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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. I am confused. It sounds like you have enough to retire a whole village, not just yourself. That amount is an enormous amount here. Are you and other people really concerned it is not enough????? I am no economic wiz, but I really do think that is way way way enough already.


    Totally agreed; can't believe it took two pages of posts quibbling about being .5% too optomistic on the XXX exchange before someone hit the nail on the head.

    If you are the kind of person who's happy with a $7,000 car (and there is nothing wrong with that). Then 15,000,000 THB is set for life over here.

  2. I went to Index and they quoted 1,200. However they said they didn't have any just plain wood, so it would be an actual frame used as a stretcher.

    I figured what the heck, and was going to have them do it, until they told me it was going to take 5-7 days, because they had to send the painting out to get it done.

    I started imagining the painting get carted round in some pickup truck for a week and decided against it.

    So i went looking around more, and found a gallery which quoted 900 baht for a stretcher. But while i was in the shop i noticed a real frame which really suited the painting, so decided to get this frame for 1,400. Going to pick it up on Friday :o

  3. I looked into this subject when I bought my condo in 2003. The juristic person has coverage for buildings at a value of approximately THB500,000 per condo which I thought was woefully inadequate. This is on a worst case scenario, if say the building should burn/fall down. The market value of the condo is approximately THB20m, and whilst I understand that reconstruction and general building costs are low here, I cannot believe that it only costs THB500,000 to rebuild a 236 sqm condo in prime CBD. Accordingly I took out my own suplementary insurance of THB3m, and on top of that I have contents insurance. I think the concept of insurance is quite nascent in Thailand, but I did wonder if I was being overly cautious and applying the western approach to buildings insurance. I'd welcome hearing the views of anyone with knowledge of these things.

    500,000 for a 20M condo that is crazy! I thought they were required by law to have more than that?

    My condo building is pretty old and not in the best condition, but yet we still have insurance of almost the fairly market value of the unit (without any supplimental policy).

  4. I had the same experience when buying my condo. Agents hardly returned calls. Zero follow ups after a showing. Back in the US it seems like once you've talked to an agent once they'll be hounding you until you buy.

    Even when we decided to buy this condo it was like pulling teeth trying to get it finalized.

    I'll tell you one thing, when it is time to sell this place i'll be selling it myself. No way i'm gonna pay some @sshole thousands of baht to take out a 1"x1" B&W in the newspaper and then maybe return buyer's phone calls.

    But obviously seeing as you don't live near to the property you don't have this option :\

  5. I sympathise I just had a picture framed, set me back about the same as what you are looking at. Mine was done at Index Living Mall nr Central Ladprao, I suppose I could have got it cheaper at a Mom n Pop shop, but had no idea where to look.

    Really Index does framing? (I live right near Index Ladprao) And i'd prefer to get it done there, than at a mom n pop.

  6. It sounds as though there has been a 'kowjai pid' (misunderstanding) between yourself and the framing shop in question (did they show you a selection of FRAMES for instance, and ask which one you wanted?). I assume the painting was taken off its original support (frame, to you), which is called a STRETCHER, and sent to you rolled up? This is common practice as the canvass is far easier (and cheaper) to transport taken off its STRECTCHER and rolled. You will need to have it re-STRETCHED. Which should cost you no more than between 100 and 200 baht, and which, unless you have experience of stretching canvass, which I assume from your post you don't, would leave up to an experienced frame shop. Whether you want it FRAMED afterwards is up to you, which would probably cost you around the price you quoted, depending on the quality of the FRAME. Hope this is clear.

    Yes that's right. They took it off the "stretcher" then sent it to me. What i need is it put back onto the "stretcher".

    So when you say it should cost 100 - 200 baht are you talking about the cost of the actual wood, or the service of "stretching the canvas"?

    The 1280 price just seems excessive seeing as the actually painting itself (custom made) only cost 2800!

    Just seems ridiculous to have the wood behind the painting (which is not even visible) cost the half price of the actual painting!

  7. I bought a 60cm x 100cm painting on Koh Chang during my last visit, and it just arrived in the mail (very happy with the painting)

    Now i need a frame. I want to get the kind where the painting goes around the frame (like the frame they use when actually painting the painting).

    I figure it should be cheap, seeing as it's just a 1"x1" wood built into a square to put the painting over. (So you don't actually see the frame)

    But i went down to the local frame shop and they quoted me 1280 THB!!

    Does this price some ridiculous to you? At that rate i'm about to go to the hardware store and just buy some wood myself and put it together.

    I'll check with another nearby frame work today first though.

  8. click2delete: You seem to know just about everything for someone with only 36 posts to your name? Overnight expert on Thai immigration are we?

    Are you serious?Since when does having lots of posts mean anything?I have a few posts,but know bugger all about immigration.What about the people that have been here many years,but have just signed up???? :o

    When you combine low post count with someone making absolute statements about the Thai law (when anyone who's been here any time knows the law seems to vary depending on the officer enforcing it).

    And then top that off with his "My Mate knows this high ranking Colonel, and he told him..."

    Leads me to believe that most of what he is saying is ****

  9. whatever you do, do not bet your life savings on Grandfather because he has cancer and will die on Oct 1

    On 6th of April this year I renewed my yearly extension based on old 400K rule. Immigration then made both my wife and myself sign a statement that if we wanted to use the same rule next year, we both understood the 400K had to be in the bank for 3 months. This statement that we signed is obviously kept in my own personal file in immigration.

    Immigration may change the rules again, but at the present time the officers are under the impression that those who are eligable to use the 400K rule this year can do so again next year.



    Take that paper into the shitter with you and use it appropriately. It will suffice more as toilet paper than a guarantee - the promise made to you has been rescinded.

    After Oct 1 you will no longer be able to show 400,000 in the bank as a reason to stay while married to and supporting a Thai.




    You can take that to the bank.

    That's where you are being a touch naieve there Mr. click. :D

    Can't take anything to the bank with regards to laws, policy or whatever at govt. level in Thailand, especially something that might be the opinion of one person, who may be part of a much larger commitee, and is just letting it fly over finger foods & whiskey. :o



    I also signed this paper (about same time as Soundman). They told me "Make sure you have the money in the bank atleast 3 months before you apply next time"

    They did NOT say "You can't use your bank account next time"

    click2delete: You seem to know just about everything for someone with only 36 posts to your name? Overnight expert on Thai immigration are we?

  10. sir

    what work do you do online and what do you make? you dont have to be specific in yr answers.


    Since i work for myself it varies alot per month. But i get minimum about 70,000 per month, max 200,000 per month.

    (THB of course :o )

  11. i have kept telling her to take her money out of there & forget about it,but any experience with this?

    Don't close the account, it could be useful in the future (you never know).

    When i applied for my visa i needed a bank account, and lucky i had not closed my student bank account for years before, as re-apply for a new account would have been more difficult (seem to require work-permits etc now).

  12. I am also 23 (Got married and moved here last year).

    I work online here and enjoy what i do. I would be making exactly the same amount of $$ if i was doing it back in the US, so it made alot of sense to work out here.

    If you have a university degree you could just start applying for jobs in Thailand on http://th.jobsdb.com/ or similar, i'm not sure how easy this route is but if you apply for enough jobs, you should get something?

    Or if you are wanting to work for yourself, Thailand has lots of opportunities.

    Maybe start out simple; selling some items on eBay.

    Experiment with different kinds of products.

    If you are successfully maybe start your own online store, or push into the wholesale realm.

    Just some ideas.

  13. A modchip??? Are you sure you have one? Normaly it is just a firmware thing on the drive.

    No i'm not sure it's a modchip (i was just assuming). You are right, there may be no chip. That's why i'm asking here instead of on xbox-scene, as i'm guessing that most people who bought their xbox in Thailand probably have the same kind of mod as me.

    Just wondering if anyone has an first hand experience installing this particular patch on a modded xbox bought in Thailand.

  14. I bought an xbox 360 yesterday, and i'm itching to install the backward compatiblity patch that allows you to play certain xbox original games.


    But i'm a bit worried that they might sneak some code into the patch that would find the modchip and kill my xbox.

    Anyone else with a modified xbox try to install this patch, if so where you successful without any side effects?

  15. I just bought a 360 yesterday, they told me it had a 1 year warranty for labor only; not parts.

    I'm assuming you're "warranty" is probably the same. I bought the extra fan unit that goes on the back, so hopefully this will stop the overheating a bit.

  16. Gcorners did'nt seem to support much in the line of xbox 360 when i was there (3 weeks ago). 6th floor mbk is prolly the best bet (art & game).

    please refere to the price threads in the IT/Tech subforum.

    FYI 14k is about norm right now.

    Thanks, i was planning to go to that place at MBK actually. I just wanted to make sure i knew what the going rate was.

    Still seems kind of expensive, it always confuses me when some items here are more expensive than back in the US.

    Do you know what is included in the 14k price range?


    Controller? Wireless Controller? Harddrive? Any games?

    (Nevermind about the included stuff after checking out the gcorners i can see the list of stuff that should be included, and i'm assuming most places will included the same kind of stuff)

  17. Your poll does not, in my humble bilingual opinion, have enough options. How about adding,

    I tried a little, but the complexity just blew me away, more than batski-kop did.

    I'm tone deaf and probably too old to master a third language.

    I don't have nearly as much need to learn it as many farang have.

    There are more reasons and obstacles to keep from learning Thai, as there are incentives to learn it.

    Maybe the option "I make up a series for reasons to justify my lack of effort" should be added.

  18. I was watching the news with my wife about some Thai guy was sentenced to death for rape/murder (or something similarly unpleasant)

    And my wife said "And he also has to pay XXXXX baht to the victims family", I asked how he was supposed to do that seeing as he would be in jail, and then dead?

    She said "Well his family [parents] will have to pay".

    Is this true that if your (adult) son/daughter does something bad, then you as the parent would have to pay fines that the son/daughter could not pay?

    I was a bit puzzled, and asked if the reverse was true; that children would have to cover the debts of deceased parents, and my wife also said that she thought so.

    Is this true or is my wife just really misinformed?

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