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Posts posted by Blackandwhite

  1. I have some money in a Bangkok bank account an old one.


    My ex-wife ( Thai ) who lives here in the Uk is asking for a statement of the this account which I am unable to do from the UK she also hope to get a statement for hers also.


    Does anybody know these few questions


    Can I join internet banking or phone banking from the UK ?


    Will the branch you joined at give you a statement by email or post to the uk or maybe a local property  ?


    Please could you PM or post below please


    Kind regards 


  2. We are in the final stages of settlement and I have a barrister and lawyer - I need evidence of the benefits the family have had from money sent as it is my word against her and Thailand is a little to far for my lawyer to investigate 


    She unfortunately has found poor company in the Uk and is being difficult 


    So I need someone still to find some evidence on what she has built in her village. It appears a fair amount of money is heading that way so I need some info


    Ideas ??





  3. I am looking for someone to pop down to Non Jaren,  Bangruad on a fact finding mission for me - In short I need to know what and if there is some building work happening in my ex-wifes village. 


    In short we live in the Uk she has buggered off left me with our daughter she is work as an escort and providing for us nothing and actually trying to get spousal maintenance from me whilst I struggle to care of my daughter.


    She posted on a social media forum that she is building a property for her brother and is showing off stating '' who is next ''


    Any help will be appreciated and also rewarded 





  4. I am hoping to get in touch with an agent that can provide me two things


    A valuation on a property I own - not the land just the property


    An amount that could be achieved by renting this property out 


    The reason for this is as follows


    I am divorcing my Thai wife and she seams confused about the valuation needed for this property, the property is on her parents land in a little village which I of course have the full address for it is a property I paid for to be built for our holidays and retirement not a huge place it is a 3 bedroom bungalow 


    I do not really need a visit to the home just a written valuation for if I was to buy a similar home on rented land but buy an agent rather than a passer by 


    Can you help please with a contact of whom may be able to do this 





  5. Whilst we were in limbo about the decision about where to educate and raise our daughter I was lucky to have posted my thoughts on this very forum. A member posed the following question to me and this really was the saving grace in our final decision to staying in the uk. The member asked me - "Do your want live in Thailand for the way of life for your child or is it because you are the one wanting to live in Thailand " I answered this very question to myself and realised I wanted to be in Thailand I was creating excuses to make the decision to do it acceptable. The other thing pointed out time and time again is that Thai's given the choice or bases on finance would allow their children to be educated in Thailand choosing Europe and America instead. Thanks to the TV member that asked me that question it saved us lots of heartache.

  6. The only responsible way to raise a child is to raise it as far away from Thailand as possible. The western world even though a little over bearing offers a safe and educational environment with free thinking and generally appealing way of life.

    Even Thai families given the chance would raise their children in a western society with a western education and a secure and safe environment that the western world offers.

    If your in a mixed race relationship and considering a family it would only be fair to say maybe do not consider having a family unless you can afford to offer the best environment for that child to grow up in and based in the way Thailand always appears to be heading then the western world although tough probably offers the best choices.

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