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Posts posted by blueshark

  1. Wait a minute. I thought there wasn't supposed to BE any flooding this year.

    Yeah that nut job Prime Minister mentioned there wouldn't be any. What she meant to say is shes had a chat with her Bro, and they have convinced themselves after talking for an hour it wouldn't happen. To back up their analysis and professional civil engineering plans they had a monk bless their train of thought.

    It was all working well until.........

  2. No, you don't get custody unless the mother gives you sole custody.

    Also after living in the UK for a long period you would not get sole custody, but factual you would have unless the mother would come and live in the UK as the longer motehr and child are seperated the kmore incline a judge will be to let you be the prime guardian. Combined with a court order not allowing the child to leave the country the mother could only get visitation rights in the UK itself.

    Do let her sign a paper allowing you to take the child abroad to settle in the UK, it is rarely checked but is a requirement. it also makes your case stronger if there should be any problem with the mother in the future.

    In the end you could file for sole custody after a few years, but that might not be worth it and might only upset the mother. I would consider doing that only when there is a real need to do so.

    Thanks good advice.

    This paper/letter does it need to be devised by a lawer? or should i go to the Ampur and get a form from them? I heard some where its cheaper just to go to the Ampur office.

    Thanks again.

    If it said on the letter that she gives me sole custody that would be legally binding? Yes or No? and how can i do this? I think she would be happy to do that.

  3. No, you don't get custody unless the mother gives you sole custody.

    Also after living in the UK for a long period you would not get sole custody, but factual you would have unless the mother would come and live in the UK as the longer motehr and child are seperated the kmore incline a judge will be to let you be the prime guardian. Combined with a court order not allowing the child to leave the country the mother could only get visitation rights in the UK itself.

    Do let her sign a paper allowing you to take the child abroad to settle in the UK, it is rarely checked but is a requirement. it also makes your case stronger if there should be any problem with the mother in the future.

    In the end you could file for sole custody after a few years, but that might not be worth it and might only upset the mother. I would consider doing that only when there is a real need to do so.

    Thanks good advice.

    This paper/letter does it need to be devised by a lawer? or should i go to the Ampur and get a form from them? I heard some where its cheaper just to go to the Ampur office.

    Thanks again.

  4. The "infamous hit and run", is so common in Thailand. Why will the Thai men not take responsibility for their actions? Many Thai women tell me stories, after stories of how incredibly weak Thai men are. They sire children, then leave, without any willingness to pay any support to their children. They cause accidents, and then flee from the scene of the crime. They steal, and then when caught they no nothing of the crime. They kill, and then they flee the scene. The cause traffic accidents, due to their lack of driving skills, and flee the scene, instead of taking responsibility. Where is the sense of accountability in this nation? The women seem far more willing to take responsibility for their actions, and in general, seem to be far superior to their male counterparts, in terms of social responsibility, ethics, morality, etc. Am I wrong on this one, or am I seeing things clearly?

    I was hit by a car two weeks ago, the driver also just F**KED off.

    Its a common way for thais to deal with problems. As soon as there is any problem or emergency/difficulty they either run away or stick their heads in the sand. A bit of generalization i know, but unfortunately too common not to mention.

    I have also been on the rough end of those jet ski buggers while breaking in Ko Samui. Utter shits, thats also a huge problem.

    A big sorry to the french chaps family. I hope the guy finally got to paradise.

  5. 1. Lovely 3 year old girl, bright as a spark, a chip of the old block for sure.

    2. Mother is devils advocate a raving nasty bitch of the worse kind, but willing to sign any paper so i can take my daughter home to UK for better life.

    3. My daughter has my surname on her passport. Passport is british, also has british birth cert.

    4. Been home once last year for 3 months already.

    A. what problems can i face? Do i need a letter even though she has everything else?

    B. does my ex still keep custody of her even thought we are in the UK?

    C. After say 2/3/4/5/6 years in the UK do i auto get custody of my KID?

    No bull shit ---- just good advice thanks.

  6. Terrible. Unbelievable.

    Sex toys in Thailand. Have you ever read such shocking news?

    I have often wondered why the need for "sex toys' in Thailand when there are so many available attractive women around. That may sound awful un-PC, but I believe these toys they seized should be distributed to more needy countries like the U.K., U.S.A., where the beauties are scarcer. whistling.gif


    i think you may have missed out on the pleasurable use of (the majority) of sex toys. Attractiveness or not is not really part of the equation.

    Dam it! Ill have to make another order!

  7. It does not matter that this university is one of Britain's worst. It will still far outshine the locals schools here, when it comes to English skills, which is sorely needed here. The educational standards here are some of the lowest in the developed world. What the Thai government, the educational apparatus, and the Educational Ministry are perpetrating onto the Thai people should be classified as a crime. Much improvement is needed. The entire educational structure need to be dismantled, and built up from stretch, using a model like they use in Malaysia, as an example. Much needs to be done, and there is little time to waste. Thailand was the 21st largest economy 5 years ago. Now, it is the 25th. They are losing their place in the world at an alarming rate, and if nothing is done, the lifestyle they have worked so hard to achieve will erode, and they will be surpassed even by such lowly neighbors at the Philippines, Burma, Laos, and Vietnam. Time is a wasting, and I do not see any leadership.

    I agree, but the problem lies with the idea. If it doesn't comes from the Thais they wont do it! Its about face not brains in this country.

    Ware a nice shirt you get the job, show some legs sign on the line.

    The culture and way of life are so intertwined that the two exist together as a whole. Its true the whole system needs to be scraped yesterday, but it will take a revolutionary visionary politician to achieve that, one that isn't phased by saving face or the massively uneducated public opinion.

  8. Thank you Thai Visa Peanut Gallery for proving yet again that as long as any project, plan or idea has the word "Thailand" attached to it, you can find a way to crap on it.

    Oh, you bastion of moral, ethical and evolved thinkers ... we bow before you and bask in the warm glow of your enlightened awareness of all things proper, and the failure of Thailand to conform to your high standards.

    Or, could it be ... perhaps ... a collection of beer soaked, chain smoking bar flies whose dream it is to own a rat infested pool pub / brothel on Soi Cowboy --- with little else to do but rain on everyone who is trying to DO something? Many contributors, who, by the way, could not pass the entrance exam to this school.

    Go back to your beer gentlemen, and don't to forget to tip your "physical therapist."

    It takes one to know one mate! I bet you converted to the whiter than white category recently then?

  9. Thailand's policy is to establish the country as a regional centre for education. This means a significant expansion of facilities to attract students from around the world."

    ..............a hub!

    "We plan to provide a total 'British university' experience here for graduate and post-graduate studies

    Oh dear! Do the locals realise what the total British university experience is?

    "In phase one, we want to build a student population of 5,000. Of this number, about 20 per cent will come from Europe, as many have expressed interest in coming here.

    1000 European uni students descending on Thailand to ..'study'! Mostly coming from the UK no doubt. I bet on reading this the people at the British embassy responsible for prison visits are having palpitations.

    I second that The British lads will be having a ball when they get here! I wonder if they will have the standard Bar on campus, well that is the true British university experience!! ay my uni we had 4 i lived above one! that was my real education. Christ if I had all these girls running around when i was at uni my dick would have fallen off by now.

    So true!!!!!

  10. How would the British feel about 80 Issan men working for free in the construction trade in England.

    I'm sure the local union would give a grand welcoming to those who offer their services for free.

    Maybe send some doctors to England. Oh wait they don't meet local standards. But hey, if they do it for free

    we could give them waivers.

    As a English teacher here, I not exactly thrilled with ex-pats giving it away. I rather they get themselves

    qualified and be paid for their services.

    I agree, that and all the bloody missionaries working for jack! offering what can only be described as drivel and brain washing.

    Hang them all I say.

    Us decent teachers need to stand our ground, take up arms and bash the living S**t out of them when they arrive.

    Its grammar war fare !!!!!!!!

    That's what I say!

  11. Another PR stunts. And why during the Olympics. Kids wanna see their favorite athletes instead I'd "studying"... And what is 8 weeks??? That's nothing...

    You beat me to the key board, its ridiculous to think this can help. If you had 67 teachers in one school then just may be in three months you'll get the kids speaking 2-300 vocab words. One teacher in a normal large school for three months isn't going to achieve much apart from the pomp and circumstance of having them there.

    I imagine the teachers coming here feel the same, well the ones with actual work experience? I wonder how qualified they really are? What tickles the fancy of kids in the UK might fall on deaf ears here in Thailand.

    I hope TEAM 67 have had some esl training. Other wise they will spend a good month of the three getting to grips with what actually works in class.

    How or what ever happens, something is better than nothing I guess?

  12. As he has already repaid the money to the state he will get time of for good behavior plus a bit extra time off or time served on the force. Add the two together he should be out on Tuesday smile.png

    I'm pissing myself with laughter at this one.... masterpiece.

    Exactly wait till it all blows over hell be out in 6 months or so for sure.

    Remember that cop who was drunk and killed the Canadian guy in Pai, he was sentenced, but only served a bit the they let him out and sent him to another post in Chiang Rai.

    F*****n joke.

  13. ... the Internet now allows foreigners to penetrate the veil shrouding truths Thai officialdom has long easily concealed ... while the Thai government does control and monitor the Internet and media within Thailand, those outside have transparent access to events here.

    ... Carl Belanger, the girls' father, is of course correct to be suspicious of the integrity and competence of the Thai investigation.

    ... Thailand's reputation for corruption is notorious ... the world now sees the real Thailand, behind the carefully crafted Amazing Thailand promotions.

    ... if Thailand someday rises above the cesspool of corruption into which they've turned their nation, and Thais do someday recognize the value of integrity and honesty, Thais will still be untrusted ... the Thai's reputation for corruption has been earned over many years and many notorious events ... it is now an engrained cultural value ... the cultural values of civilized nations are not like Thai cultural values.

    Cold sobering truth.... this is why i have been burring my head in the sand all these years. I want t be sick I thought it was just me being fussy.

  14. Is Dr. Pornthip on the case? She can solve just about anything and is completely transparent about the results. Hope she is.

    I bet she could!

    But to get transparency on the case (and an actual professional honest answer) whats the big deal about inviting another 3 party country to do the autopsy? Go figure?

    Got something to hide? no? well let them do it then.

    If the Thai authorities procrastinate like they do with just about everything else then they will piss off all 1st world nations with decent systems.

    They need to sort their shit out so bad when it comes to these sorts of things.

    <Obscenity deleted>

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  15. I said it here once that Westerners are Comiting more crime in our Dear Thailand than Africans,or any other country,some people call me names and insulted me,today WHAT IS THIS? There is not single Nigerian or west african in this case,yet they are been BLACKLISTED in THAILAND,i hope Britons,Americans,South Africans and Germanys will also Be BLACKLISTED now that the world have knows their Evil Activities in Thailand.coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif since we judge a whole race or country base on the crime comiting by few from that race or country.

    Well lets make it more simple for you.

    Africans are not welcome in Thailand, Korea or Japan..... why?..... because they are black..... here ends the lesson on Asian xenophobia.


    Sorry but its true...... sick.gif

  16. Well lets be honest, the two thai cops stood behind them are either pissed cus they didn't think of the scam first and have all that cash. I hope the cops don't get their dirty hands on that cash. Just as bad as em.

    They probably were tipped of from British police about it all. It wouldn't surprise me that they commanded their operation two doors down from the police station in Bangkok. It would take a foreign police service to clean this country up. First place to start would be the Thai police, the law courts and all the cronies in between.

  17. Poor git.

    This is a problem with people coming out here. They loose all their senses.

    Usually its too much of a good thing that gets people in the end. This was his way out. Could have been avoided with a little compassion from his friends etc... But looks just like another broken heart story. If it was over a woman then you have to be fairly shot in the head to want top your self. Id never do that to my self even if Angelina Jolie dumped me for Brad Pit.

    If it was a genuine physical pain that could not be treated, or a terminal pain that needed constant drugs then i guess that was his only option. Mind you if i was in severe pain i probably want to get it over and done with also. Its a shitty live to lead.

  18. I could see the smoke clearly from my apartment on Rama 4 Road in Lumpini. I was wondering what had happened, and was glad to get this information from the Thai Visa site. I am a retired corrosion subject matter expert and worked for the largest natural gas company in North America 37 years. I would say before the people on this board start automatically trowing stones please wait for the facts to come out. And if you are by chance American you should know that even in the USA refinery fires are not uncommon. I can remember many of them thoughout the years. It is a dangerous business that we all depend on in one way or another. Petroleum leaks can be caused by many things, from human error to material stress fractures, general corrosion and even internal bacterial induced corrosion attacks. I am curious to the cause and plan to keep an eye on this story hoping to learn more. I am just glad that the Bangkok Fire Department was able to contain the fire, believe me these types of fires are difficult to control, I know from experience. Well done BFD.

    Do you want a job?

    I suggest you call the buggers down at oil fire central and demand they give you a job, with a pen paper and everything!!!!

    But really come on this is thailand, health and safety is just a word to them. They have no idea how to actually do it.

    5pm is whiskey and beer time thats when all the major decisions and strategic planning takes place.


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  19. Thanks to the bravery of the Democrat Party and the resourcefulness of the People's Alliance for Democracy, the Thai people (and all us wise and loyal farang) now know the truth behind "NASA's" request for a so-called climate study center at U-Tapao: it's a facility to control the weather and cause natural disasters, granted to the US so that they can give Thaksin a US visa. It would be equivalent to surrendering Thai sovereignty to the US, and allowing them to use Thai soil to wage war against their enemies.

    Source: http://prachatai.com/english/node/3275

    The editors at Prachatai are red-shirt cowards who refused to show the full evidence that the PAD revealed: that prototype weather control facilities have already been used to cause untold harm to China and other allies of Thailand.

    Source: http://www.manager.c...D=9550000075998

    When the Democrat Party allowed the US to use U-Tapao for Operation Enduring Freedom, at least that was visible to the public. But who knows what nasty secret plans the US has for this scary new super-weapon?

    Christ, Im not sure if this is &lt;deleted&gt; or not.

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