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Posts posted by inthefareast

  1. If these guys want to march up and down the road, let them. They aren't really hurting anyone, and if they want to live life being thoughtless retards then that is their prerogative.

    What I do have a problem with is the way the US government has handled the more violent cases. What is the point of having US Marines and DS at every embassy as well as inconvenient and invasive security procedures if it is unable to stop the embassy grounds from being breached and government personnel from getting killed?

    How far into the embassy must these people get until security personnel are allowed to do their jobs?

    I totally agree, as soon as those idiots breach any US Embassy walls anywhere in the world let the MARINES and security do what they were trained for and that is to protect US Sovereign land. Could you imagine a foreign embassy getting overran in the United States? It would never happen regardless of what that country did.

  2. so I need 200 millions ....... 100 for me ....50 for them another 40 for my maid and driver....and the rest to start the study .....rolleyes.gif of course this is just a joke ....

    No, no. I'm sure they will come up with some ground-breaking conclusions which NASA has probably overlooked, given that it has to survive on a meagre US$35 billion budget.....

    It really is a joke it will take them over a year just to set up whatever they think NASA was trying to accomplish. They also fail to realize NASA needed the airspace for two months because of the weather currents. You can't just tie a smartphone to a balloon and take a few pictures and say you are doing something groundbreaking......

    It will be interesting what they find out..... I am sure it will be extraordinary lol

  3. This is a simple case of the bus driver going way to fast for conditions! Unfortunately this is a common occurrence in Thailand that goes largely under reported. It is being reported on the Thai news channel that several people did in fact complain about excessive speed to the driver including a few foreigners. The bus driver then told the foreign passengers to get off the bus if they didn't like it! That's great you in a foreign country in the middle of nowhere where are you going to go?

    I feel for all the people that lost there lives due to a stupid reckless driver.

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