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stephenterry last won the day on August 27 2015

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  1. It would make more sense for the pubs etc to open at 11am and NOT close any sales outlets at 2p.m to 5p.m. As for 4a.m. closure, IMO, it would not be my cup of tea, especially if loud music was still being played.
  2. My whole food plant based diet means that oils and processed packaged foods are likewise excluded. But vitamin B12 is required. I cook a spicy veggie soup, followed by a veggie salad and completed with fruit and various nuts in a six hour window, and apart from green tea that's it for the day. No dairy, no meat eaten, and it's no business of mine what people think of me.
  3. Exactly nearly correct. Has anyone any update on the two 'boys' from Koh Tao?
  4. Absolutely no comment while there are global wars plaguing our planet. My story rearrangement below. Russian author Leo Tolstoy's short story“How Much Land Does a Man Need?”(1886) focuses on Putin, a rich man who becomes fixated on the idea that his life would be perfect if only he owned more land. His obsession eventually consumes him; in his lust for land, he loses everything that actually matters in his life.
  5. Today, after my one year visa renewal documentation had been collated and completed by Thai Visa Assist - it took one week - I was number 3 in the queue. Had it been like last year I would have been escorted to the photo booth the following day or two and my passport returned updated within minutes. But this year I was told by TVA that the one week prior was necessary as a NEW head Concho was in place, which had slowed down the process. (Yeah, we all know about that). Just before 8.30 I presented my passport and documentation to the information desk to await a sign-off. Looking around, the inside was full of people seeking the same - some from the previous day's application that hadn't been processed. So I was back down the queue. Half an hour passed, and then information desk returned my documentation to sit down and await a further inspection for God knows what, and for my photo to be taken Another 15m and all was completed, except I had to wait for my passport to be signed off and returned by a Big Cheese who wasn't in the office right then. I got out at 9.20, after my TVA helper said she would take my passport to my address after she finished work. Outside, there were a good hundred people queuing for visas. If it ain't broken don't fix it, came to mind.
  6. Gekko Garden for great food portions and relatively cheap beer. Other side of town, near Chiang Mai gate 1 Way bar plus two next to it also cheap beer, lively, and the girls are pretty. As for Loi Kroh bars the prices are just unreasonable - beware. Only Number one bar gets my occasional draught beer visit. I live outside the town in a quiet Moo Bahn, and only visit a few times a month. Now Covid is ignored, the roads are busy , but the 108 to Hang Dong is generally reasonable outside rush hours in and out of town. Can't say I dislike it.
  7. 2pm to 5pm is an inconvenience if trying to buy at a supermarket, while many bars, restaurants and family shops are open, presumably paying off the police when required. As for tourists I would expect their hotels serve alcohol if required, at all times. If scrapped, winners are bars, restaurants, supermarkets and family shops, losers would be police and maybe hotels. So who has the biggest clout to retain or dismiss this law?
  8. In my opinion, Putin and his warmongering mates are pond life, not human.
  9. Then you wouldn't exercise your right. Currently, Thais have that freedom.
  10. Every person has a right to free speech, and all the better if it's on an international social media platform. Whether it would make the Thai government change their stance on Russia's determination to destroy Ukraine, including every man, woman and child if need be, I doubt they will ever take their heads outside their pants. As for Putin and his war mongering mates, they need to be exterminated once and for all.
  11. There's always a hope that Ukraine will seize many Iranian drones from surrendering Russion troops, and use them to destroy the Kremlin when Putin and his mates are there. A just reward for a terrorist clan.
  12. Many years of practice, mate. But there is a clue in my responses.
  13. Not a lot to talk about since our moderator has censored right wing responses, which is probably a sensible approach.
  14. Is that so. If there's something I could resolve there's no need to worry, and if there's something I cannot resolve there's no need to worry.
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