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Posts posted by Wordworx

  1. Well, now that you've mastered the Wave, it's time to get a faster bike. Try the Ninja 650.

    Does anyone really need a bike with that power?

    My last bike was a rice-burner racer, 1100 Kawi, ported and chipped. See trouble (stupid traffic), a little throttle and you are gone, out of the danger (dumbass) zone. Need all that power? Maybe not. But, used selectively, it is a beautiful thing.

  2. Thai roads are notoriously slippery, bad enough for a car, almost suicidal on bikes. Oh.... before I forget, DO NOT TAILGATE.


    Seriously true. Twice in recent months tires kicked out and I went down. Not even sharp cornering. Maybe just a little too much on throttle and the little tires lose it. Both times I'm picking the bike up looking for the oil patch I must have missed spotting. Nada. Just crappy road surfacing. And in CR a few days ago, pickup truck hits breaks for no (apparent) reason in moving traffic, I was not tailgating but still had to hammer the breaks. Broke into a skid. Pulled it out okay, but get the general idea, OP, the roads may look good but are not. And the drivers may look bad and ARE. Hyper-alert and hyper-defensive. Or, better yet, live in a hood in which you can walk to everything.

  3. Not a great country for learning. But if you ride and live without incurring precluding maiming, most anywhere else will be a breeze. Been riding motorcycles and scooters for about 30 years, around the world. Thought the natives on Langkawi were the worst I had seen (and dodged), but Thailand now tops that list. Visiting here since '95, clearly with more vehicles came more ignorance.

    Below is pasted a brief rundown on 125 PCX transit, email previously forwarded to an associate. OP, note the terms *hyper-alert* and *hyper-defensive*. And, my advice, stay off the highways.

    Email excerpt --

    ... But, gotta say, the Thai drivers on average are so bad (way, way worse then years past) I'm almost ready to call it quits on scooters. Big bikes you can control the road, get away from the oblivious idiots, but the small bikes, pushed to the side, you are at their bloody mercy.

    At least, think that's it for me transiting Thai highways on scooters. Today did the round trip from CR to Mae Sai, then back to CM. Literally lost track of how many close calls. Now it is not only the scooters doing the reverse direction on the highway side (what we in the US call the "breakdown lane" or "safety lane", but what is here the motor bike lane), now I am seeing more and more cars doing the reverse direction on the side. So in addition to all else, you have to dodge those, then you have the usual idiots in cars and trucks speeding up on you, overtaking, crowding (for no reason), coming within a couple feet.
    And this was a good one: Today on the mountain road on the CM side, doing a right-shoulder look to check for errant overtaking vehicles, I look back to the front, a guy on an motorbike is coming at me on the side lane, reverse direction ON A BLIND TURN. There IS NO MEDIUM. The guy was just to lazy to cross the road to the legal side. I look to move away from him, the overtaking car gives no room, so I have to thread the needle.
    What we might term in the US: A classic. ...
  4. DATELINE CHIANG RAI - The <deleted>[?] birds are everywhere. About a month here, 3rd hotel. First two, could hear them, but far enough away I could handle it. Then, yesterday, I check out of a place due to screaming Thai kids, families letting them run rampant (like in the halls and the pool just outside the room at 07:00), check into new place. Go for corner room in attempt to maybe 50% mitigate potential *neighbor noise*. While unpacking that goddamn brain-piercing call comes in across the balcony. One of the F-kers is just across the street.

    That call is now so negatively imprinted to my braincage, I can be on a motorbike, hear it in passing and I wince.

    Checked with place I usually stay back in Chiang Mai, they tell me the little bastard just outside my unit, one that essentially ran me out, is still there, shrieking up the place.

    OP, maybe follow up, let me know if yours blows town. If I got it right, they are supposed to head back to Indonesia pretty soon.

    Also, if you have not yet seen it, scroll down for Aussie takes on this page: http://external-brain.redwolf.com.au/2003/12/18/annoying-bloody-birds/

  5. I'm not getting this: "The visa runners are taking jobs away from Thai people." Who are you talking about? Burmese laborers doing work the Thai do not want to do? Indonesian hookers stealing those really sweet bar girl jobs from the local gals? (Pretty sure neither are reading ThaiVisa, btw.) Illegal Western English teachers are... what? Stealing jobs from the Thai national English teachers? Maybe I'm missing something, but last I checked the only jobs to be *stolen* from Thais are sh-t-paying jobs the Thais do not want to do.

    • Like 2
  6. Maybe consider next time to marry a Thai lady of similar education, income and life experience and you'll be spending Songkran in Isaan at a proper house instead of some 3rd world hut.

    Yes, you're quite right. I suppose you're one of the Thaivisa members with a hi-so Thai/Chinese girlfriend - everyone around here seems to have one of those apart from me.

    Phrae isn't Isaan either - at least mine knows how to read a map.

    stay on track here mate, dont get distracted, we are trying to help you avoid the forthcoming mess.

    all you have to do is convince her that she will have a better time if you stay home. She wont have to worry about you feeling uncomfortable...etc

    failing that fall out of a van and hurt your ankle and get a wheelchair

    Yes, noted, back on it now.

    Someone mentioned the figure of 10K above, I'm going to dangle that carrot in front of her tonight and see if she bites.

    Yeah, that's the best idea yet. That way the money goes there, you (as baggage, basicly) do not. They can all just do their own (Thai village) thing, not worry about taking care of / trying to amuse the farang, while feeding you sh-t you don't want to eat, making you drink sh-t you don't want to drink... And your wife gets to be the bigshot, throw some cash around, show everybody that she's got it all under control. Absolutely worth it, 10-k. Maybe even more. You get to hang out in the hood, enjoy some private time, wife comes home (no doubt real glad to do so by then), you miss all that stress, boredom and hassle. Everybody is happy. >>> Go now, young man, make it so and take no prisoners.

  7. Did not read all posts above (may have been mentioned), but stay away from Xanax. The stuff works great. Really great. Also highly addictive and withdrawals are epic. Like dropping into a black hole suicidally epic, in some cases. (According to case studies.) I use it occasionally, but never been addictive type.

    Indeed, best is exercise. Push yourself, max out every day, get plenty of solid sleep. I generally go for that... and cocktail hour. (Addictive type on that one.)

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  8. Generalization coming: Thais -- for that matter, most SE Asians and the Chinese -- have completely differently sensibilities about noise.

    Just past two days, checked into (and out of) a nice place, really nice poolside rooms (immediately over the pool), A couple of Thai families check in, the kids immediately start screaming and the place becomes a nerve-rattling mess. At 07:00 the kids start screaming in the halls. At 07:10 the parents dump them in the pool, screaming, throwing tantrums, usual false crying. All this before 07:45, 10-20 feet from room. Parents sitting poolside with their F-king cereal and tea, completely oblivious and inconsiderate. Hotel staff and management just oblivious. And this is a four-star.

    I could go on with about a million other examples, but will not. In short:

    "Excuse me, do you hear those dogs / that blasting crappy music / shrieking / crying / running up and down the halls screaming kids?"

    "What dogs / blasting crappy music / shrieking / crying / running up and down the halls screaming kids?"

  9. Catch a flight to Luang Prabang? biggrin.png

    But seriously, been there several times, a couple times to visit and in transit, other times required for visa runs. Always happy to depart.

    Just my opinion, but a different kind of vibe from the expats. (I always wondered why and what sort of Westerners would choose, or be forced, to pitch camp in VT.) And the locals, well... Encountered more stupid shysters there than other places, including at a couple of (better) hotels I stayed. Pretty insulting, actually.

    Walked the city extensively, messed up roads and traffic, nothing to see. Plenty of poverty.

    Hotels far below Thai (and Luang Prabang) standards per price, waterfront bar scene kind of a downer. Meaning bad attitudes and BS pretty common. Rooftop bar previously mentioned, personal interactions there ranged from weird to semi-hostile. Rare I encounter such in SE Asia but multiple occasions in VT. I dunno, maybe because I showered and shaved.

    Positives: Some good food around, Beer Lao by river... Nah, that's about it. Oh, wait, right, as previously mentioned, smoke is easy and cheap. Generally safe, but there have been reports of sellers in cahoots with the cops. Lao cops, you may know, are some of the worst. Will lock you up and soak you for whatever they can. And for foreign guys they bust with a Lao woman (illegal), big, BIG trouble.

    Again, only my opinion. Maybe check Wikitravel: http://wikitravel.org/en/Vientiane

  10. Met my now ex-Thai wife on Ko Tao. She was en route from NZ (where she lived) to Italy, stopped off in Chumphon to visit mom, hopped to Ko Tao to get dive certified. She was a cute and happy 25-year-old with a hardbody from working out every day back in NZ. (Had some of the best workout form of any person I knew, in fact. Perfect at lifting, hell of a running stride.) University educated, spoke and wrote fluent English, had traveled Europe, then more or less settled in Auckland. I pretty much fell for her, island romance style.

    After about 10 days on the islands we reluctantly went our separate ways, then about two months later she flew back from Europe, me from the US and we met up in BKK. Tried to get her a visitors visa for US, but denied because of the fact she traveled so much and had not resided in Thailand for some years. Even though she was from a good family (mother, anyway) with property and bank accounts, US Consulate shut her (us) down on the spot: "You have no reason to return to Thailand", officer said (probably for the millionth time).

    She seemed okay until we got back to the hotel room, then she lost it. Got to me. Said the words: "Ying, I will get you to the US even if I have to marry you."

    About five months and some major (major) governmental aggravation later, brought her in on a fiance visa and married her. Started the residency process.

    Took me about a month to realize there was no way we would go the distance. Just not enough basis for communication. No matter how westernized she was, was just never going to happen. Gym, mountain biking, running, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, eating... If you can't have an interesting conversation once in a while, it's no-go (for me). Good woman, too. Worked for her own money, went to school, took classes to learn how drive the streets of San Francisco and always honest -- at least until I broke it to her we were going to split.

    I stuck it out for three years, then after final immigration interview, she had her green card and I ended it.

    After her major tantrum (the first and only), busted up some of my picture frames, shattering the glass all over the floor, a while after, anyway, she knew it was for the best.

    In short: That was my last and likely final serious relationship with a Thai woman. Seems like even the smart ones, there is always that cultural curtain...

    And what was a 25 y.o Thai cutie doing in New Zealand?

    Not assuming anything, just wondering if there was any "due diligence" made.

    Classes in business, English, waited tables at a nice waterfront restaurant (had required visa), was a gym rat, did some translation oddjobs. Latter included translating for a Kiwi dude getting milked by a woman back in Thailand. She finally got grossed out when replying to a letter from the hustler which included the line: "Please send more money, my mother needs a new television." She told the guy she had enough, no more translating, and to wise up. And, yeah, I went to NZ, checked out her scene, had dinner at the restaurant she worked at, met her friends. Thai students, decent Kiwi-types. (It has occurred to me more than a few times that I did not do her any favors, facilitating relocation and US green card.)

  11. Met my now ex-Thai wife on Ko Tao. She was en route from NZ (where she lived) to Italy, stopped off in Chumphon to visit mom, hopped to Ko Tao to get dive certified. She was a cute and happy 25-year-old with a hardbody from working out every day back in NZ. (Had some of the best workout form of any person I knew, in fact. Perfect at lifting, hell of a running stride.) University educated, spoke and wrote fluent English, had traveled Europe, then more or less settled in Auckland. I pretty much fell for her, island romance style.

    After about 10 days on the islands we reluctantly went our separate ways, then about two months later she flew back from Europe, me from the US and we met up in BKK. Tried to get her a visitors visa for US, but denied because of the fact she traveled so much and had not resided in Thailand for some years. Even though she was from a good family (mother, anyway) with property and bank accounts, US Consulate shut her (us) down on the spot: "You have no reason to return to Thailand", officer said (probably for the millionth time).

    She seemed okay until we got back to the hotel room, then she lost it. Got to me. Said the words: "Ying, I will get you to the US even if I have to marry you."

    About five months and some major (major) governmental aggravation later, brought her in on a fiance visa and married her. Started the residency process.

    Took me about a month to realize there was no way we would go the distance. Just not enough basis for communication. No matter how westernized she was, was just never going to happen. Gym, mountain biking, running, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, eating... If you can't have an interesting conversation once in a while, it's no-go (for me). Good woman, too. Worked for her own money, went to school, took classes to learn how drive the streets of San Francisco and always honest -- at least until I broke it to her we were going to split.

    I stuck it out for three years, then after final immigration interview, she had her green card and I ended it.

    After her major tantrum (the first and only), busted up some of my picture frames, shattering the glass all over the floor, a while after, anyway, she knew it was for the best.

    In short: That was my last and likely final serious relationship with a Thai woman. Seems like even the smart ones, there is always that cultural curtain...

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  12. I am a major animal rights sort. Have actually gotten confrontational and, dare I say, violent with A-hole humans while in the act of protecting mammals, fish and birds. But these F-kers...

    They are brood parasites, for those not knowing. Means they lay their eggs in other species nests and split. Being a larger bird than those of the nests they infiltrate, the chicks they leave behind kill and/or starve to death the native chicks. If they hatch fast enough, they will kill the native chicks while still in their egg. Then, last remaining, they outgrow the nest. Before they can fly they sit on the branch next to the nest while the unknowing adopted parents knock themselves out trying to feed the little beast.

    Back at my former place, one I evacuated due that one horny screeching jerk, if I had on hand thermal goggles and a suppressed long-rifle 22, no problem.

  13. After prior TVF post in which I mentioned that after two hours I thought my own avian torturer was gone: No such luck.

    Finally evacuated my long-term hotel accommodations in Chiang Mai 13 days ago.

    If I will be at a place for a while, I always make sure no always-barking dogs and no roosters in proximity. Place in CM was well away from such, 5th floor, undeveloped land surrounding, kind of like a jungle, very peaceful for months. Then about a month ago one of those horny F-king birds flies in from Indonesia, takes up residence in the trees outside, starts up at 03:30 every morning, goes on ALL GODDAMN DAY. And I work at home. Wrecked my sleep and my concentration when working. After a couple weeks I was literally losing it, starting to rant to myself.

    I thought about paying some village-type Thai guys to maybe trap it, get it the hell out of there, but anytime I mentioned to Thai staff, they are like, "Bird, what bird?" Even as the shrieks are ripping through the lobby. Besides, guy who owns adjacent land where it is had already threatened management when they cleared some poison ivy (or something like it) that was encroaching on the property line.

    Finally stored my stuff, vacated room, now in Chiang Rai until I know they are gone.

    Anybody who says they like the sound of those little bird bastards... never mind.

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  14. Same problem. Little bastard starts at about 03:30 and goes all day. I work at my place, too. At this second the repetitive escalation is cutting though my brain like a hot knife. Right up there with incessant dog bark. Of course, the Thai staff here are like: "Bird? What bird?" Going to put a bounty on its beak, try to find a village type who can trap it, take it to the other side of the mountain, get it laid (or something).

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  15. From the sound of it she is a decent person, likely because the parents are solid folks. (Emphasize: going by what you are saying.) Yeah, like others have said, be yourself, no pretenses. They will likely catch on to any phoniness pronto. And, from the sound of it, you have no need for BS.

    But would not hurt to have some prepared explanations for why you don't NEED to work. Thai-friendly explanations. Basically what you explained; that you worked your ass off and got lucky. They should dig that. Then, if you wanna throw in a kicker, say something along the lines of you are considering investing in a new business, if the right one came along. But you are in no (no) rush. If you have concern that might green light some business venture pitches, come up with a non-Thai angle. Like no restaurants or apartment buildings... Subtlety get across that you are set, money-wise and a very conservative person with your finances.

    Also, maybe suggest to your GF that the cousin should mind her own business, at least until she meets you. Then she can bad-mouth you behind your back, if she's into that sort of thing. Maybe, too, suggest to GF she should not share your personal emails unless you give permission.

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  16. A lot of good dentist here. (Once had a cracked wisdom tooth I did not know about go nuts on me after I arrived Koh Lanta -- serious, serious pain. Clinic run by Bangkok-trained dentists, woman and husband, pretty sure the only real dentists on the island at the time, great.) You may not even need an oral surgeon. In any case, rest assured what you are dealing with is very routine. All will be well.

  17. I'm sitting here shaking my head at the guys who are advising against trusting a Thai wife to make a decision that involves less than 10,000 baht. Yet these are the same women who will some day be making decisions about your life and responsible for your care when you're diagnosed with cancer, disabled by a stroke, dementia, etc. Do you trust them to manage your finances, maintain your visa, run your household, obtain the best medical care possible for you? Ever thought about the responsibility the little woman will have to assume on your behalf guys? Especially if there's a big age difference between you and your Thai wife?

    The power of positive thinking. -- Your heart is in the right place - I guess. But, my humble (and admittedly cynical) opinion: Your long-term rosy-scenario Thai-mate loyalty assumption runs the meter off the scale. Bottom line here: No Thai woman (or Western, for that matter) would buy into an apartment five flights up with no lift - period. Much less cough up thousands more on the spot for no reason. Will not here further address hypothetical potential for farang's cancer prospects. (But let's hope he makes it.)

  18. Watch out for this sort of deal .....

    gf goes in apartment and says,

    "no way the bf will live here, tell you what, I give you 4K, you tell him I gave you 8k, and refuse any refund.

    We both make 4k, he won't miss it, foreigners are rich and foolish with their money."

    Happens all the time.

    Yeah, I didn't want to be the first one to say it. But a dump five flights up with no lift? No call? Then the dramatic regret scenario... Seriously, OP.

  19. It's a deposit. Why your wife would offer to pay more, especially when you had not inspected and when you did so you immediately found it unsuitable... Well, that must be some other story. Is the gal who took the money and whoever (if anybody other than her BF) she talked to on the phone taking advantage? Yes. Will they (or she) take your money, split it up (or keep it for herself), never report it to the owner? Of course. Still, deposit is a deposit. Get back what you can and lesson learned. ...

    But, like a couple others here, I am also somewhat *surprised*. What Thai woman offers to remit more to, of all types, property managers? And remits substantially more. You having not even seen the place. No phone call first. ...

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