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Posts posted by DDBKK

  1. 14 hours ago, mark5335 said:

    Two boxes of cigars is more likely to be retained at Thai Post HQ at Laksi for payment of tax and collection. This happened to me a few years ago (for only 1 box) and I received a verbal warning from them against importing cigars. Since then I would only import 'sampler' bags of 10 cigars without any problem. However, I haven't done this for over a year or so as my supplier has suspended overseas sales in covid times.

    Yes common sense would dictate that boxes are perhaps not the best way to go. Sampler packs are perfect. Highly doubt anyone is going to be evicted from the country or summonsed to court over a 10 pack of mixed sticks. 

    • Like 1
  2. 12 hours ago, BenDeCosta said:


    Customs are a bunch of cowboys, I would never order cigars from abroad to be delivered here, they'll hold them to ransom until you pay whatever figure they decide.

    More fool you. You pay a pittance compared to what they charge for tax at a authorised outlet. They don't hold the cigars anyway, the tax is thrown on and the cigars are held by the thai post. 


    Ordered from Oz a bunch of times. They have no idea how much the cigars should be taxed and tend to just throw on a thousand bath fine. Next to nothing if you are ordering a decent stash of real cubans. Word to the wise. You want proper prices, order from abroad and have them sent under the radar. It's common sense....!!!

    • Like 1
  3. The 250/300L are outgrown very quickly if you ride anything slightly aggressive off-road. Prior to proper off-road bikes being made available at reasonable money they were acceptable for what they were with some mods thrown at them they were reasonably competent.


    The 450RL uncorked is in a completely different league. You can't even compare the two bikes. If you are considering the pros and cons over each, you are probably a 300L type of guy because those who can ride a bike quick in dirt wouldn't even consider the 300L when the 450RL is available. Unless of course cost is the only dictating factor. Even then you wait a few years for the 2nd hand market and pick one up for 250K baht? Maybe less... 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Th only information possibly available would be asking price, and asking price means nothing. There is no published or available data on actual sales prices, sales volume etc.

    There is basically nobody " in the know " and no data. 

    Any information you come across will be marketing hype and mean nothing.

    Most prices are asking price to buy a lease, not tangible real property sales, 


    Koh Phangan is renown for dubious lease hold , Thai nominee ownership schemes, and lots of smoke and mirrors to do with legality, prices or actual real value.

    You sound like my wife! 5555


    Thanks for confirming though

  5. On 3/2/2021 at 5:48 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    True, but sometimes I worked out the reason years later. It's difficult for a male as it's hard for a mere male to work out what a female's reasons might be.

    I got dumped once for pointing out that she had an attractive posterior.

    Then there was the one that dumped me AFTER I fixed her car, though she must have known she was going to do so before I did.


    Not just women though. I was dumped by a male "friend" who rang me the next week to ask me around again. I worked out that that was because he'd forgotten I hadn't finished fixing his car when he dumped me on the phone. I didn't go back and for sure he couldn't pay someone to fix it. Sometimes there is such a thing as karma.


    Sometimes the reason is obvious, like when a 30 year friendship ended because he stole a years wages worth from me.

    You need to seriously start focusing on positives more than negatives TBL. Your posts are all the same of late and its telling of your mental state. 


    God speed mate.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  6. Evening/Morning all!

    I know there are a few of us that frequent these forums from time to time and I would like to lean on the TV community to assist in the collection of research data (via a 5 minute tick box questionnaire) to allow me to perform an analysis as a large part of my University of Aberdeen MSc dissertation in Project Management.

    If you think you might like to take part or would like to know more information about the research project, please send me a PM and I can send more detailed information with no expectations or obligations on your part. It will be entirely up to you to decide to take part or not and you can decide not to at any time.

    Just to clarify the thread title, the research is specific to upstream oil and gas workers (contractor/employee/consultant etc) who were previously based at site and have been, either permanently or temporarily, forced into performing their work remotely due to COVID.

    If you meet the criteria and have a small amount of free time it would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Many thanks

  7. OK so for some reason the other 450RL thread has been "archived" and unable to receive any further replies so a fresh thread it is, then. 


    Just read on a popular enduro Pattaya page that the bikes are now being sold in Thailand at a very reasonable price of 330,000 baht with green book/fully licensed. 4 already unboxed/sold in big wing pattaya. 


    Waited all this time for the 300L to come along and they drop the 450RL within a few months. 450RL will soon to be seen all over thailand no doubt. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/15/2021 at 10:51 AM, DoneTravelling said:

    You really believe Thailand is tops in health, wow. Hospitals are fairly inept, private hospitals are just money grabbing. 

    My wife had constant headaches, after a 10 minute consultation in a private hospital she was crying like crazy, the quack had told her she needed emergency brain surgery, it turned out she had blocked sinuses. Numerous other doctor stories I can tell.

    Which is strange to me because my experience with the likes of Bangkok Hospital in the big mango was nothing but professional. In fact, the heart doc actually asked me why I was returning to see them after having an mri 6 months previously to satisfy my work medical for a UK doctor. They specificied I see a doc again after 6 months so they weren't liable. The thai doc couldn't get his head around it and just laughed and told me not to waste my money coming back to see him unless I had some other health concerns. 


    Aye, completely money grabbbing.....

    • Like 2
  9. Bit of a long shot but stuck out of the country till all this covid is over with and encountered a problem with my macbook pro and wondering what the prices are like from Apple to replce the screen in the likes of mega bangna or icon siam if anyone happens to either know the prices from list or had their own macbook pro repaired recently? 



  10. On 1/24/2021 at 12:31 AM, Lakegeneve said:

    Construction progress as at 31 December:

    1) MRT Orange Line: 74.37%

    2) MRT Pink Line: 70.32%

    3) MRT Yellow Line: 73.26%


    BTS Silom line S4 update: The BMA has decided to rename the station to Saint Louis (from Suksa Wittaya) given the hospital, school & church nearby. Still expect to open by the end of March.

    I notice that there is a claim that a specific section of the yellow line will open first (Samrong - Si Lam) which is currently planned for Oct 2021. Any official word on if this is true or not Lakegeneve?

  11. It's interesting isn't it? The semantics. 


    I find it quite dismissive if I'm honest. It's like you can't take responsibility for your own actions.


    And where does the line stop (or start as the case may be)? Is someone who enjoys a binge drink in possession of the "disease"? Or do they simply lack self control? What about someone who's wife has died later in life, they've been stone cold sober or very moderate drinker most of their life until the wife passed away and then drank solidly to block out the pain until they too passed? What do we call that? 


    The variables are vast when it comes to addictive substances I'm sure we can all agree. I've been an addict to a substance and I've abused others and been able to control the intake of them when I put my mind to it.  How does the "disease" gene fit into that picture exactly? 


    If they have truly identified a <deleted> head gene. How do you even know you have it? And therefore the "disease"? You don't. (Unless you've been tested) You're simply using the excuse that you do have it to pass the buck to protect your ego because you have a weakness. Sorry. But the good news is, we all have weaknesses so don't worry about it. It's part of being human.

  12. 31 minutes ago, impulse said:


    You know how some people can eat peanuts and not....die.  While others need an epi pen and a trip to the emergency room if they so much as sniff peanut dust?  Different people react differently to peanuts.  It has nothing to do with willpower or self control.


    Same with alcohol.  It affect some people differently than others.  It has nothing to do with willpower or self control.  At least that's what the American Medical Association (AMA) says.


    Did you just compare peanut allergies to someone who can't stop drinking once they start? 


    You say it affects some different than others then profess it has nothing to do with willpower or self control. It's..... laughable to say..... the least. 


    It's a disease, right? ???? 


    Yanks, honestly....

  13. Time will tell as always, however the truth is you can "target" a sector all you like but the ease (i.e. lack of barriers to enter) with which joe Thai public can open and run any business that tailors to the backpacker/affordable end of the market, of which it is both very easy and in abundance throughout Thailand, will continue to dictate the terms of the bulk of tourists visiting.


    All other things being equal such as flight prices, strength of baht, inflation, insurance of course.


    I see these "high spending tourist" announcements as nothing more than laughable. Almost like a memo being sent out by the intern because they feel like they should be seen to be doing something by the management but gives the rest of the office a good laugh I suppose.

    • Like 1
  14. 13 hours ago, carlyai said:

    Drinking too much is just a habit. Like eating too much, watching to much porn, too much mobile phone. Just a habit. Old thoughts were it was a disease, but contemporary thoughts are it is a habit. (Simplified version).







    I think for most it is simply a habit. Some are more predisposed in the lacking of self control than others. Some may self medicate with alcohol and mentally lock on to maintaining that intake of substance to "cope" - that's a tricky situation but it's also just a habit for the most part and a mindset that can be changed if the individual is taught to cope without the alcohol and regular drinking should be able to resume after a decent period of abstinence.


    There are of course people who abuse it to the point of complete physical dependency who are, in my view, alcoholics. You know a proper alcoholic when you see one. 


    There are also lots of pussies who simply can't handle their drink or a hangover and like to cry the blues of their plight to anyone who will listen because they take some strange comfort in it. Best avoided those types. 

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