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Posts posted by XDoodlebugger

  1. On 9/9/2018 at 5:08 PM, ubonjoe said:

    Moved to here.

    You wrote Jxxxx and Jxxx. Is that one of the errors or a typo? The initial for Stephen should be accepted. Is Txxxxx your family name?

    They should be able to correct the error on the Kor Ror 2 marriage registry. Have they checked the Kor Ror 2 or are they only looking at your marriage certificate?

    I assume the error is in the translation of your name.

    My wife had to get her birth date changed on the Kor Ror 2 after immigration noticed it.

    Thanks, it was just that on the divorce and marriage I had only my initial and on my passport I have my middle name.

  2. Hi, I have run into an issue in that the Ampur where I was married in 1991 will not certify that I was married and divorced because my ID and paperwork says Jxxxx Stephen Txxxxx and when I was married they registered it under Jxxx S. Txxxxx and they think we are different people.


    Looking for a work around on this. Possibly notarized letter from the US Embassy? Any ideas or someone solve this issue??

  3. On 2/5/2018 at 12:37 AM, Mrjlh said:



    Biggest mistake expats have with their SS is thinking that when they die their Foreign wife will get part of their SS.  This is "ONLY" true if the wife has lived in the USA for a minimum of 5 years! Look it up. This is the reason I brought my wife back. In 5 years then we'll return....maybe. (SS Pdf file attached)








    This is strange as I know of a deceased friend of mine whose wife is currently receiving SS benefits in Thailand but would not meet these requirements. She has a dependent son with a US passport that is also receiving benefits, would that matter?

  4. 12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Absolutely, but I just want to inject the thought that the calculation isn't quite as simple and obvious as it might seem when things are going swimmingly. Especially long term when sheit happens, as it tends to eventually do. 

    Yes, a very good friend of mine retired in Thailand in 2015 and was using social security to fund it, by 2016 he was in a hospital and ran through his savings and had to rely on family and friends for the bills. A terrible position to be in, especially as he was a veteran and could have both medicare and Veterans Administration healthcare back in the US. Passed away not too long after the hospital stay. 

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

    Having had heart issues, I found this greatest health concern made insurance coverage cost prohibitive and excluded "pre-existing conditions". And so I am "self insured". I have kept paying the $109.00 monthly Medicare Premium in the US "in case" but with the existing system requiring ever greater "co-pays" and (sorry but it is pertinent), the Republican threat looming over Medicare, I am in need of a closer look at whether continuing to look at Medicare as a "back-up" as anything viable. That $109.00 per month could pay for my monthly medications.


    The Medicare issue will need addressed, the "kick the can down the road" has been going on for far too long but any changes will be for the new generations to worry about. Those of us at or near retirement age should not see that great of a deviation with any party in control, it is political suicide to do otherwise. 


  6. I took the liberty to forward the news link to Cornell and Purdue admissions.

    Maybe they will reconsider admitting Mr. Chang and Mr. Wang. Your additional emails may help.

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Crap loads of Chinese students at Purdue so I would assume lots of Wang's and Chang's. I know some people at my former University if I had the full name of the one who is going there I would throw up a red flag.

  7. This is a guy who said 47% of the electorate won't vote for him because they are government freeloaders. His on staffers say there is a 40% chance at any event, he will say something stupid. He has no chance of winning the nomination or election.

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    If you look at the exit polls he was basically correct in that opinion, it was government freeloaders and people who support government supporting freeloaders, that it is politically incorrect is just refreshing.

  8. The poll is a load of rubbish.

    Essentially, the Republicans are unanimous in their hatred of the first black President. No surprise there.

    Meanwhile, the Democrats share their loathing of Republican presidents between Bush and Nixon, splitting the vote.

    Similarly, the GOP are unanimous in their obsessive drooling over Reagan, while the Democrats are split between Obama, JFK and Clinton.

    Meanwhile Romney will be up against someone new, maybe Hillary, and she'd have him for breakfast.

    Sure, that is why Obama is polling so bad when it is asked how is is managing the economy foreign affairs or whatever, he is always upside down. Why did he poll so well in the beginning? Were people cheering for his white half? He can't be polling so poorly due to the crappy job he is doing, could he? It has to be racism!

  9. Many of my fellow Americans are apparently morons with short memories. Obama enters the office during a complete collapse of our economy and despite the attempts of the right to keep the economy in shambles to garner votes, the economy has recovered. Unemployment is at a 5 year low, the stock market is booming, building starts which still sluggish in some markets is recovering. In my own home state the unemployment rate is two percentage points below the national average and the building boom is back in full swing. Has everyone recovered from the financial melt down? Absolutely not but the majority have. We're out of ware in Iraq which our last president never paid for. and hopefully drawing down in Afghanistan which the last president also didn't pay for. Yes, you have to raise revenue to pay for wars and that means taxes or bonds. And Romney? Can anyone remember what his plans were for our economy? No, no one can remember them because he never told us what he would do.

    The economy has been "saved" by TARP, implemented under Bush and the Fed pumping a trillion dollars a year into the economy and with the fracking revolution that has been a boon to those States with resources and to US as a whole, nothing to do with Obama. Obama spends a trillion dollars more a year on average than Bush, even with the wars, creating more debt than any president in history even before his 8 years are up, has strangled the economy with Obamacare giving us the lowest labor participation rate in 35 years. You want a few million more people to give up looking for work to lower the unemployment rate? Elect Hillary, which seems Obama isn't even endorsing.

    Romney, who I don't agree with all of the time as he is just another "progressive" has a history of successful management of a State and saving the Salt Lake Olympic games from financial ruin, and he understand the private sector. What was Obama's history? Community service and a state government and US Senate record where he didn't really do anything? That explains to me why the US had a NEGATIVE growth rate last quarter, down from the stagnation of the last 5 years.

    And the crash? Brought about by the easy credit policies of Clinton and not fixed by Bush, and not fixed by Obama either, we still have a massive debt to ourselves that cannot be paid, from State pensions to medicare to Fannie and Freddie, the bubble is still there and getting bigger.

    • Like 1
  10. Apart from the genital herpes, there is also hepatitis B, C and so on which I would not like to get either. And liver damaged by hepatitis = very low quality of life and more diseases (even cancer) soon after. Gonorrhea is a piece of cake compared with anything else, even a flu.

    Afflicked with Hep in 1986, spent 11 days in the BNH. Quality of life is just fine today, thank you. Not that I would recommend it to a friend.

  11. The only thing I would say is "How long have you been in Thailand?" and "I think you know what's going on".

    It would be that brief over lunch or between desk chatter, anything more than that opens you up for splash back. I've lived/worked/visted Thailand for ther last 29 years and don't recall anyone being happy with a friend who went out of their way to set someone straight.

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  12. It applies to those who also dress with long dred locks,and Bob Marley shirts there luggage is usually subject to more intense look as they may have some weed

    It used to apply to me, in my younger years I would always get hammered before and during flights, I would step off the airplane in the US from where ever looking like death warmed over, sweating and with the shakes and with passport stamps from Yemen, Amsterdam, BKK among others. I would get questioned a lot. Fast forward to 2007-Present and I travel a lot on business and usually in the front of the plane. They don't say boo anymore.

    Of course there was the time just after 911 when I was flying SQ in first from the US to BKK and it seemed every stop coming and going I was being checked very thoroughly. At one of the last airports I was pulled over on the bridgeway for a random search while two guys in full Arab dress walked past untouched. I snapped and couldn't keep my mouth shut asking when was the last time a fat white guy in first class hijacked a plane anyway? I was lucky they laughed at me.

  13. I live in Dubai, lot's of Filipino but very few Thai's. Not sure what it's like in the Philippines any longer since my last visit was 1997 but here the Filipino girls have really put on the beer guts. I've seen the "tracks of Isaan" on many a Thai girls stomach, but the guts of a huge number of the Filipino here are ridiculous. (coming from one that knows a thing or two about beer guts).

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