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Posts posted by BeerMoney

  1. Yep, prefer copper, have done plenty of it before, but doubt finding the fittings on the tap and the shower head to use with copper would be easy.


    Doubt I'll be here in ten years, so I'll go with Crossy and use blue throughout.


    Thanks all.

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  2. I do not want any flexible hoses or blue pipe exposed. Simply a single, fixed shower head, western-style, with all plumbing in the wall.


    In the US, white PVC is for cold water, CPVC for hot. Is the blue here dual purpose, or do I need the red -dashed metal flex all the way from the heater through the (volume only) valve and to the shower head?


    This is a remodel so openings will be cut to insert pipe, strap over, then fill with concrete.



  3. 23 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    Its possible he has not hooked up a powerful enough submersible pump, and is relying on less efficient pumps to get the water up

    Nothing would surprise me, except a small village where every man over 15 is a master plumber, electrician, and mason.


    And even more surprising, they all have different solutions.

  4. I need a smallish storage unit for a year. Mostly boxes.


     1 meter x 1 meter is more than enough.


    I'm in Chantaburi, but I saw a tall building entering Bangkok with a big STORAGE sign on top. 


    Anybody know where there is secure storage and approximate pricing in BKK?



  5. 11 minutes ago, Artisi said:

    Photo of pumps would help, or make/ model 



    All are Mitsubishi constant flow and look haphazardly placed beneath a one meter tall shed, that apparently Herve Villachez built.


    I'lll try to take a picture next time they go out.


    But just picture Indiana Jones in that snake pit, with three yellow water pumps. That's what all the hosing looks like.

  6. 5 hours ago, TheBrewer said:

    use a pump like this on the output to your house and you will be happy again ????


    He actually bought the 255, which is more powerful. 


    Then the "electrician," considered the fact that the new plug he put in was only two-prong, cut off the ground prong on the plug and smiled big as he plugged it in.


    So now my question is, coming into Bangkok fro Chantaburi, there is a storage business. Anyone know what a smaller storage unit goes for?


    I want to head back to Mexico for a year and see how much it's changed, before I get electrocuted.  

  7. Landlord has a 60 meter-deep well with three pumps for three bungalows 300 feet away. using 3/4" pipe.


    My water supply has, for the past year, ben perhaps 1gpm, so he finally installed a new pump at the wellhead. Now, the pressure may be 2gpm. 


    But now he is hooking up another bungalow to my pump. He says he will, if necessary, put a 1200 liter tank and another pump a few yards away from our bungalows, and run water to us from there.


    I'm a brewmaster, not a plumber or engineer. Please give input in what and how things should be done because this guy's toolbag has a screwdriver, hammer, and hack saw blade, and everything he does is a disaster.


    He wants to put the second pump on the supply side to the tank, rather than the output to the house side.




    (Suicide is an option, yes.)

  8. was not one of the sons of the Great Chalerm responsible for the toilets of Thailand?

    "I dreamt when I was a child that if I ever worked here at the Public Health Ministry I would make all the toilets in the country flush toilets," Wan Yoobamrung


    A picture says a thousand turds words.

    When I was a child I used to dream about being an astronaut or an explorer. Never once do I recall wanting to be involved with flush toilets.

    Did you dream about going to Uranus?

  9. One thing I find sub-optimal is places like Tesco Lotus there is a line of sinks in the bathroom, but curiously only one has a soap dispenser. This arrangement is common in brand new, modern bathrooms at various places. I don't get it.

    Because people bring in containers and steal the soap. This is probably how sprayers got started here; you can steal TP, but you can't (easily) steal a sprayer.

  10. Food poisoning is one of the easiest CoDs that can be determined upon autopsy, but of course, Thai officials will never let that happen.

    Thank you Dr Kildare

    I doubt I'd ever waste enough of my life to have over 8000 posts, but if that day comes, I'd hope my posts would be at least edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous.

    What don't you understand about your speculative comment being not in the least "edifying or interesting, or even just slightly humorous"

    I did not speculate when I performed autopsies, I always stated fact, as I did in the above post.

    As for drinking beer, perhaps two per week, but I can see where you did indeed chose a fitting name for yourself.

  11. What does your classmates do for a living nowadays?

    Well, in my first grade class with Mrs. Hogan, Buzz Aldrin was an astronaut and the 2nd man on the moon. K.J. Steer is still a senior broker in NYC. August Fleischman is a well-respected neurosurgeon, which obviously some of the posters here could use in an attempt to put their cranial rectalitis into remission.

    Why are Brits so insecure? Next report card I'm going to mark the NO box in front of, PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS for all of you juvenile commenters.

    Buzz Aldrin is 82 now (b. January 20, 1930).

    Having said you were in the same class as him, aren't you a little old to be embarking on a second career?

    Well, back in those days, we used one curriculum for the first two years, Dick and Jane. Yes, Buzz was a few years ahead of me, but with the same teacher, in the same room. His class was one of the first to use it, my class was the last to use the Dick and Jane series, as it was criticized as being innefective! Things certainly have gone downhill from there.

  12. The books provided me for teaching English, grades 1 through 6, are pathetic. They go from something simple to quite complex in just a few pages, then back to simple, cycling up and down. (The second grade book tells how to email your friends and invite them to a party, with such words as: designing, decorating and preparing) I have no idea what "educators" are thinking when they write such useless crap for kids who can't even tell brown from blue.

    I recently read where the books I and my classmates used back in the sixties are criticized as being ineefective. Huh? (I then wonder how I became a published author of many articles. Hmmm.)

    Dick and Jane taught me how to read. The text books were clear and consistent and they worked well. Sixth graders here, who have had five years of English prior to my arrival, do not understand simple questions: where do you live?; what is your father's name?; how old are you? For crying out loud, five years and you can't tell me your age?

    I tossed the books and have started all grades, more or less, from scratch, using printouts from the internet, with Curious George and Babar the elephant. Progress is being made, but making your own textbooks is tedious.

    Anyone direct me to where I can go to look at and purchase decent BEGINNING student textbooks? Bangkok?

    Texts with distinct question and answer format would be a Godsend.

  13. You made an interesting observation O/P and I suppose it's something to do with hand-eye co-ordination. Whilst I should not imagine that Thai youngsters are better developed at this at an earlier age, it does seem to be unusual and perhaps there are some universal tests you could access in order to discover more.

    Dominant hand, dominant eye etc. Mixed preferences or whatever.

    As a general fact, and probably nothing at all to do with anything here, Asians are reknowned for the good hand eye co-ordination needed in such sports as table tennis and squash, in which they excel.

    I had an English friend once who was in special education and he was insistent upon the fact that dyslexia was only common to the English Language. Whether this was true or not, I would not know. But all this kind of thing would seem to come into the basic skills repertoire that is taught to infants in England.

    Wow, an intelligent response! What a treat, thank you!

    Maybe it is hand-eye coordination, but for some reason I was thinking it had to do with conforming.

  14. What does your classmates do for a living nowadays?

    Well, in my first grade class with Mrs. Hogan, Buzz Aldrin was an astronaut and the 2nd man on the moon. K.J. Steer is still a senior broker in NYC. August Fleischman is a well-respected neurosurgeon

    Hey, you're the only one who made it ! Mrs Hogan would be proud. rolleyes.gif

    I didn't say what I retired from as I am so very modest. wink.png

  15. you'd know how much teachers here get paid, and then you'd understand my name

    Guess you mixed up your quotation. Never mind, beer is expensive in Thailand. You should stick to Lao Khao or Shinshun (sp). smile.png

    Yea, sorry Semper, that was directed at Southpeel, as were the other less than complimentary comments. I'm using the school's computer and the keyboard is full of yogurt and the mopnitor's screen looks like an Etch-a-Sketch used by a psychotic having a siezure -- hard to see anything.

  16. What does your classmates do for a living nowadays?

    Well, in my first grade class with Mrs. Hogan, Buzz Aldrin was an astronaut and the 2nd man on the moon. K.J. Steer is still a senior broker in NYC. August Fleischman is a well-respected neurosurgeon, which obviously some of the posters here could use in an attempt to put their cranial rectalitis into remission.

    Why are Brits so insecure? Next report card I'm going to mark the NO box in front of, PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS for all of you juvenile commenters.

    If you knew more than how to make a fool out of yourself, you'd know how much teachers here get paid, and then you'd understand my name. I'm actually not much of a drinker.

  17. I don't consider attempting to avoid problems is the same as the goal to integrate. To me, it's more like do I want to become as similar as a Thai person as humanly possible. Because obviously becoming fully Thai isn't possible for a foreigner, even with Thai citizenship.

    I realize many people are going to feel not absolutely yes, not absolutely no, more like somewhere in between. But like any poll question, the idea is to vote the answer CLOSEST to your feeling, not necessarily exactly.

    Based on your second sentence, nope, not at all (unless it's that square-headed guy, cause he's got big bucks)

  18. When I was in elementary school, many of my classmates were seriously challenged to keep the crayon on the darn page, let alone within the lines. Last month I started teaching English and I used the coloring of cartoon animals, for the first graders, to teach colors and nouns—“blue shirt,” etc. I was taken aback by, in a class of 30, they each and everyone crayoned 100% within the lines. Not a stray mark to be seen. And, when told to draw in blue, the ones slower to respond would first carefully examine neighbor’s efforts to be sure to use the same shade of blue.

    Speaks volumes?

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