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Posts posted by dave111223

  1. I'm actually happy to see Lampard out of the lineup. I'm sure alot of people will disagree with me (as he always seems to get good reviews) but i think he plays like crap for England.

    I couldn't believe reviews I read after the Israel game saying that Lampard and Carragher played well. I thought those 2 were the worst, they totally kill any innovation when they got the ball.

    McClaren wouldn't have the balls to leave Lampard out of the squad unless there was an injury though.

    Downing, Gerrard, Hargraves, Lennon is the lineup i'd like to see across the middle.

  2. On the night before my wedding we hired a song-tel (pickup truck with seats) to bring my family and some of my wife's family out to a seafood restaurant by the beach.

    About half way there we started turning around and my father in law (who was sitting upfront with the driver) said "Maybe we should just go back and get some food near the hotel".

    We didn't understand why and were a bit put out seeing as we were all looking forward to this seafood place. So we all said "no, no let's keep going". At which point the truck pulled over and there was thai discussion going on.

    Turns out the driver was total piss drunk and could hardly walk. My family were horrified that this bloke had turned up drunk to drive around a large group of people in his truck.

    We had to flag down another song-tel in order to get the restaurant.

    The drunk guy left with half of the agreed price...

  3. Keep in mind that the maturity level of alot of kids here is lower than back home (US, UK etc...).

    When i was an exchange student in Uni here it seemed like most of the other Thai students should have been in high school.

    So i am assuming that you will find a lot of the high school students seem like middle school students....ie they will probably be acting the way you did when you were 13.

    However if you are going to some kind of international school this may be different....

    So be prepared and don't get pissed off when everyone around you acts like a little kid.

  4. What advertiser would want his ads shown during halftime when nobody is paying attention.

    Are you serious?

    So you are saying that no advertisers ever pay for ads during halftimes? (Do you ever watch sporting events?)

  5. I don't often watch the Thai TV channels, but last night i had to watch channel 7 in order to see the England Football game.

    I found it very odd that even though their online TV schedule said that at 1:30 am would be the England football match, when i tuned in at 1:30 (i know it was exactly 1:30am as another channel had nothing but a blank clock screen up) it was actually some random music video playing?

    The music video continued to play for another 3 or 4 minutes, after which they switched to the football, which had already started 1 minute ago?

    Why do they run programming over into eachother, the music video was not a live event, so surely they must have known the runtime, and have seen that it did not fit into the alotted time space. Is this just incompetence, is there some kind of purpose to doing this?

    Also during the football game they would minimize the game into a tiny PIP and play and ad in the background. Yet during half time they did not show one single ad, instead they just left the picture of the empty football pitch on for about 10 minutes.

    Why do they do this? Once again is it just incompetence?

  6. What a load of complete rubbish. Watching this lot make me sick!

    My sentiments exactly.

    A lot of people slagged England off at the world cup, but honorestly i wasn't too upset, i thought they played ok.

    But this truely was a performance worth slagging. Come on it is Israel for **%$ sake, if they can't even beat them how are they supposed to beat any of the good teams in Europe. After seeing this game i think they don't even deserve to qualify anyways.

    McClaren needs to get his matching orders, when you have a squad full of top premier league players there is no excuse for having them play like this.

  7. Let's say you are American and this happened in the US. Would you think, "###### Americans, what scum"? I doubt it very much.

    Let's say you are a foreigner in the US and a bunch of Americans beat the sh*t out of you. I'm pretty sure you would think "###### Americans, what scum"

    Having lived in the US as a foreigner i can tell you there were quite a few times that i did infact think: "###### Americans, what scum"

  8. I think this is an under 21 game. The first official international to be played at the new Wembley

    Yeah you are right, just saw that on BCC.

    So this sucks, i dont see any sign of them playing the Israel game on TV :o

  9. I searched the UBC website and found only this:

    Star Sports

    06004 : ENGLAND VS. ITALY 24-Mar-2007 19:25

    06004 : ENGLAND VS. ITALY 25-Mar-2007 11:00

    06004 : ENGLAND VS. ITALY 26-Mar-2007 19:00

    Is this a typo and they actually mean Israel or are they replaying some England vs Italy match from the past?

    I've been looking forward to this match all week, and i just assumed it would be on TV, now i'm starting to worry.

  10. I had to get a converter for my US Xbox (cost me like 600 baht i think). Bought it from Fortune Town.

    however readily available for just about any Mom and Pop hardware store smile.gif

    I did not find them this readily available, i had to search around a bit to find one.

  11. Now I got lucky here, never so lucky in my life.....my girlfriend was walking back to my apartments and saw, face down in a puddle a yellow cardboard package, she picked it up, recognised my name and brought it to me.

    I made enquiries. The packet had been signed by a girl in the internet shop next to my tiny red postbox and then balanced on top. I pressume the wind blew it into the puddle.

    I called DHL and asked what sort of an operation they were running, basically no joy, so I read the small print on the Thai DHL website. They are within their rights.

    The packet can be signed by anyone at the address, not necessarily the intended person. So DHL is as bad as regular mail.

    That really is shocking, remind be never to ship anything with DHL....

  12. Anywhere between 6 and 9 thousand baht. Cookers, A/C's (although ceiling fans at night), computer, two tellys, big fridge, microwave, DVD players, floor lamps. I did start to unplug all the stuff that wasn't used - the phone and camera charger and turn the telly off at night rather than use standby. It did make a difference, that and only boiling the minimum amount of water in the kettle rather than fill it up.

    How did you manage to spend upto 9,000 baht per month??

    Did you forget to mention the copious amounts of Marijuana being grown in your basement under hundreds of grow lamps :o ?

  13. OP can you please shed more light on your website situation?

    Did you actually purchase hosting from http://www.datapimp.com/

    Im still trying to figure out if it is actually a real hosting company, or if it is some kind of joke?

    With forums titled things like:

    Hey my datapimp email stopped working! Fix it!

    We know it's broke, and we ain't fixing it.

    Talk amongst yourselves

    Because we're certainly not interested

    General questions

    Like, "Where is the CANCEL button?"

    If you really did signup there you must get scammed on an almost daily basis?

    It is no surpise that this girl took you for a ride.

  14. Surprisingly though, human rights advocacy groups who would normally scream foul play the loudest when a Muslim was killed by government forces were completely silent over the Wednesday's massacre. None of them joined the protests to condemn the insurgents. Did the silence amount to double standard practice?

    Yes it does seem like some of these so called Human Rights groups only speak up when bad things happen to bad people.

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