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Posts posted by phuketandsee

  1. "This behavior on big bikes is not restricted to "big black 'French' guys." "

    While this is clearly true there has been a marked increase in these clowns from N. Africa tearing through Kamala on their way to and from Laem Singh beach. There is reputedly a heavy drug scene going on there and the police are now setting up a regular road block and checking urine samples. A couple of weeks ago one of them hit a Thai guy and his kid who pulled out in front, as usual without looking. Had the African being travelling they could have taken evasive action.

    "The locals don't like them at all."

    No one does but this is where tourism in Phuket is heading. Expect more incidents like the one in Soi Sansabai the other day.

  2. Perhaps we need to adjust those numbers in order to make a proper comparison with the US? Maybe adjust for the 6,000 people a year killed in the southern insurgency which is a pretty unique scenario and not typical of Thai society as a whole, and adjust for the unknown (I don't know what the figure is) number of deaths related to border insurgency (ethnic groups) and drug trafficking related at the borders with Myanmar and Laos? My guess is that once those numbers are considered it's still a pretty high figure but not twice as high, maybe same as, dunno.

    6,000 a year? I don't think so. 6,000 total more like.

    As for the poster with the rum family, a very good friend of mine just had her mother shot and killed in front of her tv because a nephew had crossed the local mafia boss. The province is rife with drug-fuelled violence that I certainly would be unaware of but for this incident. I suspect many other falangs are similarly unaware. Is it getting more violent? I have no way of knowing but my guess would be yes. I would also guess we ain't seen nothing yet.

  3. 2.55 you will see the police showing the broken phone to Chris Ware [ video removed]

    And he shakes his head.

    (Go to post to view vid, I'm not reposting it)

    But you have no idea what he's shaking his head about. What question was he just asked? Was he actually responding to a question you've theorized he was asked?

    This is exactly the kind of drawn conclusion from pure supposition that I find the average...er, yeah Truther incapable of overcoming and it is rampant on all threads and discussions, especially the latest Koh Tao drowning death. It's freaking tiresome to constantly be correcting assumptions when good juicy debate of known facts is sought. [sighs sarcastically]

    Huh? I theorized nothing. Now who's making assumptions?

    Yes, it must be very tiresome (and tiring) having the responsibility of correcting everyone (sigh).

  4. Baffling statistics fail to hide Thailand’s worrying gun crime problem

    "IN January three people were shot and killed in Bangkok over what the Bangkok Post said was a, “long-standing dispute over parking.” Two women and a male neighbor who had intervened in the argument were killed by Thossaporn Pitakwattananon. In another long-standing feud, according to the Bankgkok Post, a gardener shot and killed a colleague at Thammasat University later in February.

    Just this last weekend a reportedly “jealous lover” shot and killed his girlfriend in a Bangkok shopping mall, and immediately after the man shot himself in the head. A nine-year-old girl was hit in the face by a stray bullet.

    These incidents happened just a few months following reports of Thailand’s high per capita gun murder rate, reportedly higher than that of the U.S. and three times higher than Cambodia’s murder rate".


  5. Koh Tao defence seeks second appeal hearing extension

    "The defence team for two Myanmar men facing the death penalty for the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao will today file a second application to push back an appeal against the sentence".


  6. Trouble in Thailand as tourist deaths soar

    a "54 per cent jump in the number of tourist deaths" last year, according to a report by Thailand’s Bureau of Prevention and Assistance in Tourist Fraud.

    I'd say it was getting more dangerous.


  7. Anyone know anything about the shoot out in Kamala last Sunday (7th). Early evening across from Maydens apparently but I see nothing in the English language press or on-line. Bad for tourism I guess.

  8. to OP. If she is a girl from the deep south, and not just south of Bangkok, then you will find she will be an honest, self reliant lovely girl. Most of the naysayers are talking about their once Isaan princess. I know because I have both. I have a gorgeous lady from Songkhla and we live in Isaan breeding frogs. She is honest, true (sometimes too much and people do not understand), faithful and so loyal, educated and a beautiful heart. I do see the Isaan princesses all around town and they could not carry the baggage for a good south girl. The south girls are independant and do not look for handouts like Isaan girls. They had money when they were growing up and not poor same as the Isaan girls (of course there are exceptions to this). Good luck in your future endeavours with her. Just a word of warning. The true south families (way south of Phuket) are a strong knit unit and you may find it difficult for the first couple of visits. Dad will watch you with the hard eyes as will her brothers. Once accepted into the fold you will have someone watching your back at all times. Good luck again.

    What over-generalized BS. How can you possibly characterize ALL women from a particular region like this?

    So, according to your classification system, please tell me what my gf from Phattalung is like.

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