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Posts posted by max2u

  1. On 12/28/2017 at 5:51 AM, spidermike007 said:



    As a great philosopher once said, "environment is far stronger than will power". The reality is that most succumb to their environment. I know I sure did, when I was a kid. It takes a strong individual to say NO! That does not work for me!


    Parents do have an enormous responsibility to their kids to provide a positive, secure, and safe environment with boundaries, and lessons to be learned. Otherwise, why bother having children? 

    My contention does not go to parental responsibility to their 'fledglings,'  but to the responsibility of people once they are out of the nest. Despite (or in spite of :-) whatever has been greatly philosophized,  we've likely all heard tales of the 'grownup' that shocked both siblings and parents with his or her deviant behaviors, and conversely, the abused, misguided, neglected child that grew into a wonderful person, as much in rejection of their upbringing as in celebration of living well . . at last!


    Really, the best answer I give to the question of:

    "Is it nature or nurture that determines how human behavior is formed?"



  2. On 12/20/2017 at 2:30 AM, spidermike007 said:


    That, in case you have not noticed, is a worldwide phenomenon. Many would rather live on the backs of others, instead of putting in the hard work themselves. Shame on their parents, for raising such fools.


    Is a child's behavior encoded in silicon, rather than *influenced* by parents? Are you or anyone else without a will of their own?

  3. On 12/4/2017 at 4:38 AM, bluesofa said:

    Ha ha!

    Apart from when I've asked as to why my food costs more than if a Thai ordered it: You're bigger, you eat more.

    Also when querying why the traditional Thai massage cost me 300 Baht and not 200 Baht for a Thai: You've got a bigger body, I have to do more work.

    Ummm . .   Thai massage is not merely waving the hands about upon the skin; there is a significant amount of concentration of mind and muscle by the massage provider in the process of doing a proper session. One can not do a spot here and there and call it "done"  unless one refers to a so-called massage that is actually sex working.  Is your body no bigger than an average Thai's body?

  4. On 12/3/2017 at 11:27 PM, spectrumisgreen said:

    Yeah, been there, seen that, so I do get the perceived notion of the 'Powers That Be' that alcohol to excess can help stir up emnity, uneasy feelings, and such - though I'd claim I personally just get a little 'high' on  my surroundings and my friends within it after a few! -  but you just get a sense that these things come out now and again totally just to SEEM like something positive being enacted towards public H&S by the govt, when in fact its really just about putting more shackles on folks in general. Yes, some of these 'merrymakers' are always going to be dodgy types, but thats by nature rather than simply because of alcohol 'any other vice, and clearly such folk will remain amongst us, regardless. Ultimately, however, the lawmakers will always use their very existence as an excuse to enforce ever more restrictive measures on those who just want to, very sociably, have a nice time of it!!! (There, this Monday morning's diatribe over.. back to my tea!)... :wai::coffee1:


    Well, it's just as true that most drivers who've had a drink or two won't kill anybody you care about, and  possibly most who drink in NPs actually take their empties away and sober up by the time they get down to the parking areas.


    While by *your* 'getting the sense,' when government takes measures toward road safety or the notion that the Nature of NPs  is improved by the absence  of empties of chang and mekhong, both whole and in pieces,  or that the peacefulness of parks is lessened by those dodgy types whose inability to mix civil behavior with alcohol is unrevealed   . . until  . . they get to drinking , why,  'in actuality,' it is those dastardly govt oppressors at it again, putting the chains on innocent tipplers.

  5. 1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

    I visit NPs frequently, including camping at Christmas, New Year and Song Khran and quite apart from the disturbance drunks cause to other visitors they also caused the greatest amount of damage to the environment... From littering bottles and trampling plants.

    As someone who has driven in Thailand for over 20 years I'm confident enough and familiar with the dangers.


    Salute to a sober post, and as we've been disgusted by the volume of bottles and other litter beside the trails  and in scenic gathering places in NPs, I could not agree more with the ban, and would wish also that littering *per se* received a fine well-more that the cost of what had been consumed from its containers and wraps. 

  6. On 11/27/2017 at 6:58 AM, ttrd said:

    Not surprizingly at all especially if we take into consideration that People who jumps from balconies backwards and up side Down With their legs and hands bounded in addtion to multiple stab wounds in the back goes under the category of suicide....


    I would rather say that Thailand seems to be on the top of the world when it comes to unresolved criminal cases which unfortunately seems to be logged as suicide ...


    Really, how can the claim of such blatant cover-ups of murder as having a HIGH rate of occurrence be substantiated? Care to put some meat on the bones of such claims?


    The figures get cocked up in the other direction, as well. 


    We can not know of how many have taken their quiet road of exit, with deaths reported as heart failure or such, and no toxicological examinations performed--with  the 'cause' provided in many cases by family members who may well suspect their elder's actual cause of death, but wish no intimations of disgrace, whether upon the deceased, or themselves as having been neglectful. 


    "Epidemiology of Suicide in Asia"


    pp.10-11 (and others) regard Thailand, while the phenomenon of under-report of suicide is widespread.



  7. This has been one of the more painful of threads to read through.


    The  condescending, presumptuous, judgmental spew, ejected by two-legged swine with a keyboard, is quite nauseating. These specimens have to date had lives of being themselves; they may yet make change, or may not.


    The plight of the couple themselves is quite sad; the only good being, they suffer no more.


    The understanding and sympathies expressed by many are quite fine. If  humanity was robustly contagious  among humans, the couples' lives may never have come to such end.




  8. 29 minutes ago, alfalfa19 said:


    There is a big market for organs for sick people.  Imagine you needed a liver transplant, and would die without it in a few months.  How much would a person pay for a functional and healthy liver from a healthy specimen, on either the legal or otherwise market?   There is a business and big money involved in supplying this need.  Some of it is aboveboard,  and done through legal channels,  some of it is not. 


    If it's being harvested in the morgue, for most organs that's already dead meat, and even kidneys would need rapid harvesting once oxygenated blood circulation was no more.  Even here there's the constraint of tissue matching; 

    'best case scenario' for proposed piracy is murdered to order OR when suddenly (or not so suddely) died, promptly maintained on heart-lung machine while tissue-matched potential recipient is located. Seems that lots less visible victims than military cadets could be found for that sort of criminal enterprise.

  9. 12 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    I guess the military would have announced this in a hurry - if it were the case with him.

    Time scale of "a hurry" with regards to determining what manner of cardiomyopathy, if any (versus other possible causes of arrest) you figure to be how long, please?

  10. 1 hour ago, Basil B said:

    Yes, China had a thriving market sell human kidney's, that was until it was found out they had been selling pigs kidney's... :whistling:


    So, Chinese selling >kidneys< were ahead of the curve in sales, without being ahead of the curve in xplant fails 



     . . noted is that pig heart valves have gone into people for many years, and much human organ repair and replacement developmental work is performed using pigs . . 

  11. 16 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:


    Especially when there is a history of this 18 year old being severely punished in a previous incident ...

    This is from the Coconuts article I linked in a previous post.

    That goes to suspicious, at face.   Whether of what done to him or by whom (hmm..and if he'd done himself, for that matter, whether by intent or gone too far  with 'self anesthesia'  .      . . how to tell?  I do wonder also about "heart stopped beating previously" as had been claimed.


    4 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

    Does this explain why the organs have not been sent for further examination, over a month after the original autopsy? - and only after a second examination revealed that the organs were missing AND the family has asked questions?


    That "assumption" may be correct - or not.


    toxicology tests can take over a month--months, even



  13. As ever, the medical experts have rung in proclaiming the non-necessary removal of internal organs.


    "As ever," since 'tis common practice 'mongst many posting punters to presume that uniformed branches of beloved Kingdom are in the main, either inept, corrupt, or both, and expound with varieties of speculative sass.

    (I see now later, sager informatories--good! ) 


    Whether innuendos of cover-ups OR of transplant trade cash-ins, in common is opined that some mischief was afoot.


    With regards to the former, much depends on measures of preservation, or the lack thereof.


    Alas, for the forensic pathologist, many a hoodlum has not the consideration of providing rapid refrigeration nor post-mortem fixation of internal organs prior to leaving the scene of the crime (<sarcasm) , but even with the advent of early days' decay (and beyond, oh yes) there can remain, umm, viable traces of traumatic damage and both toxicological and cytological  signs indicative of how the Reaper was welcomed to harvest time.


    Now for the latter alternative, of  transplant larceny most foul, one needs to work with more haste.

    In fact, for a number of internal organs, such as the heart and lungs, by the time the victim arrives on the slab, those pieces may as well go to the pigs, than to being purloined, for cell death absent continual oxygenation {i.e., the "heart-lung" machine} as can be provided in the OR (or by PRC prison technicians, LOL!) makes of the meat no more than fare for the butcher's beast, at best. (The kidneys can go longer if carved out on the quick and transported meticulously), but still, everything inside gets to dying when the vic hits the bricks.


    So why in the World other than for nefarious needs would those inner organs be taken out, IF as one or more may say, all that need be seen can be done *in situ* once the corpse is laid open? Well, for the quite proper procedures of physical and cytological and toxicological examination, and why KEPT out?


    Ummm, the pieces can be put back in place and the 'container' sewn up sooner or later, but if and when initial pathology lab testings give uncertain findings needing repeats or higher sensitivity analyses, it's a bloody Hell more efficacious to go to the jars in the lab fridge, than back down to the fridge in the morgue for another dip into the cadaver.

  14. On 8/25/2017 at 9:15 AM, Tilacme said:

    You are missing the big flaw, other countries filled the gap so there was no under supply, simple as that.

    Here I thought the big flaw was there at the onset.


    'Shinawa Inc.' knew full well this was a taking from taxpaying citizens to line the pockets of their rural base with well more than the usual electoral payoffs, in the *guise* of a 'market corner' play.  


    The Nation's economics be damned has long been these 'populist' poobahs' protocol: the Kingdom's coffers are *theirs* for the taking, and if things get too hot with the courts or the generals, then beat a hasty retreat to an Emirate where who the Big Boss *really* is never  bears ruminations regarding what criticisms need silencing, and one can recover one's presumptions of plutocratic pre-eminence while waited upon by 'lesser Asians' who damned well better know their place , or be dealt with summarily . . 

    (^sarcasm . . somewhat)

  15. 2 hours ago, Tilacme said:

    How can I suggest that when it has already been proven at Court.  Do you have faith in the Courts?  If you do then good for you.

    Courts vary, alas.

    Had faith in the Constitutional Court been well-placed in August of 2001, Square Face would never have skated after having concealed billions of baht a few years earlier, ostensibly owned (LOL!) by members of his household help.

  16. 29 minutes ago, topt said:

    Already told you above yes you can deposit cash but they will charge you for the privilege and the same to withdraw it.

    I suggest you go and ask about online transfers back to the US since as nobody has yet commented it looks like it is not the norm. All the major banks offer FCAs so if Kasikorn don't have what you want then maybe try the others. Bangkok Bank has most of their info available online in English for example.

    google may or may not be our friend, but it has plenty information ;-)



  17. 1 hour ago, Bogbrush said:

    Thanks for this, but this seems to revolve around $ in to LOS by EFT and vice versa; my dilemma is somewhat different. I want a $ account where I can deposit $ CASH at a Thai branch over the counter, and then have the facility to either withdraw it in $ cash or EFT it overseas. 


    Will that work, do you think?

    ^ I'm with shaurene  ^ on this.


    Perhaps  "I would like to open a U.S. dollar-denominated account. How may I put funds into the account, and how may I withdraw funds?"    . .would directly obtain the information you seek

  18. 2 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


    And of course because this happened at this one branch, it happens at all thousands of Kasikorn branches all over the country, and for sure will not happen at any other bank in Thailand or elsewhere in the world.

    Other than one nit to pick re: thousands of branches (more like 1,100 or so) in Thailand (and a handful in other nations) janclaes47's  post perfectly punctures the hot air balloon of presumptuous sliming of Kasikorn (a.k.a Kbank--and formerly Thai Farmers Bank, a longstanding reliable  family (Lamsan)  enterprise (chaired by the grandson of its founder) that is 2nd largest in market cap of the banking sector on the SET.


    Kbank worked fine for receiving wire transfer of $USD from my US bank to my $USD account at Kbank, and when I withdrew $USD they gave a favorable conversion rate for Bt (which I deposited n my wife's Kbank account). The bank required $5000 $USD be maintained else there'd be a small 'maintenance' fee monthly, and pays no interest on the $USD account, so I keep the account active at $5K solely for the purpose of moving $USD in either direction US<>TH   So yeah, with no interest it's a  hundred or so $/year less in pocket than if I parked the  funds in some  other reliable bank, Stateside. But that's small money for the convenience, and the tellers and management at the few branches we've been to have all been the model of courteousness and good humor, so WTH ! :-)

  19. 26 minutes ago, cekipa said:

    Every time I read articles about something happening in thailand, the first line has always to specify that a foreigner was involved as if that is the most important thing in the world. Hundreds are begging around all countries in Europe and nobody gives sh*t wether or not is a local of foreigner. It looks to me an attempt to distinguish the world between Thais and non Thais. How pathetic.

    While "_every_ time" seems a rhetorical overstatement, there seems little doubt that in the minds of many foreigners, that colonialist, chauvinist presumptions are alive and unwell and posting, while in this thread there are many who regard a woman as a woman and a child as a child, whether they be khon Thai, farang, or any  other human being

  20. 12 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Yes-and then they can sit down with a good book (does anyone  read good books these days?) such as Dr Elias Aboujaoude."Virtually You-The Dangerous Powers of the E Personality" and learn all about themselves,if they are capable of doing so.


    Meanwhile it's back to stoning,flogging and deporting this women,Transylvania,1435 AD style.

    Though Aboujaoude's work could do with some updating, and a neuroscience editor's bit of tweak in Chapter 1 (all I've read so far), I say: Thanks for that reference, Odysseus!


    Heh. I think your scepticism regarding whether good books are read anymore would likely find confirmation if "Virtually You" was the challenge example for TVF punters, in the main.


    Dr. Elias's prose lacks the 'flash' his 'tangled up in internet' patients run rampant with, and serious considerations by an MD who  has digested much psychodynamic and cognitive psychology along with modern psychiatry's neuropsychopharmacology, written in a style that I wish put a bit *less* effort 'toward reaching the popular' may still elicit  'tl:dr' from many a posting board 'savant' LONG before 30 pages, let alone 300  ;-) 


    Cheers !

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