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Everything posted by Tongjaw

  1. She is protected for only 3 years after the birth of her child.
  2. Nope, would call the cops, security but would not interfere. Friend of mine tried to stop a guy beating a girl outside a bar about 12 years ago in Australia. The guy turned on my friend, then the girl who was being beat up turned on my friend also. Friend ended up in hospital with 12 stitches and a scar for life.
  3. Perhaps only 3 armed officers fired. Although after your initial comment of 50 armed officers perhaps Specsavers is a good call ????
  4. Yes I did donate not that it’s any of your business.
  5. How do you know they are not on the donation list? Try looking harder. John is now on end of life care. His daughter is now in Thailand and can see her dad before he passes. Hopefully he knows she’s with him and has some comfort during his final times. So why don’t you and the other grumpy argumentative posters remove yourselves from the thread if you have nothing useful to add. Better still, hopefully the moderators will remove you grumps instead.
  6. An old bloke is seriously ill in hospital. Have some decency for goodness sake, some of his friends or family might be members on TV. I didn’t see where he is in Thailand or what hospital. If anyone knows can they post. The old fella might be happy to see a smiling face or even get some fruit or cold water dropped off for him.
  7. Actually makes a lot of sense. Here is a link to a story how one of the dogs helped convict a pedophile hiding out in Mexico. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/wireStory/electronic-sniffing-dog-helps-pedophilia-arrest-mexico-85411648
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