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Posts posted by age4short

  1. I would say both partners are getting stereotyped at the same time, sometimes for obvious reasons & more so in the tourist areas by ignorant westerners, I usually retaliate in some smart way & gf would say "why worry what other people think or say" grrr.

    I really enjoy it when they bow their heads or look away when they realise my Asian gf is absolutely more stunning than them :-)

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  2. Thanks for the info David, I'm based in NZ & just filling in gf visa applications for both Australia & NZ, this will be her 4th tourist visa, last time we had to go through TT services in BKK who I guess is some sort of agent for NZ immigration. Seems a lot easier than the first time as they don't require the relationship history anymore, I've always filled in the sponsorship form & gf done the rest including telling them she quit job as a teacher without any dramas.

    This time the local Thais have advised her to come here on a tourist visa & then apply for the 2 year work visa/permit with the aim of getting residency after that. I note on immigration website it says you have to show why no NZ national can do the job she's applying for but in our case this should be fine as she's been offered work in a Thai restaurant.

    We have made some small mistakes in the past incl:

    * forgot to include self addressed envelope so visa just sat there until we inquired why it was taking so long

    * they require all the original documents (not just scanned & emailed)

    * always tell the truth even if it means more paperwork

    Overall we found the immigration people very polite & helpful.

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  3. If you've been too pattaya many times surely you would know what to expect, I I agree overall 5 star in pats & many other places in reality is 3 star, i live in NZ & been to pats many times (not as a sex tourist) & usually just go with the flow & enjoy the experience.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. Harden up mate! No different than BKK why didn't u get in there & experience a bit of Thailand? U would of enjoyed yourself more, obviously you didn't do your homework or u would of went to one of the islands & even then if u wanted luxury best u stay home.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  5. Best hotel in KK by miles, great restaurant & good pool, I been in the Thai club behind the hotel & I'm sure I was the only farang in there, sort of felt out of place. Hotel recommends asking for metered taxi to go places as the tuk tuk's outside are bit of a rip off, although I used them just for convenience. Couple of friendly looking farang bars across the road.

  6. I have to agree about them being stunning, well the young ones anyway & also not shy to flaunt it either, just a pity they weren't more sociable instead of coming across as slightly arrogant, cheap and sad looking,

    Can someone tell me are most of the good looking one's working girls? & if so are they based in LOS or do they fly out with the not so good looking partners & what chance has a non Russian have in hooking up with one?

  7. "A Qantas flight full of Aussies to BKK" never ever again, the staff couldn't even control the loud mouthed passengers as all they wanted was more & more alcohol which made them even more irritating, on top of the crap food, crap entertainment & crap seats was screaming kids which you get more of on a budget flight. All I could think of was the consequences if I lost the plot.

    Qantas would be better off by sacking the incompetent board, raising the price of airfares & raising their standards to an acceptable level because the decision to become a low cost airline obviously hasn't worked.

    Singapore, Emirates, Air NZ, Thai are not low budget but they seem to be doing ok & will do even better as the world economies pick up.

    This is not a racist post, I'm an Australian living in NZ and I'm just telling it as I see it.

  8. US $1500 month? Only met her a couple of times? He's got to be having us on, who would pay that to a girl in your own country? No one, these girls good or bad have been supporting themselves & their families with 10 -15K A month for donkey years, the posts from Khun per & takeover relate more to my own experience having just negotiated my own future.

    500 k all refundable except for 40 or 50 k (who cares) in recognition of taking care of parents when elderly

    5 Baht gold for the misses

    Help with paying for the wedding including the donations from guests

    Of course it's all about face, the family & the wife as well as my own, everybody happy.

    Why be in a hurry to marry? We been commuting etc between our countries for over 2yrs & if she wants to buy a car or house in her own country she's quite happy to work and pay for it the same way I have too. When I croke it what's in Thailand is hers & what's here is mine as I have 2 kids from another marriage.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. GF mentioned to me that whatever the agreed dowry most of it would be returned to us as her parents acknowledge that they will need taken care of later in life, If it's the norm in Thai culture then haven't got a problem with it, I think these days it's more of a face saving exercise.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Too much rocket science for the average individual & just confuses the issue, Revert back to the basics and enjoy the ride.

    > Eliminate wheat products, processed food, sugar, fast food, starch including breakfast cereals, bread, potatoes, beer, fizzy drinks, chocolate, crisps, fruit juices, pasta & pastry. After a few weeks you won't be craving all that junk.

    > Speed up your metabolism - As you get older your metabolism slows down so try to eat 4 or 5 smaller meals during the day and even substitute a meal or two with a low carb protein shake with some fruit especially just before going to bed. Drink plenty of water during the day & snack on fruit and nuts.

    > do your cardio stuff first thing in the mornings & maybe gym in the afternoons.

    > Avoid overtraining - design your programme (weights) to train each body part only once a week with a couple of days of complete rest.

    > Keep it interesting - Vary different exercises for each body part, same with cardio eg: running, rowing, biking, skipping, boxing, walking.

    Everything in moderation and if you crave your favourite food a cheat meal or two a week ain't going to hurt, the problem is when it's everyday.

    With all the amazing food & variety in Thailand your already half way there. As a rule to meal portion sizes without the hassle of calorie counting etc. try protein as the size of your palm & carbs the size of your fist, also when eating slow down and enjoy the different flavours.

    Exercising during weight loss will give you much better results appearance wise.

    The hardest part is making a start and much better to just ease into it eliminating the bad and adding the good as you go.

    I'm sure most Asian ladies would appreciate their men to be in reasonable shape without going over the top & you will feel better physically & mentally.

    All the best on your journey....Cheers

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. I have no problem supplementing my gf income if it's going to benefit our future, eg quitting her 12 K month job to up skill which she has done and more.

    Sorry I did mention 2 years total but she was only off the payroll for 3 months

    Small price to pay if she's going to be the bread winner when I'm all washed up :-)

  12. On the the right track? ....

    Met my gf on second trip to Thailand so I was still a greenhorn or newbie as they say, she worked in hotel reception and finally I asked her out on my last night in LOS, had dinner, exchanged contacts etc and all over before midnight, chatted 3 times over the next 3 mths, I was a self employed single father looking after 2 young kids aged 2 & 7 (hardly a good catch) she's 31 & I'm a young 45 :-) I remember kids and I having a Skype session with her and My girl said "dad she is so cool and very beautiful" but I just thought I ain't got a shit show in hell with her, until I went back to Thailand for dentistry follow up treatment (as you do), she didn't even know I was coming, anyway got to hotel and co worker rushes out back to tell her your friend is here, she was so happy to see me, we met up nearly everyday and eventually talked about becoming bf/ gf, she explained about her culture etc and told me nothing will happen between us until at least 1 year not even to meet her parents, I thought cool! Nothing to lose.

    Now I had a Thai gf, I felt happy but the mind boggles

    She gets hit on everyday - Is she a player? - ( 1 guy even sent his parents in to do the sweet talking ) huh

    Can I trust her?

    Her shoulders look wide - hmm could be a ladyboy

    Sleeps with her room mate, why?



    The horror stories

    All sorts of things went thru my head and even found myself trying to pick holes in our relationship and making sure and double checking everything added up, it got to a point of getting ridiculous even upsetting her to tears numerous times, she has never asked me for anything, I thought this has got to stop if there's going to be a future for us. So I just immersed myself into the relationship and enjoyed every minute of it, we talk everyday & she always lets me know what's going on.

    So over the next 2 years she quit her job, studied & became a teacher and manager of her school (with a bit of financial support) I have visited her sometimes with my kids maybe 6 times, last year she came to New Zealand for 3 months & had a wonderful time until she got the shocking news that her only son 7yrs old had an accident and had passed away just 5 days before her flight back to see him on his birthday. She was absolutely shattered, I had met him once, I felt so bad and still do, I flew back with her but wasn't a good time for me to turn up at the village near Khon Kaen so I flew home the next day.

    Since then we have just been cruising along taking things slowly, I have met her hardworking parents and they said I can marry their daughter because I can eat their food haha, she has been back to NZ just recently and it wouldn't have been easy for her, she has made many good friends here in such a short time & kept herself busy working in a Thai restaurant, cutting hair during the day, helping with the kids & going to the gym.

    I definitely have an idea what the future holds.

    I think I'm very lucky & feel blessed to have met such a wonderful Thai lady. :-)

    All the best to everyone's quest for happiness.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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