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Posts posted by Nautilus05

  1. Is Bayticol available here and if so, where do you get it? I haven't seen this at the local vets.

    I'm up in a Issan city, just went to the standard pet store I always go to buy treats, etc... and they had Bayticol. I'm not sure if I would want to bath my dogs with it though, as recommended. What I did was when mopping the floor, put 2ml of it in the water bucket, and just that was enough to get me a little high and keep my dogs outside for 3 hours. Whatever it is, it's powerful shit. Then I just pour the dirty water out on the backyard, which is where the majority of the weeds grow, so hopefully that will help as well.

    I can also confidently say those flea & tick sprays don't work at all, and if anything, just burn my dogs skin. I sprayed the sofa down, and now they won't even touch it, so I feel pretty bad for spraying them directly now.

    And while I'm here, instead of starting a new topic, what should one due about back wounds (ie. just below their shoulder blade)? My one dog won't leave his alone. Is vaseline ok to put on it? All I really care about right now is keeping the fleas / ticks out.

  2. heh, ummmm..... no, I think I'm pretty safe where I am. :)

    Around here, everyone has a sign out front showing their address, plus name and usually occupation too. Assuming the occupation they list is true, I have a police Majors, Captains, Sergeants here, plus city councilors, headmasters, TAT guys, immigration guys, etc. I'm pretty confident the thieves just go find another sub-division to rob.

  3. That's got to be the biggest joke AyJaydee----whats the use of having an alarm system if you don't go and see why it is ringing...(Barking)

    After a while you get to know your dog's barks. I have very rarely heard it, but if they give off a certain bark, I'm out of bed and dressed in seconds.

  4. Back when I had an account with Kasikorn, I had two VISA numbers. The one printed on my card, and another that I could only see via online banking. The second number is the one I had to use for online purchases, but I like that. This way if a waiter or hotel clerk or something steals the number on my card, it's useless to them, because that number won't go through unless the card is physically present.

  5. So what are you going to do old boy?

    Getting pissed off is a good sign, gets the blood up!

    I don't know. Buy a bicycle, and throw a party. As stupid as it sounds, that's the best I can come up with.

    Bicycle for some good daily exercise. Then I'll grab 20kg of meat in town, and invite all and sundry to my place for a party. Have some nice spare ribs, couple flavors of chicken wings, hamburgers, sausages, cold beer, veggie platter, etc.

    I don't want to go on pills though. Did it once about 5 years ago, and would prefer to stay away from them. They're great in the fact they take away that soul crushing depression that grips you, but they also take away the good things in life -- happiness, excitement, ambition, creativity, etc. You're never sad, but you're never really happy either -- you just wander around like a zombie, always mild.

  6. Thanks for the kind comments everyone.

    So it made you feel better..smile.png

    No, actually I just got pissed off at the person above who told me I just need to go live in a wat for 10 days, but then edited my remarks.

    Yeah, some sticky rice and meditation. That will get me going again.

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  7. For all intents and purposes, when I've "lended" money to someone (Thai or not), I'd always just go under the assumption that I've giving it, and will never see it again.

    My previous next door neighbor was great though. She borrowed from me a couple times, and always paid me back when she could. Nothing special, and just 5000 baht here and there, but nonetheless, it was nice to be paid back.

  8. Unless I see a Diploma, I'm going to assume that everyone here is an amateur. Sure, we all have life experiences, but there is a point where people need to seek real help from professionals - that remains my advice to the OP. I dont want to turn this into a to-and-fro : this isn't a discussion about the evils of Pattaya.

    No, I don't need a shrink. I'm not in the mood to waste my time and money, sitting in some office playing mind games with some shrink. Could use some seratonin though, which I think I might do. I actually slightly know a doctor at one of the clinics in town -- educated in Australia, and she seems to love the chance to practice English. Will go see if I can get some mild SSRI off her.

    But yeah, this is bad. And I already know it's not going away easily.

  9. Open up, dont be afraid. Its anonymus.

    I'm just tired. Really tired. And it's sad, because I'm only 31, and am honestly a really great guy. I've lived in I think 7 different countries now, traveled to many others, been rich, been poor, been totally in love with it being returned, being totally heart broken, and the list goes on.

    I don't know. Doesn't matter.

  10. I would argue that being a climatologist is not a requirement to recognizing you are being sold a load of bull $hit. I would also like to add that 99% of the world's scientific community are NOT climatologists either, does that mean that they should shut their pie holes and keep their opinion to themselves also?


    If you don't believe in climate change, there you go. Should take you at least a week to go through all the data there, but without question, the climate is warming. This isn't a topic that's really up for debate anymore.

    • Like 2
  11. Like it or not, McDonalds is about as healthy as a good amount of the market food that's sold in Thailand.

    I'm sorry, but some "krapow moo sap" or "khao man gai" or "gaen kiaow wan" is not healthier than a Big Mac. If you want to be healthy here, you either eat at expensive restaurants, or cook for yourself at home.

  12. Well after reading al of the my house got flooded posts some people came to realise that Thailand has had problems with floods for century's thats why many old houses in rural Thailand are built on stilts .

    Apparently buying a parcel of cheap land from noi or toys family in nakhon somewhere and building that million dollar retirement villa has left a sour taste in their mouth and bank account.

    So much for climate change.But according to some people its al a certain politicians fault ........

    Huh? You must be drunk, or high, or something. You basically said because some people got flooded out because they didn't build their houses on stilts, means climate change doesn't exist.

    Did I get that right? Huh???

  13. No, but at the moment, I honestly wish I lived in a farang ghetto. I live out in the middle of bloody nowhere, and it's getting irritating. Apparently, we're VIPs here, and we even coined the subdivision "VIP Home". We don't associate with you city dwellers, and instead build entire sub-divisions in the middle of nowhere.

  14. My biggest piece of advice would be avoid poor people. As cruel as it sounds, it's true. Don't try to be a nice guy and help out someone who's more disadvantaged than you, because you're more than likely just going to end up in a world of hurt.

    There's a reason the wealthier Thais have utter contempt for the poor Thais. Realize that there's actually a valid reason for that, and respect it.

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