - if we reach 100k (currently just over 50k) we can ask for it to be discussed in Parliament.

    Anyway trying it tap into new channels outside if what we are currently hitting, so we've just set up a Twitter account - if you have twitter can you pls follow us and give us a share/retweet? Many thanks... We are at: @ThailandJustice

    Thank you

    That petition always shows up with the form in Thai on my browser. Any ideas?

    Scroll down to the foot of the page. You'll find option to change language.


  6. reading that the suspects are on suicide watch from other inmates!

    ??? They're keeping them with other inmates?? I can't say what I want to say for fear of a defamation suit!

    Prison Chief Fears Koh Tao Suspects May Commit Suicide

    SURAT THANI — The two Burmese men who were accused of murdering two British tourists in southern Thailand last month are being monitored to prevent possible suicide attempts, says the director of the prison where they are being held.

    "I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men. I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

    According to Chanin, the two suspects are being held in a general holding cell with other inmates, but he stressed that wardens are doing their best to keep the suspects under watch.


  7. I would love to see some funds go to his poor distraught parents. Hopefully someone can facilitate at the very least a phone conversation. This article made this whole case even more sad ~ I just can't imagine what it must feel like to be this mother and father. I've already contacted Andy Hall with this ~ and would be more than willing to help .


    Mizzima: How did you hear of the murder case

    Father: People from our village living on Koh Tao informed us that Win Zaw Htun was arrested for murder. His mother did not believe it. Her son would not kill somebody. After we saw it on the TV news, we believed it. My wife is unable to eat or sleep anymore since then. She could go mad.

    Mizzima: What will you do to lobby for the release of your son? Will you go to Yangon or go to Thailand?

    Father: We have no idea what to do. We have no money to go to Yangon and no knowledge about how to go there.


    Thanks for sharing...

    • Like 1
  8. Universal doubts....

    Some reactions from outer space:

    • E.T. : "RTP is known for their extortions, scapegoats and maffia connections. I can't believe that a few midgets kill a man twice their size while the English girl is getting raped by a third man. These Birmese are just scapegoats. Call home for FBI....!"
    • R2D2: "Preeep, beep, beep, preepbeep."
    • C3PO: "I will translate R2D2. He says that the Birmese are scapegoats. I think the same."
    • Alf: "The RTP on Koh Tao could not even find a cat for me. They came back with a p^ssy for short time and I had to pay the RTP while p^ssy was underaged, not Thai and me being alien."
    • Luke Skywalker: "RTP says aliens did it. The whole universe knows better. The RTP must have been paid off."
    • Yoda: "A wise man always says. Don't believe the RTP because they go with the force, ahum farce."
    • Captain Kirk: "The RTP has been wrong many times, will be wrong many times and is wrong in this case too. Beam me back up, Scotty."

    Why did you misquote Yoda? So unhappy Yoda is...

    Yoda: 'Always a wise man says, in RTP don't believe... with the force, um farce, because they go'

  9. As the good posters above (mmm...both have animals as profile pics, that dog is handsome! Anyway,) have pointed out, you will know the version of windows by executing their advice. There, you will also find out if your Windows is 32 or 64 bits flavored. 32 bits programs will run on 32 as well as 64. 64 bits program only on 64.

    But Windows 7 will remain 7 and you will get updates like security fix, hotfixes, etc.

  10. commenting that the suspects may have been coerced by Thai authorities.

    The men have signed confessions... END OF STORY.. Guilty as charged..... The RTP have their men.....

    AS for the 3rd DNA found... Forget it.... The RTP have their men....

    The RTP did an outstanding job. smile.png They have their men...

    Does any of this mean anything.... IT doesn't really matter.... The RTP have their men....


    Haha...cut down on your morning coffee, man...you sound very jumpy.

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