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Posts posted by desi

  1. I recently watched a western show about a new paint for doors and cabinets that doesn't demand that they be sanded first.

    Does anyone know if it's available in Bangkok? Or the closest thing?

    If not, what would be the easiest way to do it?

    I need to spruce up old paintwork throughout a condo - the walls were painted but the cabinets and doors were skipped.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. เกรงใจ is a subject that held much interest for me, so with help from a trusted Thai teacher, I spent hours trying to suss it out: Thai Culture: Understanding Greng Jai

    And here's another take on it by Sean (new Thai blogger): ความเกรงใจ – The Elusive and Enigmatic Concept That Foreigners Just Can’t Wrap Their Heads Around

    I believe that if you live in the country, it's an important concept to understand (even if you only vaguely get there).

  3. Now I'm left questioning just how good these meats can be, if the criteria for 'quality' and 'premium' encompasses Twining's tea.

    Anyone have experience with the meats from this company?

    I got fed up with paying top prices at expat grocery stores for meat, only to cook up an expensive ribeye that'd gone off (just like from the cheaper stores). When I read out about Passion Delivery I checked their prices and decided I had nothing to lose.

    Here's a part of my order (excluding cheese and even more steaks ordered via phone): Ribeye, Tenderloin, Angus minced beef, diced lamb, Sloane's Pork & Leek Sausages, Sloane's Cumberland Sausages.

    All tasted great - I'm still working through the cheese (five or six) not listed. The delivery was fast and to the door, and the box arrived double packed.

    From my experience, I'd say go for it. I'll certainly be ordering again (but from Bangkok).

  4. Thank you so much SantiSuk! I'll check it out.

    I'm relieved it wasn't Bangkok Hospital (the one I went to last month). It's disconcerting when you realise that you know more than your doctor. Some of the stuff he was spouting was based on old-fashioned beliefs. And to pay for tests under those circumstances was just not on.

  5. I'm in Chiang mai and went through the burning this year pretty much housebound, with air cleaners in each room. It was awful. I had no energy and sounded like I was consumptive.

    The problem is that even now if I go outside for a short bit (20 minutes even), I start coughing. I don't cough anything up, it's just a deep hacking like cough. It's July and I'm still coughing? I realise they continue to burn in the area but it's nowhere near as bad as before.

    Like others here, I don't trust doctors. They waste my time, money, and patience, so I've yet to go in for my cough. I know I need to, but I want to know what to insist on or they will run all sorts of crap tests. I have decent insurance and doctors see it as a green light to overcharge. I was just in for a different issue a month ago and it was unbelieveable what they tried to pull even when I made it clear which tests I was not going to approve.

  6. OK, thanks everyone. So if we are planning to come the week before Songkran we can assume the burning is still going on. Just how bad is it?

    I took this video yesterday at Huay Teung Tao (CM)


    Good video. You should be able to see the mountains which rise right up from the lake, but the particulates are completely obscuring the view. Hope you were wearing your N95 rated mask out there desi!

    Thanks! I have to wear a decent mask (I'm asthmatic). My car is protected as well.

  7. OK, thanks everyone. So if we are planning to come the week before Songkran we can assume the burning is still going on. Just how bad is it?

    I took this video yesterday at Huay Teung Tao (CM)


    Your video has nothing to do with smog in 4 weeks. It is misleading.

    Smog has always improved between the middle of March and the middle of April.

    How it is misleading? I clearly stated the video was taken YESTERDAY.

  8. If you can still buy from home pro etc get filters for your a/c. Close the windows and just run on fan if don't like the cold.

    That will clean up the air inside, outside is another matter of course. When I was here before ordered a good filter mask online for filtering smoke.

    Sadly, I have one of those naff homes that look great but have crap insulation. Filters are useless.

  9. I'm asthmatic. My grandmother was a smoker and died from emphysema. My grandmother on the other side also smoked and died screaming. Lovely.

    I only have five or so years in Chiang mai and I'd like to get advice on surviving through the burning months. Yes. I can leave. But I'm a bit of a homebody and with cats I'd rather not be gone for three plus months.

    So, can I get oxygen tanks or whatever from the hospitals here?

  10. "The manager said about 4,000 Chinese tourists visited the museum each day and they had become a headache of the museum staffs."

    I've been there recently (the day he died actually). I spent a fair bit of time walking around. While there I noticed how peaceful and quiet it was due to the lack of tourists. So unless there's been an explosion since his death (any new Chinese movies launched?) I seriously doubt there are 4,000 tourists of any nationality visiting that museum.

  11. I haven't decided how to go about it exactly (that'll come to me as I start compiling the information). As mentioned, classifying each Wat's architecture is thought. Finding the actual history of the less well-known Wats will be a challenge but I'll take a shot at it.

    Last year I hit all the Thai language bookstores in Chiang mai looking for information but there wasn't any one book on the 300+, only a handful with either one Wat or a small selection of Wats. Perhaps I'll have better luck in Bangkok ...

    I do have the series on Mural Paintings of Thailand (now out of print) and Introduction to the Thai Mural, but Bangkok and the surrounding areas are in the majority. I also have Buddhist Temples of Thailand but there are only a few Chiang mai temples there as well. But it does cover architectural styles (needed).

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