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Posts posted by dapsolapsalai

  1. I have spent the last 5 years in the Thai banking world, and you'd be amazed as to how much some of the VP's and presidents spends on time pieces.

    You might be amazed to learn that such an attitude is prevalent in the banking world of most other countries.

  2. Perhaps a less stereotypical headline would have been "Why do SOME Thai women..." rather than the assumption that all Thai women are interested in this culinary pastime, we are talking about tens of millions of people in one sweeping statement.

    Can this also really be reported as an epidemic? Very misleading headline and subheadline.

  3. ทำไมคนที่ไม่มีความสามารถแบบนี้อวดความไม่รู้ เพราะอะไรไม่อ่ายเอย คิดว่าการแอบเป็นคนขี้เกียจดีกว่า


    ไม่ขี้เกียจเลยครับ ภาษาไทยยากมาก มีความสามารถแบบนี้นิดหน่อยครับ จำเป็นต้องคุยกับเฟซบุ๊กทุกวันครับ อาจจะเจอแฟนใหม่ด้วยครับ

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  4. "Since we'll need a definition of fluency, we could use: able to understand 80% to 90% of Thai news broadcast, read and write Thai, plus able to have a conversation beyond the subject of dinner up to the level of, let's say, Thai politics.


    Interesting definition, Thai news broadcasts are spoken very quickly, even for spoken Thai, but there is also a visual transmission about the news story, so you can understand the gist of what is being said with no Thai knowledge whatsoever. I wouldn't use that as a barometer of fluency, I am also unable to quickly quantify the percentage of how much of a news story I have understood.

    When you say write Thai, do you mean write Thai with absolutely no spelling mistakes and no missing tone marks, that's going to take me some time and even then I will never be as proficient as I am with the English language. I wouldn't really class that as fluency either.

    I can have a conversation beyond the subject of dinner but am not that interested in Thai politics, people tend to speak about what they are interested in so again this is not a particularly useful definition of fluency.

    No I can't provide my own definition of fluency.smile.png Whenever I hear the term used (in relation to speaking Thai) is it used VERY subjectively. I have heard some people claim they are fluent when they are not even advanced.

    A lot of Thais I have met mumble when they speak, when I can understand a mumbling Thai without asking them to repeat what they have said then maybe I'm fluent although I have difficulty understanding mumbling native English speakers.

    10 months studying Thai with daily listening and speaking exercises and flash cards and chatting on Facebook in Thai, 8 months of those 10 living here talking to people.

  5. I know full well what elaborate means, but have better things to do than sit and type reams for some lazy ar*e poster who only contributes one liners himself. I have given you the name of a chemical that is very problematic in terms of health and you were even given some excellent links, now why not move those sugar laden arms and fingers and type g o o g l e and see what you can come up with if you are remotely interested.

    that's quite an assumption about the appearance of my arms, and very kind of you to use personal insults.

    do I type g o o g l e with or without the spaces?

    should I google aspertame as you wrote it, or aspartame? or should I google aspartame conspiracy theories?

  6. However if you are applying to teach, then you will be asked to supply evidence of your educational qualifications/diplomas amongst other papers; but as you have posted that you have documentation to explain the name change.

    many thanks for your reply, yes I am applying to teach and have all of the required documentation, thank you for clarifying that the name change and accompanying deed poll certificate should not be a problem when applying.

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