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Posts posted by blueshark

  1. RIP those lost and hopes for a speedy recovery for the injured. One has to wonder how well worn the tyres were and how long ago the tread depth was checked. I've seen many buses here with badly worn and/or under inflated tyres.

    makes me sick to the stomach, could have been any of my mates, my family or me.

    rip, bloody awful way to die. Quiet horrific, I think about their love ones at home, just awful.

  2. I read this yesterday and i must say this smacks very much of "yes we want your money but we don't really want to give you anything in return" nothing new in that respect.

    If they want to outlaw company ownership, fine, do it definitively once and for all, but offer a real solution.. 99 Year leases would

    be a good start.

    They have no idea how much damage their reluctance to change will create, with places like Cambodia and Myanmar starting to open up to Foreigners and Foreign business' if Thailand does not "get with the program" inward investment to this country in this sector will rapidly become a thing of the past!!

    "Ombudsman Siracha Charoenpanij said the new law would comprise punishment for companies offering advice to foreigners on how to hold Thai property by disguising their legal transaction. This would include law firms and consultants"

    I wonder if this would also apply to Land Department officers that demand hefty "fees" to process such transactions?

    I couldn't agree more. What kind of message does this evoke for foreign investment. what will they achieve by doing this, what ever happened to the ASEAN spirit. This is just another group of greedy Thais crying and stamping their feet about land to gain financial advantage. If they had transparent laws to cover this sort of thing then it would be far better. But laws that actually welcome foreign investment rather than hinder it!.

    They are really starting to loose face internationally with this sort of thing. Word will spread, oh it already has. Perhaps they think people don't talk anymore.

    Another ill fated idea that will smack them in the face sooner or later.


  3. It seems that not long ago, there would be a small brigade of people defending Phuket in a thread like this. However, the same passion to defend it doesn't appear in this thread. Those past defenders appeared to be foreigners who had business interests there (and would understandably want people to think well of Phuket). Does the the lack of defensive comments indicate that those business people have given up trying to redeem Phuket's reputation, moved away from Phuket (maybe to Chiang Mai), or are now in agreement that Phuket really is a dangerous place?

    After 15 years in Thailand - 12 of them in Phuket - enough is enough. I have returned to the UK where it is colder, more expensive (just) and a politically correct mess, BUT it is civilised, law abiding and safe. My whole family feel comfortable and not threatened here. When Burma opens up I may try again in SE Asia.

    Coming to a pub near you soon.

    Me too, Cant wait to get home.


  4. Only when the masses stop coming and the money spigot dries up will the local governor and police really get serious, how many times have consulates and ambassadors met with the governor to express these problems that continually occur with foreigners, and nothing ever gets done about it.

    Thats the point I totally agree. When the oil drys up America goes to war.

    The same will happen here.

    I hope and pray Burma will take Thailands mantle away.

  5. This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

    Well I doubt that very much I think you Americans are so scared of your own government, that you are constantly fixated on the conspiracy theory that might or might not happen.

    Personally i think it was due to the fact that Thailand cant make its mind up on anything. Its political process is so ancient its the one thing that is destroying this country from the inside out.

    They were probably in fighting over how much they should charge the Americans for using the land. They have well and truly shot themselves in the foot this time.

    The pure laziness of officials in Thailand begs belief. They are some of the worst corrupt members of government in the world today.

    It will continue to be a major problem for this country until the social and political structure is dragged into the 21st century.

    Wow Ouch!!! that hurt!

    • Like 1
  6. its time to stop the corny remarks about the police force .... its no longer a joke .....i cannot understand why a country such as australia does not slap a travel ban on this place immediately ...the phuket police are nothing but tea money collectors , they see tourists purely as a source of income .... until corruption is dealt with we will live in a lawless society ... so time to bail , tell your friends , colleagues , business associates stay away ....go to Myanamar ....

    I totally agree with you. I am sick and tired also of the constant inability of the corrupt police and courts in this country. Just useless.

    They need to get to grips with themselves first before being any kind of host.

    I will write to my all my friends nd family lettin them know they shouldnt come.

    I am pulling my family out of this S**t hole next month, it just isnt worth the risk having them here any more.

    • Like 1
  7. About bloody time too. So so outdated those squat toilets and bloody unhygenic too. Hey proper sit toilets are cheap enough anyway and maybe the Government should offer grants to everyone upgrading their old fashioned squat ones.. Heck I would almost rather sh*t myself than give myself the back pain from using a silly squat toilet and the long hosing down job of cleaning up the floor and toilet surroundings from the almost inevitable missed aims rolleyes.giflaugh.png

    Where it is difficult to get running water for full flush facilities at least you could still use the water storage tank and scoop method still infinitely better and cleaner than the horrid prehistoric squat ones. I love Thailand but it does really need to catch up wit modern, cleaner, more [practical solutions to many of its prehistoric facilities and no most upgrades are NOT expensive either. So this move at least is part of Thailand's much needed and very welcome growing up stage. I can see absolutely NO benefits at all in squat toilets over proper sit ones only a very marginal one off price difference which spread over say a 20 year life would work out at about 20 Baht a year I would guess that is less than 2 Baht a month for the huge benefits of a sit toilet. Great news this one.

    Diarrhea song:

    When you're sliding into first

    And your pants begin to burst

    Diarrhea, diarrhea

    When you're sliding into two

    And your pants are filled with goo

    Diarrhea, diarrhea

    When you're sliding into third

    And you feel a greasy turd

    Diarrhea, diarrhea

    When you're sliding into home

    And your pants are filled with foam

    Diarrhea, diarrhea

    You're getting in a state

    cos' you've left it very late

    diarrhea diarrhea

    When it comes out of your bum

    like a bullet from a gun

    diarrhea diarrhea

    When it runs right down your leg

    like a greasy scrambled egg

    diarrhea diarrhea

    It's not very funny

    but it's very hot and runny

    diarrhea diarrhea

    when you're rolling' like a tire, cuz your intestines are on fire, diarrhea, diarrhea

    when the feeling's not that nice, and you have to flush it twice, diarrhea, diarrhea

    when you're on the seat for hours, and it doesn't smell like flowers, diarrhea, diarrhea

    when your stomach starts a rollin', and you're cleaning out your colon, diarrhea, diarrhea

    toilet paper you need to gather, cuz your butt worked up a lather, diarrhea, diarrhea

    you think you're feeling better, but you keep on getting wetter, diarrhea, diarrhea

    if you think your friends are jokin', but your pants are brown and soakin', diarrhea, diarrhea

    you're there in the huddle, and you're standing in a puddle, diarrhea, diarrhea

    you just made a tackle, and it splattered out like spackle, diarrhea, diarrhea

    you're going out for a pass, and it blows right out your ass, diarrhea, diarrhea

    it's really flowing loose, like it's running through a goose, diarrhea, diarrhea

    when you're shopping at the store, and it's dripping on the floor, diarrhea, diarrhea

    • Like 1
  8. accused of sexually assaulting five boy’s under the age of 15.

    arrested Mr. Gregory James Miller aged 48 from Illinois, USA, a teacher at the Garden International School.

    Garden International School's website listed Greg Miller as the Homeroom Teacher for 5th Graders (most of whom are 12 year of age).


    the above link is cached.... his name has since been dropped from the school's website.


    An article written by him just 4 days ago for the Pattaya Mail regarding a field trip he took his class of 5th graders on.



    Well this time of year its dam hard to get a job as term has started. Gregs fired!!!> get your Resumes ready everyone....... one man’s demise is another’s fortune!!!!

    • Like 1
  9. Large amounts of medication were seen around the room leading Police to assume an existing medical condition may have caused his demise.

    Isn't that why they have a coroner's hospital so the police don't have to ASSUME, they can find out for sure...???

    The police made an initial assessment and then the coroner will decide. It's what happens in other countries, including the US and UK. If the police hadn't said anything then people on here would have been complaining that the police weren't doing their job. It's impossible to please many TV members.

    Sound like you need to get a life.

    Sounds like you need to get into reality.

    The majority of Police here in Thailand have no training what so ever when dealing with the death of any human. They are not paid enough to care. If they can find the easy option to ensure it all blows over then that’s the route they will take. My father was in the British police force for years and they would never, never jump to any conclusions about the death of an individual, just to ease the publics interest. Unfortunately Thailand just doesn’t have the capability to carry out detailed forensic, biological tests which can be used as official evidence to determine foul play or not. It’s safe to say that the Thai police do not carry out the same procedures as the UK and US forces. You are talking from your bar table on that one.

    If you do your research you will find hundreds of foreign nationals that have died in Thailand under suspicious circumstances have never been given the proper time or attention they deserve.

    That’s a risk that we all have when we live in Third World countries. Its nuts to say they have the same system as the UK. Many people would argue otherwise. Do some research before making wild inaccurate statements.

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