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Posts posted by Nautilus05

  1. Was it the large Tesco close to the KK university? I remember one time I was there and needed some directions. Seen this older farang sitting with his Thai "girlfriend", so politely went up and asked for help. The old git sat there and pretended to be sleeping on me. Thankfully the Thai lady was polite, and nice enough to help me out.

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  2. What do you guys eat during the hot season? I've already shed my layer of "winter fat" sort to speak, and don't want to lose any more. I'm hoping my body stops losing though. It's bloody hot though, so alcohol consumption is almost nothing, then it's basically tons of water, juicy fruits (watermelon, oranges, etc.), salads, and things like yogurt. I really don't feel like hanging out in a hot kitchen cooking dinner, proceeded by putting down a plate of steak & potatoes. When it's hot like this, that sounds more agonizing than enjoyable, because clogging your body up like that is no good. If you sit around and eat huge artery clogging dinners all the time, you know you're going to pay for it.

    What else is there to eat? Throwing some shrimp, fish, hard boiled eggs or whatever into the salads is always good. Or what do you guys eat during the hot months? Or do you just condemn yourself to 24x7 air-conditioning, and continue eating like you would out West?

  3. Not a chance I'm packing my passport around with me. The last time I renewed my passport back in Canada, there was some minor water damage due to rain, plus a small tear in one of the pages. The immigration officer was livid, called the supervisor over, who subsequently proceeded to lecture me about important a passport is, and by no means should be returned in that condition. I was given a stern warning to take better care of my passport.

    Due to that, I'll keep my passport at home in the safe. My current passport is nearly five years old, and still looks brand new.

  4. I have no idea what this whole thing about plastic bags is. Even when you just buy a small bottle of water, they'll try to give you two bags and a straw with it.

    Every time I goto one of the stores or go grocery shopping, I just pack my duffel bag with me now, tell the clerk I don't want any bags, and I just throw my stuff into the duffel bag. I have about a 4 year supply here as is probably, so I'm good for plastic bags.

  5. I think you may want to prepare yourself for the fact that your wife has someone else in her life.

    It was going to be something along those lines or something about her "job" that was bound to be brought up.

    It's quite sad the number of cynics in this forum.

    But then, I understand how some have been bitten and are now resentful of those that have good relationships with good women.

    It's a pity though that when a genuine guy like the OP has to take these depressing kinds of statements when all he really wants is some advice and to be allowed to vent.

    Not trying to be rude, but if I just got married 6 months ago, then only seen my wife a couple times a week because she's too busy for me, I'd be a little concerned (plus probably pissed off and hurt).

    I'd definitely be sitting down with my honey, and asking what's up? Assuming she genuinely wanted the relationship to work, I'd be hauling ass to do whatever is necessary to make that happen. Whether that's moving to another town, or hauling ass to start a new company and provide a solid financial foundation so she doesn't have to constantly exhaust herself to fatigue all the time, or whatever.

    I don't know, I'm not in the OPs shoes, but someone is dropping the ball here. Whether or not the wife wants the ball to be dropped is another question I would be asking myself.

  6. And on top of keeping your bum clean, it's so much easier to clean the bathroom as well. Spray some soap around everywhere, spread it around with a mop / brush, let it sit for a bit, then just spray the entire bathroom down, give it one final mop & spray, and your bathroom is shining and disinfected. None of this getting on your hands and knees to scrub the floor shit.

    • Like 1
  7. Only three days? I wish!

    No idea where you live, but in most places, it's exactly 3 days. I've been in Khon Kaen for several years now, and it's always exactly 3 days. I guess on the 12th there's a few little kids out front of mom & pop shops throwing a bit of water around, but that's about it. Then guaranteed tomorrow (the 16th) when I go into town, there won't be a single bucket of water being thrown around.

    I won't even know Songkran happened this year. My only indication is that I basically had the entire subdivision to myself for the past three days. :) Everyone else took off to the villages I'm assuming to see their families.

  8. Wait, what? So her invitation list was mom, you, grandparents, and natural dad. That means all five of you were allowed at the ceremony?

    Then you told your step daughter that if the natural father is coming, you won't be going to the ceremony? Or am I misunderstanding something? Is she only allowed to invite four guests, or can she bring all five of you?

    If what I'm understanding is correct though, then... my mom always said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. That's wrong on about 50 different levels though.

  9. I always try and look at things symbolically and Thailand and Songkran spells out to me "FREEDOM" in its purest form , show me another civilised country that tops this ? The rest of the world has chains round its ankles

    Ditto. I didn't bother going out this year, as just wasn't up for it. Went out all the previous years though, and always had a great time. Have to admit, Songkran almost tops my list for liberating experiences. It's great.

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  10. I don't know, but Tops here (in Issan) is always full of beef of all kinds. From Thai to Aus / NZ imported -- ground, chuck, sirloin, ribeye, striploin, etc. Then at the local market, there's a muslim lady who sells only beef too, and she ages hers. Unfortunately, she also salts the living hell out of it, so I don't bother buying that stuff.

  11. Just the general nature of people, and atmosphere of society. Calm, respectful, polite, civil, personable, etc. I know some of you have a hell of a time living here, and on many days debate whether you should put your head through a wall or not, but I find it great.

    For another quick example of something that has recently happened. Just outside the sub-division around the corner is a small, typical Thai restaurant. Once a week or so I'll have a lazy day, and instead of cooking for the dogs, will just go down there and get four servings of "khao paad moo". At first, I was thrilled that the guy would deliver right to my house instead of me having to wait. Due to this, I'd always tip 40 baht or so (160 instead of 120 baht), just to say thanks for delivering. Now the guy apparently doesn't want to accept a tip, but knows he can't refuse it, because that would be rude. So what does he do? Now when I order I get almost double portions delivered to me.

    Just all the small things like that combined I enjoy about here. The people are actually good here, and good deeds are repaid in kind. Back out West everything in society is cold, sterile, isolated, pre-packaged, scheduled, and neatly organized for your every need. No thanks...

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  12. I often take my own water in to bars and other high end venues. Why. I purchase 20 litre bottles for 12 baht. Why the <removed> do I want to pay 20 or 30 baht for 500ml here in Phuket.

    For the service, the A/C, and other running expenses the bar has? It is a business, not some NGO. You'd do this stuff in my hotel and I'd whack you with a 5 Dollar corkage fee.

    Had this coupe staying at the hotel that demanded that the Chef heat their ready-made curry and that the staff served it to them. They squealed when I charged them USD 20,00 for the pleasure.

    Had another couple demand that they can bring their own ingredients and cook their food themselves in our kitchen. I am afraid they did not get a room......

    That is the beauty of Thailand. Tin pot hotels and restaurants like yours are a dime a dozen. If I get any sort of grief whatsoever...I go elsewhere...for good. You are just another boring Farang run hole in the wall...you business has No USP...other than your own misguided image of how important you are...

    Huh? So you'd bring your own food into a restaurant, and ask it to be reheated and served? Or you'd go grocery shopping, then demand to use the restaurant's kitchen, because you don't want to pay menu prices?


    When I hear stories like that, I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry. Couldn't imagine showing up in a restaurant, getting seated, refusing the menus, then pulling out some tupperware, handing it to the waitress while explaining I'd like that reheated and served on proper plates please. That's something a comedy TV show would do as a prank, not normal people.

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