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Posts posted by lapd

  1. I know this is not very nice to say, but if her parents have passed away, she at least don´t have any reason to send money home.

    Sorry if someone else already pointed this issue, I did not read all the posts.

    Thai girls without parents (such as orphans) are a prize as far as I'm concerned. That removes one of the bigger problem areas from a Thai-Farang relationship.

  2. Here we go again with the same old conversation.

    Yes, regular Thai girls can be nice. Feeding you is quite normal in Thailand. However, there is good and bad.

    The bad is when you start getting into family baggage for example. I know from my own experience I will never again let myself get put into a situation I can't control. Like going up country somewhere hanging around with family with no way out and nobody who understands english. Also gotta watch out for getting invited out in BKK somewhere. Next thing you know they are with a few friends, you are all going to one of those thai restaurant night club places, they are all ordering wierd (and expensive) issan food, JW Black, and you are paying for everything. I always make sure I am in control now and calling the shots so those sorts of things don't happen.

    It's not just the money part. There are all sorts of other cultural things that come up that seem strange to us...and them. A lot of times it results in misunderstandings that cause all sorts of problems.

  3. I never did hear back from Gavin at Phyathai Sriratch Hospital.

    Someone I know said they went there once for some special deal they had on some health check. They said they weren't too happy when they were told that getting a doctor to explain the results would be extra. Something that probably should have been mentioned in the offer.

    They said they weren't too impressed with the place. That it seemed kind of run down and dirty. Not the sort of place that made you feel very confident about their services.

    That's just one persons opinion from one visit. They readily admit they are jaded about it because of the hidden fee BS they experienced.

    Is that normal to charge extra for getting a doctor to explain test results in Thailand? I would have assumed that is always included when you go to a hospital.

  4. Call 1337 City Hall and report the issue.

    My wife, at my insistence, reported a continual similar coach-blocking situation on Pratamak Rd.which was creating unbelievable traffic jams on a daily basis.

    The coach drivers could not give a monkey what havoc they cause.

    My wife reported this to City Hall around 10 AM.

    And to my amazement, that same day police were there preventing the coaches blocking 2-way traffic flow.

    This lasted 4-5 days. Police then moved on, and the blocking then restarted. My wife called City Hall again, and again the police moved in and prevented the blocking.

    I also believe that matters can be reported on the City Hall website

    Very good idea and glad to hear that it helped short term.

    Long term solution, how about giving a 1000 baht fine to any Coach bus driver that is illegally parked or stopped to unload passengers. There are laws, why not just enforce them with fines. I am pretty sure a coach bus driver will think twice about parking in the road if he loses 2 days wages in doing so.

    That only works when a Thai does it. If a Farang calls, even if they understand English well or you speak Thai well, chances are nothing will happen. Goes for just about everything else in Thailand. If you want to get something done where you have to deal with Thais, get another Thai to do it for you if at all possible.

  5. Thailand is a big country and once it becomes other than what I want, I'll start looking for other places to live.

    I heard some expats are moving to Cambodia for that very reason.

    I think everyone agrees with the OP.

    My plane leaves for Pnomh Penh on May 7, but I'm not leaving because Pattaya has too many tour buses.

    Good luck and I would be interested in any comments you may have in the future concerning Thailand versus Cambodian Life.

    There is no shortage of people saying they are moving to Cambodia with great fanfare. Most of them never do it or end up coming back. Either way, they won't be missed. Not saying that to be spiteful. It's a fact in the overall scheme of things. Best of luck finding greener grass on the other side of the fence.

  6. Is it the same zero dollar holidays for the Chinese like a few years back or is it different now ?

    are they spending a lot of cash in town ?

    or a quick look and back off to the next town or BKK the next day ?

    anyone know ?

    And very true Jomtien is a parking lot for the bad attitude bus drivers and there busses

    seeing them do u turns on second road jomtien, what a bunch of dangerous %!-&S.

    The buses seem to be getting bigger and there seems to be a lot more of them. They clog up beach road pretty bad. Whether it's parking on the road taking up lanes or trying to make that sharp left at walking street. They really should not be allowed to go into some areas but doubt that will ever happen. A lot of the narrow streets were never designed for big buses but that doesn't seem to stop them.

    Traffic in general in Pattaya seems to be getting pretty bad. Friend of mine says it was almost total gridlock during the recent long weekend. Just keeps getting worse every year and weekends are a total gong show. I pretty much just walk everywhere and can usually get there faster than baht bus. Good excuse to get some exercise. One nice thing about the grid lock is that it makes crossing the street easier.

  7. Empty the pool. Am I missing something here? If the thing is leaking why do you still have water in it?

    Any inconvenience that emptying the pool may cause is far outweighted by the inconvenience of it leaking down on the condo's below and who knows what other kind of problems until it's fixed.

    Ahhh, it might be hard to find the leak if the pool is emptied, no?

    So you want it to keep leaking into the condo's?? That's your solution...lol. I'm sure the condo owners below the pool are happy about that.

    Just follow the mold and mildew. You can also put some water back in when you find someone capable of finding the leak. Obviously they are not having much luck doing that on their own right now with a full pool.

  8. LOL. The reason many went to PIH was because of that dentist. Because she did a great job and was very friendly. Even sang while she worked. It wasn't because she was cute. She did a great job. She's upcountry now taking care of her parents.

    Another dentist that use to work there has left and has his own office. Right near the Bangkok Bank branch on North Pattaya road, a few hundred meters East of the roundabout, North side. He is fantastic.

    Ok yes I remember now people talking about her singing. From what I recall she was also attractive according to them. I have never seen her myself. Again, the reason I remember is because I always thought and still think that is a very dumb selection criteria for a dentist. To pay top dollar for the priviledge as well. Singing not quite as dumb if it helps calm you down a bit.

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  9. No. Dr Sonram with Pro Dent. I'd probably bet he doesn't do IV sedation either.

    If you do go to Bangkok, these guys are one of the best:


    I have been to that place in Bkk before several years ago. I think I just went for a cleaning. It was ok if not a little on the expensive side for just a cleaning. I prefer the more friendly cozy dental clinic environment but maybe that's just me.

    I would imagine BPH would be the same as the dental hospitals in that respect. Again, it looks like I don't have much choice if I need IV sedation

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  10. LOL. The reason many went to PIH was because of that dentist. Because she did a great job and was very friendly. Even sang while she worked. It wasn't because she was cute. She did a great job. She's upcountry now taking care of her parents.

    Another dentist that use to work there has left and has his own office. Right near the Bangkok Bank branch on North Pattaya road, a few hundred meters East of the roundabout, North side. He is fantastic.

    Are you talking about Dr. Tapasit or one of the other Dentists at the following link? A few good reviews on tripadvisor. He is US trained at Georgetown. Couple other US trained dentists there as well. I plan to check them out for some crown work but they don't do sedation as far as I know.


  11. I'm surprised. Gavin normally replies very quickly. It's a long weekend, he might be off.

    You can also just call the dental office there. They'd be able to tell you.

    You might also try Pattaya International Hospital. Will probably be cheaper than BPH.

    Yes I had a look at their website but no mention of sedation. I know they are quite expenive there as well. I would not be surprised if it was similar prices to BPH.

    A lot of guys used to go there because the female dentist was apparenly very attractive and did a good job....in that order. I don't think she is there anymore though. I will NEVER understand why people would think looks would be an important criteria for selecting a dentist. I couldn't care less what the dentist or the staff look like. I am not going there looking for a date. It will have absolutely no effect on my experience. How good they are at their job is all that matters.

  12. 2 more things, OP:

    1) I have used Pattaya Memorial Dental Clinic for smaller issues during my holidays and was happy about it, so might be worth having an interview there, since being inside the hospital, they might be able to do the IV sedeation

    2) You might ask the Mod's to move it to health forum, since there, you might get more info on this special question.

    My take on Pattaya Memorial Hospital dental clinic is that they don't do anything more than most standalone dental clinics. From what I have read they are rather expensive for what you get compared to most dental clinics. Absolutely no mention of Sedation which almost always means they don't do it.

    I haven't heard back from Gavin at Phyathai Sriratch Hospital yet which probably means they don't do it either. I'm ok with going to Bangkok Pattaya hospital if I have to. When it comes to things like this I will pay whatever I have to and will not go out of my way very far to try save a few baht. I know if I go to BPH I WILL pay top dollar. In this case where it doesn't look like any other hospitals outside of Bangkok do it I probably don't have much choice.

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  13. I understood that they were just different levels of the same thing:


    I've had general anaesthesia twice (not for dentistry) and both times it was administered by IV injection.

    Yes, general anesthesia and IV Sedation are both administered by IV. However, they are not the same thing. General anesthesia makes you unconsious and not capable of perceiving pain. IV Sedation does not make you unconsious and therefore you are still capable of perceiving pain. However, it can effectively lower your pain threshold (ie. you just don't care as much)

    If you want more specifics, IV Sedation typically uses Midazolam which is a short-acting central nervous system depressant of the benzodiazepine class but does not require monitoring by an anethesiologist. General anethesia usually requires an anethesiologist to monitor you as far as I know. I believe the most common drug they use is Propofol which is not a benzodiazepine class drug.

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  14. IV Sedation is not the same as general anesthesia. You are still consious with IV Sedation but you don't remember much afterwards. So you can respond to commands to open your mouth and move your head. That is why they also still numb you with local anesthesia.

    General anesthesia doesn't require numbing because it knocks you out but it is not common to use that for dentistry. IV Sedation is becoming fairly common for dentistry...at least in the west. Doesn't seem to be in Thailand.

    IV sedation is also not like laughing gas or an anxiety pill. It is a deeper level of sedation.

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  15. I'd contact Gavin at Phyathai hospital in Sri Racha. I had a bunch of work done there. Zero pain. Good prices. And excellent help by Gavin to get it all setup, with price quotes, etc.

    I read about Phayathai Sri Racha hospital which I would consider if they did IV sedation dentistry. Not clear to me if they do. It doesn't matter if you did not feel pain just with local anesthetic. I absolutely positively need IV sedation + local anesthetic.

    If I didn't need IV sedation I already know a couple highly recommended dental clinics in Pattaya for pain free local anesthetic procedures.

  16. I was in Pratamnak soi 5 area last week in Pattaya, went to the beach there. I was absolutely disgusted with how filthy it was. I see this all over Thailand. The Thais treat their country like a garbage dump.

    I think this comes down to the culture of the people, which needs to be changed through education.

    When I was growing up in Canada (and we are talking a looooong time ago now), there was always government campaigns called keep B.C. Green. This was on small highway signs, TV and radio ads etc.

    On a regular basis the schools would arrange garbage pick up days and all the students would go out and pick up garbage. When I got caught acting up and would get a detention at school, quite often the punishment would be garbage detail.

    In my adulthood when I would go out camping, hunting or fishing, I would always take extra garbage bags and would try to take out more garbage than I brought in.

    It is a culture that needs to change and can be changed through education. But if they never start they will never get there.

    This is the same for many things in this country such as road safety etc. etc.

    I get your point but the problem is that you are seeing it through first world eyes. I have been to a lot of 3rd world countries and they are all littered with garbage. So it's not at all unique to Thailand. When life is just about survival, a long list of things that may be important to people in first world countries, such as not littering...become very low priorities in 3rd or 2nd world countries.

  17. I need a tooth extracted and eventually an implant. My periodontist says I will need a bone graft after the extraction and then a few months later an implant after the bone is built up.

    I tried getting the tooth extracted under local anesthetic but it was too much pain and they had to stop. They tried Ativan for the anxiety but that didn't help with the pain. So I need deep IV sedation + local anesthetic.

    Is Bangkok Pattaya Hospital my only option in the Pattaya area for IV sedation dentistry? If I can't get anyone to be with me after (that I trust) can I maybe get a hospital bed for half a day? I know they won't let you walk off on your own after sedation...at least not if they are responsible physicans.

    I read on another threat that it's about 10k baht for the sedation but that thread was a few years old. Anyone have recent pricing for sedation, extraction, bone graft, implants etc. Pricing for things like root canals and crowns will help. I can just interpolate from there.

    I will pay whatever it takes. For IV sedation dentistry I am prepared to suffer some sticker shock and probably don't have much choice in this case.

  18. Do they charge a bottle deposit? I'm guessing not. Where I live they charge a deposit. You see lots of people with limited means scouring the roadsides and garbage bins looking for them. A couple big garbage bags full of bottles, cans etc. could net them $20-$30 at the bottle depot. Roadsides are picked clean.

    If they did that in Thailand the beaches would be spotless. At least from the bottles and cans.

  19. I wonder who owns a nice strip of beach front land on Puek tian beach, or a nice resort there?

    Personally i cannot see many of Pattaya regular holiday goers wanting to make the trip across. So far Petchburi, Chaam and Hua Hin are still predominantly Thai tourist destinations. There will be some who would make the journey, probably more those living in Pattaya looking to have a different option to driving their, but not sure there would be enough continual demand to make it viable long term.

    Never been but I think there are a good number of expats living there. Supposedly a lot quieter and laid back compared to Pattaya which may suit some people. Sounds like the basic idea is to get expats in Pattaya to spread some of that sweet foreign currency love on Hua Hin. So I can see the motivation.

    There are a good number but nowhere near the concentrations of Pattaya. Chaam and Hua Hin are all fairly well spread out and stretch over a decent area, and back inland.

    As someone alluded to earlier in the thread, the last thing Hua Hin needs is it to go the way of Pattaya, which it certainly already is in the sois around the Hilton and Centara. When i say Hua Hin needs, i am speaking for people who enjoy a quiet beach side holiday without all that is associated with Pattaya nightlife, Thai and foreigners alike. I am sure there are many landowners, bar owners, police, military who would be all to happy to welcome that scene.

    I don't see anywhere in Thailand rushing to build up a girly scene if that is what you mean. From what I can tell they are tolerant of what exists for now but don't want to see any more of it anywhere else. Never heard of much of that going on in Hua Hin. Will probably stay that way.

  20. I wonder who owns a nice strip of beach front land on Puek tian beach, or a nice resort there?

    Personally i cannot see many of Pattaya regular holiday goers wanting to make the trip across. So far Petchburi, Chaam and Hua Hin are still predominantly Thai tourist destinations. There will be some who would make the journey, probably more those living in Pattaya looking to have a different option to driving their, but not sure there would be enough continual demand to make it viable long term.

    Never been but I think there are a good number of expats living there. Supposedly a lot quieter and laid back compared to Pattaya which may suit some people. Sounds like the basic idea is to get expats/tourists in Pattaya to spread some of that sweet foreign currency love on Hua Hin. The Thai economy depends on tourism so I can see the motivation behind this.

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