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Everything posted by Morakot

  1. This looks nice. Exposed pipes, trays and conduits work particularly well if you mute them down in gray or black. Obviously red sprinklers against a white background might be too much. If your doing accessible trays, go the whole hog and leave it exposed in a sensible colour palette. Also for certain cozy sections above a settee for instance you even could have small suspended wooden lattice panels that don't touch the walls.
  2. Absolutely! In an ideal world, I would use a lime wash to whiten them and prevent mold. But for some reason such basic products don't seem to be ready available here.
  3. Yes, but in what direction? ???? Upwards or side-wards?
  4. They have been pruned before, haven't they? The multiple solid upright branches at a relatively low height suggest so.
  5. Thank you very much! Your photos are useful. I can see that your trees have forked into massive branches. My trees have a single continuous trunk and all branches are very thin and weeping/ hanging. They've now been cut at about 6 m heights. Let's see how this turns out. I'm hoping for the best.
  6. I don't think there is such a clause. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/23/asia/red-bull-vorayud-yoovidhya-charges-dropped-intl/index.html
  7. Exactly! Very likely so safe his pension and name. The guy is 67 and gets an honorable discharge if he doesn't appeal.
  8. So gay means camp at the EVSC... Lol ???????? Lordi... I go for the Hard Rock Hallelujah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAh9NRGNhUU
  9. I have several False Ashoka trees (Polyalthia Longifolia) on my property near my house for shade. I'd like to cut them in height, as on windy days they bang against the roof gutter. They are about 15 cm in diameter at the base and 12 m in height. What can I expect after pruning them to 7.5 m height? Will the branches grow upwards into a stem and look rather unsightly? Or will them just get fuller at the remaining part?
  10. https://cfah.org/hemp-vs-marijuana/ https://www.cbdweb.org/medical-cannabis-guide/hemp-vs-marijuana-vs-cannabis
  11. Not all Thai people believe this farcical propaganda. https://twitter.com/ThaiEnquirer/status/1498241667216084993
  12. I don't think that's how traffic regulations are interpreted in this country. From what I have seen here in attributing blame in collisions like this, staying inside the lane tends to get you off. Also your pronouncement is totally ignoring the speed the moped was traveling, was well as the fact that the moped was overtaking at a zebra crossing. In what jurisdiction are you a 'qualified driving instructor'?
  13. They are new and apparently have the following specification: * Diesel-electric locomotives with German-made engines * Axel load 16 tonnes * TP [Automatic Train Protection] brake system * Compatible European Train Control System (ETCS) level 1 https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40011931
  14. Indeed! But the locomotive in the picture has been operating in Thailand for many years... https://www.flickr.com/photos/na_maew/22423398980
  15. Rail electrification has being going on for a century.
  16. In fairness it's a design fault. Pipes like this should not be directly embedded in concrete. A larger conduit should have been embedded to provide a casing for the actual waste pipe.
  17. I know what you mean Tom. But in fairness, I don't think you could take up a full-time faculty position above the age of 60, in the UK for example, unless you're already an academic. The problem here in Thai higher education is there is zero mobility. You cannot just transfer into another university to advance your career as an academic. Even if you were able to move to a different university, you'd likely start at the bottom and existing professorial titles would need to be reapplied for by jumping trough endless external committee hoops.
  18. Yes, it's theoretically possible for an hourly-paid part-time position. This would mean getting some teaching hours for 14-weeks for two semesters, for example 3-hours per week. How realistic this is another questions, depending on your circumstances. It's highly unlikely to obtain a full-time position above 55/60 years of age, as this is the retirement age on private/ public universities. At this age faculty members are forced out or providing they played the politics game well transition into part-time or emeritus positions. Your leverage around this at private (or autonomous public) may vary, but would probably require serious internal support or external credentials (beyond "just" a PhD/ average publications).
  19. I know diddly-squat about this topic... Did fascist boy cause a Mexican standoff and it went out of kilter for the others? Can you bring us up to speed in a few line, Jingthing? Cheers!
  20. There are good topics on Permanent Residency here, such as Camerata's Guide To The Permanent Residence Process! However I'd like to have a dedicated topic on the required language proficiency for PR, as this seems to be a major aspect that somehow is not particularly well defined. I have received information from an Immigration Officer in Bangkok (October 2021) that for PR that 'you need to communicate in Thai well' and there will be a 'test of the understanding of Thai language: speaking and listening'. The discussions I have seen here show a variety of experiences. Some people said that the requirements are like holding a basic conversation where you can introduce yourself and be able to answer some general questions. Others made it sound like that you need to have a quite an extensive vocabulary and a more advanced command of language. Since there doesn't seem to be an official technical guidance, I post these two classifications below. I would like to hear from those who have gone though the process: what level they were test for, what level they actually had at the time. It would also be useful if people can state when they applied and where. Finally, how did you prepare for this and what was your overall experience of the language test.
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