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Posts posted by junk1e

  1. Instead of fixing short-term symptoms, it should focus its efforts on doing good things that are normally difficult to implement by populist politicians.

    How about helping people install solar collectors for their homes. Surplus electricity produced could be sold back to the utility. A subsidy to help with the installations might be productive.

    Agree. Use of solar energy in Thailand appears to virtually non existent and difficult to obtain. We use solar panel for hot water and has worked perfectly for the past 11 years. Efforts to find a supplier who can instal full solar system have proved fruitless. My sister in UK uses solar energy for all their electricity and sell surplus back to the grid. Initial installation was subsidised.

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  2. Maybe he should found a peace and order party. From what I am seeing and hearing, would win hands down and deservedly so. As another post mentions, sorry to say but has achieved more in 2 months than any "democratically" elected government has done in years.

    Western governments need to understand that democracy in Thailand is not the same as in their own countries. A corruption free Thailand would attract far more foreign investment long term.

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  3. This actually backs up what the vast majority of local Thais I have spoken to have told me. They are impressed with what the general is doing but fear that everything will just go back to how it was before when elections are held.

    It certainly appears to me that he has done more good in the past couple of months than any elected government has achieved in years.

    Corruption is the biggest obstacle Thailand faces and it certainly appears that the general has the desire and muscle to be able to do something about it.

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  4. Whilst Western governments continue to protest about the coup because it is not democratic, one has to say that General Prayuth appears to be doing more good in the past few weeks than his predecessors have managed in years. The concern must be that when Thailand returns to democratic elections everything will just go back to as it was before.

    Maybe he should form a Thai military party! Would get my vote.

  5. Does that mean will be left alone during the day time?

    35 traffic violations!? Should that not be per day, road blocks in Phuket to grab tourists not wearing crash helmets or not carrying passport or driving license must have yielded thousands, but as someone else remarked probably does not include fines going straight into police pockets.

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  6. Just had the same problem. Called LG service center and they had van to house same day. Took TV away and called back later to advise power board and would be returned next day which it was. Cost 1800 thb which I thought was reasonable especially as we live Laguna area. All in all very good service.

  7. The injections will be a preventative course for rabies. Chances are one in a million where you are but better safe than sorry.

    Your comment re. poisoning the dogs and your other comment re. Maybe, I don't know which injections he had, as I couldn't go to the hospital with him, because the aircon technicians were at my place for the fifth time. But that 's from another topic.

    Shows I think the concern you have for your son. If you know there is a danger why do you continue to let him out on his own. The dogs will no doubt be owned dogs who will be looking to protect their property. Yes owners should keep them in their gardens or yards. Give your son some biscuits when he goes out if you can't be bothered to watch him. If he stops cycling and offers the dogs in question a biscuit will be friends for life. What sort of example are you setting?

  8. Quote: "If your readers are able to offer one of the dogs a home, SDF will transport the dog to Bangkok with the support of Nok Air, and de-sex and vaccinate it free of charge."

    This is not a good idea. Dogs do not belong in the concrete jungle. A farang lady friend of mine who lives in a village near Khon Kaen has a "dog home" - of course there is only so much she can do but SDF should focus on raising funds to support such centres up country. And yes sterilizing is the only solution but it will take time and money.

    Uh. I think that was what the article was about. They are supporting shelters up north or are you saying they should only support shelters run by your friends?

  9. I am all for taking care of stray animals until a home is found but when you are dealing with a few thousand unwanted dogs you have to be realistic and humanely end their lives.

    Spend your resources on animals that do have a chance to being adopted but in Thailand most soi dogs will never have a home.

    These dogs are not pets but pests,many people are feeding them but not really taking care of all their needs.

    Be kind to the dogs and put them out of their misery,there are just too many.

    As far as people eating dog,i have no problem with that.Regulate the trade and it will be a lot better for the animals,it is not only Thailand not doing enough but what about the countries that let these animals pass into their territory.

    Many tourist are also guilty of the problem,in high season they feed the nice little puppies but what happens when they leave?

    Valid comment however Thailand do not humanely euthanize animals as contrary to Buddhist beliefs. As long as they die naturally the suffering is OK.

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  10. Like most meat I have no problem eating dog but it does disgust me how some of these animals are treated.

    I agree with you. If they where farmed like pigs or sheep, then there should be no reason for it to be illegal.

    Why should it be any different to roo meat or pig meat?

    On that question... why is it illegal to keep dogs for the meat? Is their meat harmful?

    Spot on. Dogs should be farmed like pigs, cattle, (not sheep - Thais don't like it much smile.png ), etc. They are all animals and raising them for food should be regulated so they do not suffer.

    Problem is even where legal it is not regulated which has led to outbreaks of cholera, trichinosis and helped the spread of rabies

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  11. No money to take care of them. Better they starve in the 'safety' of an unfunded shelter (over 70% of those intercepted died of starvation) than provide protein to poor people, money or plastic buckets to those who don't want to take care of them, and deprive traders of a livelihood supplying a market. Is starvation a more merciful death than a quick death at the hands of a skilled butcher?

    There are truly needy people, including children, who don't have enough to eat every day in Thailand. What caring person would donate to feed and vaccinate dogs that no one will ever adopt when there is so much need among the human population. Some people need to get their priorities straight. I can hardly wait to hear from those who value stray dogs more than human children.

    Quick death at hands of skilled butchers? Watch http://www.cinando.com/DefaultController.aspx?PageId=FicheFilm&IdF=160984&IdC=29068

  12. It is illegal because if you want to take a dog to Vietnam you will have to have it microchipped, vaccinated against rabies and get an export permit and health certificate from the Animal Quarantine Dept. These are normal anti rabies procedures in existing in every country in the world. Thailand and all ASEAN countries have pledged to eradicate rabies by 2020. By allowing the trade the spread of rabies is encouraged. In addition even in Vietnam or Korea where dog meat is not illegal the industry is totally unregulated which has led to outbreaks of Cholera and Trichinosis because of the filthy conditions in the places the dogs are killed.Just as bird flu and swine fever are caused by man's greed, the same is the situation with dog meat. What is horrific about this trade is the conditions the dogs are transported in and what happens to them if they survive the journey. Skinning and boiling alive is not uncommon. Mass sterilization is the only proven answer to controlling the stray dog problem in a country where open euthanasia is contrary to religous beliefs. If foreigners don't like the situation they can always go back to their own countries, where no doubt although happy to not see stray dogs they will be complaining about immigrants in their own lands. Most of the dogs in this trade are now stolen pets as stray dogs are far too difficult to catch.

  13. Can only second what has already been said. NO organization does more for animals in Thailand. Check out their Facebook page (soi dog). 60,000 followers or their website www.soidog.org

    Were behind most of the rescue work during last years floods. Leading the campaign against the illegal dog meat trade and recently started operations in Bangkok.

    Have not read anything anti muslim in their literature though is a fact that many Phuket Muslims have a hatred for dogs. Probably from local misguided teachings.

    Mohammed by the way ordered all the dogs in Messina to be killed following a rabies outbreak but rescinded it to only infected dogs shortly after.

    Is actually nothing about dogs in the Koran.

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  14. I just saw the Anderson Cooper Show CNN today. The show was about charity scams. They did a feature on a scam oufit, Bagdad Dogs. A lady named Terri Crisp was shown on another CNN show from a year ago with two dogs supposedly from iraq needing to be adopted. Further investigating proved the dogs were not from Iraq, she totally lied about the dogs and her organization helping to find adoptions for war dogs. She claims that many of these dogs helped the U.S. troops and now have no homes. Often showing "tear jerking" photos of the dogs, sometimes with troops. All phony.

    She also has had lawsuits, now prohibited from doing any fundraising in California for 5 years, due to her scamming. Guess what, she is on the internet now here in Thailand working with Soi Dogs. If this is true, I would strongly advise to investigate thoroughly before donating to this organization. I have not been able to get an answer, so no funds from me. I do not know who in Thailand is responsible for investigating charities, but if this lady is involved with Soi Dogs, someone needs to audit this organization, and specifically, Ms. Crisp's involvement/activities. She obviously has left U.S. due to the "heat".

    Being a dog lover, I hope Soi Dog is doing what they say. At the same time, if they have any association with this lady, beware.

    Check internet, popping in Terri Crisp fundraising fraud, or Terri Crisp Cnn Anderson Cooper for further information on her activities.

    Terri Crisp works for an organization called SPCAI in US. SPCAI made a donation to Soi Dog Foundation during the Bangkok floods. Recently they visited Thailand and are doing some work at a temple there devastated by the floods. This has nothing to do with Soi Dog Foundation and Soi Dog Foundation has no link whatsoever with Miss Crisp or SPCAI.

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