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Posts posted by BeerMoney

  1. There were studies done at a major university of the most disturbing, stress inducing noises in modern society. Airplanes, thunder, loud music, mufferless motor vehicles, and dog barks, among many others.

    Dog barking won by leaps and bounds. If chronic, it is physically and emotionally debilitating and illness producing.

    Whatever choice of appropriate action you chose, do it soon.

  2. Thanks for the good responses.

    Scott and Quietman--- are you saying 500 per hour per student? Or 500 per hour per group?

    I was figuring 100 to 125 per hour per student, 6-8 per class.

    And, yes, LOADED, I'll require payment in 8 hour blocks of time, so I get paid regardless of their showing up, although I'm thinking the Gold Shop's kids will be there...5 and 7 and they've already taken a year of Chinese! Won't they have little headaches!

  3. I am teaching 14 hours per week at a primary school in the south, salary 20,000. Many parents wish me to give private lessons on the weekends. I really enjoy my time off, but the kids are eager and these parents are relatively well off and I can't walk down the street the last few months without being asked, so, I'll do it but I want to keep my prices up at an appropriate level, not give my time away.

    What would the hourly fee be for one-on-one? (Gold shop owner insists on one-on-one).

    What would the hourly fee be for a small class, say six or eight kids? Discounts for monthly? Please advise from your experience.

    I can only access the internet once a day, so any questions will be answered tomorrow.

    Thanks in advance.

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