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Posts posted by BaanOz

  1. 49 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    the matress under it isnt quite so important.

    Exactly, bought a rock solid matress (~5000B, 6 feet) and a good topper.

    I've spent a lot on a full latex matress but the above combination (for my back) is the best and is way cheaper than buying a full latex.

    I think a full latex would cost more than 10000B
    Latex Innovations

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, steve73 said:

    seeing the cam-car slow down without signaling right I can understand why he overtook - although not why so fast.  It was probable he was looking further ahead for oncoming traffic and not expecting someone to cut in front of him. 

    With the speed of the overtaking car, even if the M/C had looked over her shoulder she may still not have been able to avoid being hit.

    The cam car slowed and kept left for an opportunity to overtake the bike (on the left) incase the bike needed to stop to give way to oncoming traffic.

    People saying she should look over her right shoulder, she was probably watching oncoming traffic in order to turn right. Who expects a car overtaking on the wrong side of the road to take you out.

    • Like 2
  3. Quote

    is the wiring not printed on the black box on the picture ?

    Nahh I think that's just the rotary switch wiring BUT I just realised it's under the cover and looks like he hasn't installed the 3 wires to the fan ????

    No "OSC" connected.



  4. Hi,


    Been searching for an installation diagram of a Hatari HE-C18M1(5) ceiling fan as the swing "on/off" doesn't work on all 3 of the fans we have had installed.

    Found this but not clear:

    None of them stop swinging when flicking the switch to off. Have told the installer but won't he be coming for a while and wondering if someone here may know the problem.

    Just popped the lid off and 2 red wires from the fan to terminals on brown and red wires.
    Anyone know if it's wired incorrectly please?





  5. On 10/8/2018 at 5:14 PM, NE1 said:

    I have just purchased one of these , I know you can take the head off but I find it hard to clean the blades with the brush  , or am I missing something ?

    I just take the head off and blast it both sides with hot water from the tap.
    Do the same with the open top of the shaver.
    Put the head back on and dry it with a towel.

    Never used the brush but one thing I have noticed with the Braun (unlike other brands) a lot of the hair doesn't stay in the head and falls on the sink. Especially with 3 days growth.


    BTW I think the Braun cleaner thingy is a waste of money ????



    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, longball53098 said:

    Have had the card for years. Never get ads or spam that I know of. All cards have a phone number link. If you had supplied the sister's number they could have got her card number in a few seconds

    Sisters mobile number had changed a few times since getting the membership card and had no idea what it was.

    Just asked Mrs Baanoz again, she had told the salesperson we don't want a membership card and the salesperson persisted looking for the sisters info ignoring that we didn't want one or that we didn't care about points or that we had somewhere else to be for a birthday party and told this to the salesperson and she replied "Happy Birthday" lol

    We wanted the item so we were stuck waiting and waiting until they demanded we sign up and that was enough and walked out. They seemed surprised we were upset at waiting.

    By the way, at the speed of about one keystroke/10 seconds on the computer, then looking at the screen it's no wonder it takes them so long.


    2 hours ago, bankruatsteve said:

    In the OP's case, the large sale will probably end up with several hundred baht rebate and the staff was probably just trying to help the customer to get that.

    Maybe this but item was already on sale and we received an extra discount.

    Anyway, have to remember it's amazing Thailand.

  7. 20 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Cant shed any light on the card aspect

    Thanks, yes probably commission.

    This card thing has happened to us in the past when purchasing a washing machine and not living here full time, not intersted in being a member of Homepro.

  8. This afternoon we went to buy a kitchen at Homepro. Spent an hour or more going through options and negotiating.

    Happy on a setup and gave the nod.

    Salesperson asked us to wait at the front desks and we waited and waited. Ended up walking back and the salesperson had been entering the parts into the computer and wanted to know if we had a membersip card. "No, but our sister has one". Salesperson said that's ok what is the number (privacy?) and she searched and searched for ages for it.

    By this time another hour had passed.

    Pissed off by now I ended up trying to find what the delay was and apparently we couldn't purchase until we setup a membership card (so we would "receive points") as they could not find the sisters. Setting up a memebership card would take even more time but we couldn't care less about their points.

    Had enough and decided to walk out.

    As we drove out pass the entrance we saw the salesperson standing there and opened the car window She said we can buy the kitchen now and was crying. As we had invested so much time we agreed to come back inside. Apparently between the time we walked out and returned (3-5mins max) they had found the sisters membership.

    Can anyone shed any light on why Homepro insist we have a membership card to purchase larger ticket items there? We supply all details, address, mobile etc no worries but what is this membership card and why is it so important?

    Feel a bit guilty about the saleperson being upset but from the time of the nod until we walked out was well over an hour.


  9. 10 hours ago, Crossy said:

    We have the larger EP6500 which has electric start

    Thanks Crossy, electric start would be nice. Would have to decide whether to go the whole way and get someting like this beast or just enough to run water and maybe lights. I see your posts about the switchover too.

    The outages rarely last more than a few hours occasionally, not having water is a pain but fridge is OK for the time and aircon can live without.



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  10. 5 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    I have a water tank in the roof, problem solved.

    Yes raising the tank another option, at the moment it's under the eaves on a slab so would need moving onto a stand.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    For this sort of $$$ you could buy a decent size gasoline generator which would run far more than just the pump.


    Keep your lights, TV, freezer (and the pump) going as long as necessary. 

    Thanks Crossy, haha what was I thinking! ????
    Perfect solution.

    "couldn't see the forest for the trees"

  12. Hi,

    This week we installed a well (~20m deep) pump feeding a 1500L tank.

    The tank uses a smaller 300W Hitachi pump for the house.

    So during a big storm this morning we lost power so currently busting with no water for flushing. Been a few hours and have been researching dc pumps.

    My first thoughts were to battery backup the Hitachi 300W, keeping batteries charged with mains power. I'm a total novice at this stuff but I think you need an expensive setup (because of the startup drain from these pumps) to run the Hitachi with an inverter, batteries and charger.

    Has anyone found a good/cheap/simple solution to this? Maybe a separate dc pump for the occasional power outage, solar/battery or mains charged battery with a charger.

    I see there are a load of submersable dc water pumps on eBay for less than 20,000B but no idea how these would fit into existing setup.

    I suppose the simplest solution would be to have a big water bucket next to the dunny ????

    Any thoughts please?



    • Like 1
  13. I'm not fussy, I use both ✌️

    Have had electrics for nearly 40 years. Had about 5 or 6 and were various brands over that time. Latest is a Braun 7 and the best as electric shavers have improved over the years.

    I shave every morning before work with an electric. Last thing I want to do at 5am in the morning is lather up and use a blade.

    Saying that I have 3 double edge razors. My favorite is a 1930's Gillette long comb which is great for a few days growth and as good as any new DE razor.

    Reason for using electric is I rather take the time with a DE razor, brush and some nice shave cream on the weekends.


    • Like 2
  14. On 8/13/2018 at 12:27 PM, Lacessit said:

    Yes it did. However, I'm a bit cheesed off if I was classed as a non-resident, I would not get that lovely tax refund on the franking credits.

    A way to circumvent missing out is to stick it into an Australian superfund and afaik you will continue to receive the credits. There are limits though.

    I think you can contribute $100K/year if a certain age or you can "bring forward" 3 years worth up to $300K.

  15. 12 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    buy within a super fund

    OK found some info explaining about how franking credits are distributed within superannuation funds...



    The Fund uses its total franking credits to offset the total tax liabilities it pays. It achieves this because the assets supporting each investment option across the accumulation and pension phases are combined in the one entity. The franking credits are then allocated to the investment options that have exposure to Australian equities. For example, franking credits received in the Member Direct investment option are attributed to members in the option so they receive their respective benefit of the credits.

    Basically, what I'm getting at is (it seems) if investing money within super as a non resident I will receive a few percent more income due to franking credits ?

    ...unless Labor get their way.

    • Like 1
  16. 10 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    I assume you are meaning a self-managed Super fund?

    Thanks Elvis,

    No, a SMSF becomes "non complient" if trustees become non residents.

    I think it's possible if you make a trustee a resident but they are meant to make decisions about the SMSF in Australia. Might have to have meeting too I'm not sure.

    As a non resident it is easier to have a normal Australian superfund.

    What I meant if you had money outside of super and investing long term for income, it might be better for tax (for non resident) if you did it within an Australian superannuation fund. Really need professional advice but say you invested in for example some Vanguard ETFs (for income) outside of super, you could do the same within. Some fund allow direct investment rather than the cash, conservative, balanced, growth, high growth.

    Yes the government can stuff around with super but if retired you could pull it out. I wouldn't be adding money if I was young :)

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  17. On 3/31/2018 at 11:54 AM, ELVIS123456 said:

    Funds taken from a normal Super fund are not taxed - doesnt matter if you are resident or non-resident.

    Was also wondering if it's possible our tax free super could be taxed in Thailand. I don't think so.

    If all things being equal (fees or brokerage, returns etc), comparing $'s inside and outside of super as a non-resident, I'm thinking better off inside of super.

    Reason why, unfranked dividend being taxed as a non-resident plus no franking credits which are built into the returns of the super funds.

    Also, you can do your own buying within some super funds and take advantage of the tax situation. Any thoughts?

  18. 22 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    Decades ago both of my parents used the Public Trustee office (I guess it's now called NSW Trustee and Guardian).

    Thanks, yes it's the same thing. Just a name change and now they charge for wills ?. Back then I don't think they did.

    Anyway I've a feeling it's the
    NSW Trustee and Guardian (Public Trustee) only way to go for us. Unless you have relos back home, I'm guessing expats here would use them (or similar) too.


  19. On 6/6/2018 at 2:01 AM, baansgr said:

    Exactly, that's why people should try to have their affairs  in order

    Our cash is and will stay put in Australia and we living in Thailand. My Aussie/Thai wife and I are thinking to use NSW Trustee & Guardian and as executor. Everything going to her family if we "go" together and if I go first want to make it easier for Mrs Baanoz.

    Wife has no family in Australia and I am the youngest of my siblings. We have no other family I would trust to be executor. Whoever is the executor would have to sort out and transfer to the wifes family.

    Anyone with ideas about this and wondering what others have done, is there any other options other than using the Australian Public Trustee? I'm thinking using a solicitor/lawyer as an executor could be riskier.

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