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Everything posted by Keesters

  1. They certainly don't when you've been using the same one for weeks and all it does or can do is cover your chin.
  2. Because even with all you mention transmission of the virus is still possible.
  3. Is scamming a tourist seen as part of Thai culture? It certainly happens frequently enough. Is jumping a red light part of Thai culture or is it that red lights aren't so it's OK to ignore them. Just what defines Thai culture except for a sense of me, me, me above all others?
  4. Not so easy for those who have been here over 30 years. Parents, siblings, friends all gone now.
  5. What I'm thinking of writing would get me banned. Please be assured though that it is being thought and spoken VERY LOUDLY and has caused neighbors to come and ask if I'm OK.
  6. Yes I missed that. The article is overly biased, as are the comments, about recieving funds. Took a good read of the PayPal website to confirm your post. Still need to confirm identity though. So PayPal is not a total loss. Just half of one.
  7. Not me as can be seen here. There was a glitch as I posted and said system was offline and to retry. I did and the result was WYSee.
  8. Your probably right. Some time ago I paid a Thai website for something I wanted using transfer from my account to theirs. Got no reply, no goods, total silence. When i went to their website to check it was offline. I checked the domain name. Expired a day after i ordered. Contacted kasikorn. Nothing we can do they said. Add 300+ baht to the Thai scam account.
  9. Then totally irrelevant to this thread which is about PayPal THAILAND.
  10. PayPal is extremly useful in paying for items ordered overseas. Using PayPal restricts the number of places that you've used your credit card to ONE, PayPal. It also has great consumer protection. They've always credited me when I've notified that ordered goods never arrived. Great service until now with no known equal. Time you thought out of the box and not just your own little life.
  11. Give me an alternative that has payment options on thousands of eCommerce websites. Basically it's PayPal or credit card. I prefer to limit the number of places and times my credit card is used on the internet to ONE.
  12. Not for Thailand residents. Just as PayPal never offered their card here.
  13. Me neither. Until a few minutes ago I'd never even heard of Wise.
  14. Losing the best consumer protection I've had since cancelling my Amex card some years ago. Now I'm down to Kasikorn virtual credit cards. I wonder how little consumer protection they give.
  15. I too have no love of british embassies. 1980: Libya. Returned from leave to find the company I was working for gone. My apartment occupied by others. My car disappeared. Nothing. With no visa to leave I was stranded and to make things worse a tax hostage held responsible for the companies outstanding dues. The embassy was of no help even though my company was British (of pakistani origin) owned. It took me 3 months of wheeling and dealing to get out. As the British Caledonian plane left Libyan airspace I stood up and cheered. 1983: Abu Dhabi. My passport was expiring. I visited consulate and filled in form truthfully mentioning I had a second british passport. That was issued some months before in London as they understood UAE needs oneself to have passport available at all times. As UAE had no Saudi Arabia mission a second passport was needed to send there (SA) for visa. UAE british consulate official read my note about second passport and asked to see it. I handed it over. 'That's the last you'll see of that' he said. 'Come back in a week for your passport renewal. No amount of pleading including visits from my French boss would get them to change their mind. The closing of Pattaya's consular office and the debacle recently over covid vaccination and the unhelpful comments of the ambassador confirms they have no interest at all in their citizens. I'm glad I no longer pay UK taxes.
  16. I do too to a certain degree. But at the moment I feel they are unsafe covid wise. Too much space given to stalls and not enough to shoppers resulting in stallholders sitting pretty with 2 meters or more free air around them while shoppers are bumping into each other all the time. Some of my best memories are of Bangkok's weekend market when it was on Sanam Luang (Sanam Luang Flea Market).
  17. They drive around looking to find a place open then drive some more looking for somewhere to park. Hence the traffic.
  18. You don't have to go along. But of course you may still suffer from whatever your partner(s) brings back with them. I've not had physical contact with my grandson since April because his grandmother, with whom he stays, refuses to stop visiting these unhygienic markets. She says things like, "but they've all been cleaned" to which I reply "after they were found to be dirty".
  19. Which is why I never visit them. I'll stick to the malls and the supermarkets inside them.
  20. I haven't been abused or ripped off in 3.5 of my last 4 decades here. It's a learning curve. In fact the last person to cause me major trouble was a farang who reversed his car into me. He denied doing it. The police soon sorted him out .
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